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Trump to send federal forces to more 'Democrat' cities


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3 hours ago, Walker88 said:

For the benefit of those who are not American, I will repeat the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution---something 45 has neither read nor understands---to point out what rights the Founders thought so critical to the new nation they put in their first written words:


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


Toss in the Posse Comitatus Act, and what is happening is a violation of both the US Constitution and subsequent enacted laws.  Those troops are traitors, and anyone who supports their acts is a traitor.


"All enemies, foreign and domestic"


That was in the oath I took and the oath all who served took. We will live it. Real patriots will live it.


Notice will be given.



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5 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

2016 Republican Platform: "Federalism is a cornerstone of our constitutional system. Every violation of state sovereignty by federal officials is not merely a transgression of one unit of government against another; it is an assault on the liberties of individual Americans."


Weird that the NRA isn't all over this? I mean, the NRA has fear-mongered about government tyranny for years. But now that the government is acting tyrannically, the NRA is silent.




One might suspect hypocrisy on behalf of the NRA. Even as a gun owner I despise these horrid, evil people.

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3 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:

he may be a madman, but he's not necessarily wrong.  there are many groups that come under blm, all with their own set of demands.  i bet if you googled hard, you could find articles quoting various blm representatives or associates voicing each of those you listed.


there certainly are people calling to defund the police, end bail, close or reduce prisons, pay reparations, provide universal basic income, and more.


for example in a couple localities:








You make distinctions. You acknowledge that there are various groups and elements withing the BLM.

Trump just lumps it all together, and attaches each and every discreet issue to the movement as a whole.


Edited by Morch
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1 hour ago, riclag said:

For all you people who aren't from my country.


This is what the far lefts democracy looks like !


  Sign holders holding BLM signs caught dissembling home made signs and using them as  spears or weapons to assault  police, that are  protecting monuments !


You need to watch this  press release video of    far left radicals, ambushing the unsuspecting  police! The Chicago police chief  is begging reporters to show this. Many innocent people are opposed to mayhem in the streets > So am I ! Hey dem city leaders your silence is deafening   



Just to be clear, because you've posted the clip with various comments - on this version, do you allege that all "far left" (what falls under that label?) elements or people holding such views are violent?

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12 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

Sadly the US is not a real democracy but a corporatocracy and lately a kakistocracy. Any nation where legalised bribery is the basis of law cannot claim to be a democracy.


"...legalised bribery is the basis of law..."



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8 minutes ago, Morch said:



You make distinctions. You acknowledge that there are various groups and elements withing the BLM.

Trump just lumps it all together, and attaches each and every discreet issue to the movement as a whole.


Not at all, Trump differentiates quite clearly, looters, rioters and anarchists.



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The stable genius really knows how to win votes!Even some of his own senators are against him. They still have problems with this dictatorial action. Can see his base slipping below 30% before November.He will need some good lies to get back in the race. Even Fox News are starting to hedge their bets for post November. They still have 31/2 months before the election, I think we will see them move further away from Trump. The two disciples of Trump will still blindly follow him and give him advice on how to lose more voters. No doubt Trump,Hannity and Carlson (The three stooges) will invent some new conspiracy theory. They are to dumb to realise that after January the will need to find a new messiah. Even Moscow Mitch won't be able to save them unless he can organise a job with Putin as his propaganda writers and broadcasters.

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