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Covid-19 fallout: More than 100 staff turn up to work only to find out they're sacked


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8 hours ago, Rancid said:

Buckle up, this is just a taste of what is coming, for Thailand and many countries. Regardless of whether one believes that lock downs are needed, the price will be mass unemployment, businesses closing and banks being stressed on loans.


We had the choice to ride out what in most countries is statistically similar to a bad flu year, or be put under house arrest and lose our jobs and standard of living. We chose fear.


Many politicians are now following the Gates line and saying we must wait for a vaccine, despite none yet existing, and if it does it will not have been tested properly. These same bureaucrats, politicians and 2nd rank doctors of course will not be losing their jobs and having their futures ruined. They kept telling up about the new normal but didn't mention the Orwellian future and loss of lifestyle it included. And all to make the vaccine makers even richer...

Bad flu when some people are in intensive car for 3 months to recover, that is a bit worse than the flu. Talk to Sweden they are now discovering they screw up lots of deaths

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5 hours ago, zyphodb said:

And it's also been admitted that if you test positive for covid and you died of being run over by a bus the reason for your death was put down to covid, so you can't even start to rely on the death figures...


If what you say is true that a person positive for COVID in a position to be run over by a bus fair play to the driver 

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this is not a thailand story, it's happening all over the world unfortunately. times are going to be tough for an awful lot of people. it put's peoples' moaning about not being able to go on holiday to thailand in perspective.

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25 minutes ago, Dave0206 said:

If what you say is true that a person positive for COVID in a position to be run over by a bus fair play to the driver 


there are discrepancies between data collection different health authorities in many western countries, the uk and italy for example, never mind between nations, so trying to compare one country's data with another is pretty pointless.

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10 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Is it me, or is the Xenophobia starting ??... ‘Japanese owned’... 


How many Thai companies have been laying off their staff in a similar manner?


Not that this is acceptable in any way, but I am wondering if this is only considered newsworthy because its a foreign owned company. 

A "foreign" entity will always genrate more "news" than any Thai operation will.


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12 hours ago, Rancid said:

We had the choice to ride out what in most countries is statistically similar to a bad flu year, or be put under house arrest and lose our jobs and standard of living. We chose fear.

It's interesting that you use the word 'we'.

What part did you play in the process?

What part did I play in the process?


It what way, short of armed insurrection, do you think any of us could have changed what's happening?

As far as I can see, the normal populations of countries have no say in anything that happens any more.

You comply, or you're locked up (or in some countries disappear).

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11 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

How much compensation did they get? 3 Months salary? More? Less?

As far as I know labor laws in Thailand are strong. They all should get a reasonable compensation.

if they,re lucky all they,ll get is tea and sympathy

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6 hours ago, Genmai said:

LOL furious ok yeah, are they equally furious when the very same employees up and leave at the drop of a hat? Speaking from 4 years of experience hiring people - out of the 25+ Thais who have been with us there was ONE (a nice girl from the South) who had the sense of responsibility to give us advance warning of 30 days (as stipulated in the contract) before leaving. EVERY SINGLE OTHER PERSON just disappeared. One day they're here, next day they're not. Walk in the room - "Hey, weren't there 4 of you? Where's Ploy?" - sheepish glances at the floor all around "Mai roo...". Oh, was the company in the middle of a rushed order for a client? Tough titties.


There used to be a time when I learned everybody's story, knew the names of their family, took them out for lunch regularly, made them fruit smoothies when the weather was hot, listened to their sob stories of drunkard brother/cheater husband, practiced my Thai with them, helped them with their English etc etc. ALWAYS paid on time. Never asked them to do anything I hadn't done myself already.


None of it made a difference. In the end they either a) get offended because I ask them to do their job properly/come on time, or b) find somewhere offering 20 baht more. We even had all 4 of them gang up and threaten to leave - when I was lodging my visa extension - because they KNEW I needed all 4 staff on board for immigration shenanigans at that exact time. 


So no, when I hear stories like this I have 0 sympathy. "Oh Thai people are so poor" , "Oh Thailand so hard", "Oh the government is so bad". Right, right. Have you looked closer to home for the cause of your predicament?


"Oh covid so bad, economy is terrible!"


Are you kidding me? covid has done LITERALLY NOTHING to change people's attitude to work. Everywhere you go - service still sucks, prices are still high, faces are still glum, work is still slow, nobody cares and people STILL leave at the drop of a hat. And foreign owned companies still pay a premium to operate in this environment and are scrutinized x10000 than locally owned businesses. For what? 


Rant over, thanks for listening to my TED talk.

+ 1 :thumbsup:

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9 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I'm guessing that doubling their pay would have been more effective than pretending to be their friend.

Last thing I ever wanted from a boss is his companionship, more money was always welcome.

Tried that. You'd be surprised how many don't even take up the offer. "I'll pay you more if you do a proper job" - "Ohhh... hmm.. no thanks, I'm good."

Most would just prefer to take it easy. The ones who take up the offer think "too hard" to themselves after a few days and leave. 


I would have no problem doubling or tripling people's pay - if their productivity and logical reasoning skills increased in the same proportion. 


There's no shortage of stories on TV of folks trying to hire local help and getting very little out of them no matter how much they pay. Trying to remember the name of a guy here with pineapples on his land...


It's my own fault for setting up shop outside of Bangkok. At least in the capital one has access to Chinese-Thai who have better work ethics and education. Mass migration from China 2-3 generations ago is the best thing to have ever happened to this country.

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4 minutes ago, Genmai said:

It's my own fault for setting up shop outside of Bangkok. At least in the capital one has access to Chinese-Thai who have better work ethics and education. Mass migration from China 2-3 generations ago is the best thing to have ever happened to this country.

I would say it's your own fault for trying to earn money in a 3rd world country.

But what do I know?

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58 minutes ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:


so many people around the world are losing their jobs, their savings, with

no light at sight.

Auto production has been hit in Thailand and a few other countries and that also has a knock on to parts suppliers.

Sadly I don't think this will be the last of such news.

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As I say to my son "If you have a job for 10 people for the day you will need to hire 20 Thai's"  Some are just plain slackers.  I've had to tell the wife not to employ 3 local slackers....but sometimes we are stuck for labour and may have to despite their shortcomings.  

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On 7/25/2020 at 1:14 PM, bodga said:

Well  I  have a brand  new  house  built  for  my staff by myself and within a  week of finishing it they upped  and  left, almost  impossible to find staff to work on the land now, doesnt matter what you pay what you  give they dont want it, to be honest on the  point of  throwing in the towel, Thais bone idle  want money for  nothing in many cases

You definitely have a point about typical local-idleness. I don't know what part of the country you are farming in but the abundance of laborers used predominately for construction and rice planting et.. here in Chiang Mai are Thai-Yai. No work is below this group,they are eager to move forward in life.

My wife pointed out that 10yrs ago you see Thai Yai struggle now they are the people going up and buying a 1m baht pick-up with cash and in many cases have gone on to owning the companies they once worked for.

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perhaps this bit, and hopefully more to come, of economic reality will get the government health officials, and the so-called virus and epidemiology experts here to accept the reality that the viral outbreak in thailand is over, and mitigation efforts are no longer needed, and are in fact more harmful to the thai population than the virus ever was. Continuing to act like covid is the black plague is to act in the face of their own data.....


the time for "but what if..." thinking and action, while reasonable when nothing was known about the virus, within thailand is long over based on the medical facts we have now....


keeping tourists out until the virus is under similar control as is here is still required...

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21 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

speak to our son he wont employ Thai workers now because they are so lazy,  

Yes they have become over the last 15  years virtually unemployable.

But then we have the ridiculous work permits for Burmese where the exact work must be specified, and  a  lot of  paperwork and cost especially if the office is 70km away.They should just give them all a permit to work in ANY  job ANYWHERE for ANY employer unless its a restricted category for Thais. Instead its a ridiculous  time wasting paper chase and if they leave you have to do the whole rigmarole  over and over and over  again, its not cheap either.

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1 minute ago, bodga said:


But then we have the ridiculous work permits for Burmese where the exact work must be specified, and  a  lot of  paperwork and cost especially if the office is 70km away.

Bout the same for my work permit, I aint Burmese.

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19 hours ago, Genmai said:

LOL furious ok yeah, are they equally furious when the very same employees up and leave at the drop of a hat? Speaking from 4 years of experience hiring people - out of the 25+ Thais who have been with us there was ONE (a nice girl from the South) who had the sense of responsibility to give us advance warning of 30 days (as stipulated in the contract) before leaving. EVERY SINGLE OTHER PERSON just disappeared. One day they're here, next day they're not. Walk in the room - "Hey, weren't there 4 of you? Where's Ploy?" - sheepish glances at the floor all around "Mai roo...". Oh, was the company in the middle of a rushed order for a client? Tough titties.


There used to be a time when I learned everybody's story, knew the names of their family, took them out for lunch regularly, made them fruit smoothies when the weather was hot, listened to their sob stories of drunkard brother/cheater husband, practiced my Thai with them, helped them with their English etc etc. ALWAYS paid on time. Never asked them to do anything I hadn't done myself already.


None of it made a difference. In the end they either a) get offended because I ask them to do their job properly/come on time, or b) find somewhere offering 20 baht more. We even had all 4 of them gang up and threaten to leave - when I was lodging my visa extension - because they KNEW I needed all 4 staff on board for immigration shenanigans at that exact time. 


So no, when I hear stories like this I have 0 sympathy. "Oh Thai people are so poor" , "Oh Thailand so hard", "Oh the government is so bad". Right, right. Have you looked closer to home for the cause of your predicament?


"Oh covid so bad, economy is terrible!"


Are you kidding me? covid has done LITERALLY NOTHING to change people's attitude to work. Everywhere you go - service still sucks, prices are still high, faces are still glum, work is still slow, nobody cares and people STILL leave at the drop of a hat. And foreign owned companies still pay a premium to operate in this environment and are scrutinized x10000 than locally owned businesses. For what? 


Rant over, thanks for listening to my TED talk.

And for those  who think they know.........they dont, this  poster NAILS it  right on the head, never  seen such a bunch of  no  hope  losers as many Thai employees, and yes theyll  whinge  like  hell. Everything he states is what Ive been through with Thai  staff over a decade of this  childish nonsense.

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