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New witnesses key to charges being dropped against Red Bull ‘Boss’: Thai media


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3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Not in Thailand....   whoever it is, there’s no proof other than their word that they were there and witnessed the incident, a good cross examination and sequenced questioning would catch out the lies of false testimony.





Exactly.  Purely hearsay.


As I said earlier, this matter should be addressed in court but now all charges have been dismissed, this is unlikely to happen.





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Seriously, this is like watching children come up with excuses in the playground. This outcome is a complete disgrace and humiliation to Thailand. But here's the thing.... these people simply don't care as they know it will all be forgotten soon and they will still have their big brown envelopes stuffed full of cash! It's sad...

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

The article did not adequately explain why it took seven years for their testimony to come forward. 


Busy. They were busy.


I know the feeling.


House , wife , car , motorcycle , business , elderly mother , big garden , 4 dogs . Visa to service.


Busy is an entirely plausible excuse these days.

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If this is true then the original investigation was flawed and the forensics unsafe. Therefore his arrest and charges were made through negligence opening the door to a law suit and refund of money paid to the policeman's family.

Also the police force are liable for the repairs to his  car.......so if its all true they will have a law suit in the pipeline won't they??

Come on "Boss" sue them for the damage to your property and reputation......go on, I dare you. Any innocent person would fight back. 

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2 hours ago, n210mp said:




Not being anything other than "Pragmatic" and in the interest of fairness  that impact damage in the photo   does not suggest an high speed impact!


If the sports car had been doing 170/180 Kph as suggested and the motorcycle nominally 50/60KPH the damage would have been horrendous to both vehicles.


just saying !   

Like everyone else here, I don't know the full details of the incident but, judging from the caption in the OP it seems that the speed was calculated from CCTV footage using the formula: distance (s) divided by time (t) to calculate velocity (v).

[maybe from cctv near the scene]

31 meters/0.63 seconds = 49 m/s


If true, there can be no doubt that the car was traveling at 177.14 km/hour.



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Having seen the photograph of the motorbike embedded in the front of the Ferrari it seems clear that zero forensic testing was undertaken to determine how much faster the Ferrari was moving than the motorbike to enable that degree of embedding. As a layman I would think that the Ferrari must have been traveling at least 100kph faster than the motorcycle. So, if the motorcycle was traveling at a modest speed of 40kph that means the Ferrari must have been traveling at 140kph.

Perhaps Ferrari would be happy to provide their own crash testing photos to demonstrate what speed differential would have been necessary to enable so much damage to the Ferrari?

But, as I said before, until the Thai police respect Thai laws then cases such as this will never achieve justice.  Shame on the police!

Edited by Puzzler
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Sad but unsurprising. My pulse rate went up about 0.1 bpm on reading this. It will eventually be as accepted as Thailand being seemingly immune and doing an expert job against a virus that is ravaging most other places with its visitor input.

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14 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Details, details. Don't bother the authorities with details.

It's taken them long enough to dream this one up.


P.S. for ten million Baht, I can remember seeing it exactly as the air marshall described.

The fact I live in Udon - pah, details again.

Look up "astral projection".  I was in Ubon and suddenly transported to BKK where I witnessed a motorcycle cop suddenly accelerate backwards and hit a slow-moving Ferrari backwards.  Though it took me 7 years to realize it was a Ferrari.

Edited by Damrongsak
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18 hours ago, webfact said:

They were sure that the Ferrari was doing 60 - 80 kmph only.


The policeman suddenly went into the second lane causing them to swerve into the lane nearest the footpath. 


The policeman then went into the third lane in front of the Ferrari who could not possibly avoid a collision. 

It's such a sad time for the Thai justice system....

and it shows the whole world that it's laughable when this lame excuse for "new evidence" is allowed to go through.

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What is all this speculation? I was there and I can confirm the observation of the TV member who said that the policeman deliberately reversed his motorcycle into the poor boy’s lovely car.  When do I get my money?

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20 hours ago, webfact said:

New witnesses key to charges being dropped against Red Bull ‘Boss’: Thai media

So 8 years after the "accident" two new witnesses come out from the darkness and say they were following the policeman and saw exactly what happened.

But they don't have any proof of that by way of dash-cam, CCTV or any other hard evidence, just their testimony?

And on the basis of that all the related charges have been dropped by the RTP ?

Trusted Thailand indeed !


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13 minutes ago, ToYoungToRetire said:

And this shocks you? I want to ask how many outcries exist that "justice" cant be bought. In the USA a billionaire raped his 10 years younger step daughter for 6 years. But because he was a billionaire he never did one day in jail. The defence was he was so "rich" he couldnt comprehend the outcome. I've met more than a few people born into money that couldnt wipe their <deleted> without an instructor. 

If that story is true, then I’m not sure there were many outcries. 

You do know 2 wrong things can happen at the same time? It isn’t a competition. 

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Love watching the PtB twist themselves into pretzels to defend illegal activities.


"What watches"? "What heroin?" "Which dismembered dead wife is clogging up the drain?"


Surprised this "excuse" hasn't been used in other high-profile vehicular manslaughter cases like Janepob and Praewa.


They'd be better off just acknowledging that look, this is Thailand and rich people are treated differently. Everyone knows it, and trying to justify the dropping of the charges makes everyone look silly, complicit and dirty.



Wasn't a servant in the lad's household originally "blamed" for this incident?





Edited by mtls2005
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Thai TV are showing video evidence of Ferrari driver doing about 80kms an hour in right hand lane and police bike in left hand lane just before impact and say police bike swayed over from left land 1 to right lane 3 then was hit by Ferrari.From what I see the car was no way doing 177kms per hour. Just because the guy is rich and drives a Ferrari doesn't make him guilty however he should now with the new evidence come back. Condolences to the family of the police officer.

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14 minutes ago, Paulbuick1 said:

Thai TV are showing video evidence of Ferrari driver doing about 80kms an hour in right hand lane and police bike in left hand lane just before impact and say police bike swayed over from left land 1 to right lane 3 then was hit by Ferrari.From what I see the car was no way doing 177kms per hour. Just because the guy is rich and drives a Ferrari doesn't make him guilty however he should now with the new evidence come back. Condolences to the family of the police officer.

your buying into the new theory spread by the MSM and the new 8 year old witnesses.  Read my post earlier where I explained in detail how the damage more than likely occurred. I was considered an expert witness who testified in countless cases in 20 different counties within California.

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