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Red Rag to a Red Bull! Netizens show their fury over "Boss" dropped charges decision


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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Since then charges against him have slowly run out of time for prosecution and though he could still be prosecuted for negligence causing death until 2027 it now appears that too is now off the table. 

So it seems that the real problem here is the lack of a tolling provision in Thai statute of limitations.


"Tolling is a legal doctrine that allows for the pausing or delaying of the running of the period of time set forth by a statute of limitations.

Common grounds for tolling include:

The defendant is not physically within a certain jurisdiction (state or country)."

Edited by GroveHillWanderer
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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

1,500 people reacted with an angry emoji within two hours of the news breaking. 


While during the same timespan, about double the amount of people reacted with a like

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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Sanook said that netizens were incensed that the case was to be dropped.

Look, police brass have expected this and they will apply one or more suitable stories thru their own mouthpieces showcasing the incorruptibility, heroic and heartwarming deeds of officers in short order to soothe this internet flare up. Short outrage, let it run to cool off for a bit, distraction... and then life as we know it goes on...

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1 hour ago, nausea said:

So blatant, no wonder the young are revolting; well, more than they usually are. Yeah, two things - don't buy red bull, consumer power; second - this guy's gonna be a pariah, he'll carry this around for the rest of his life. Far better for him to have admitted his guilt (i.e. being stupid and young), done some minimal time in a protected environment, and be out now, admitting his guilt and advising others about the dangers of unrestrained wealth.

But he did no wrong, running down a policeman doesn't count to the hi-so's, in fact if you ask it was his fault for being in front of the little cretins car - beep beep, out of MY way. 

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He'll be in that Formula 1 car by now, heading for Thailand.  ????


Seriously, does this mean that he now has a permanent "get-out-of-jail-free" card?  If he can get let off from this, how can he ever be charged with anything?

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