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Not 'Thigh-land': Thais amused at Trump's slip


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1 hour ago, Fex Bluse said:

Let's see how it plays out. 

I hope the USA get smart,, impose heavy import duties on China but give them tax breaks if they invest in the USA with building factories. That way they can create jobs, bring back knowledge and expertise and effectively use China to re establish a manufacturing base. It wont be long before the USA will open their own factories competing with the local Chinese ones.. It's what almost every other country is doing,,, Mexico have very healthy agreements with China and they are investing heavily there because USA has trade agreements with Mexico, so China will build there and ship into North America from Mexico,,, still Chinese companies, Chinese money..The Chinese are smart, smarter then Trump. Trump seems to be oblivious to the vast manufacturing power of China today. There is only 1 effective source for high volume, low cost manufacturing in the world and that's China. Enjoy your evening...

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19 hours ago, Seismic said:

Very common for Trump, who, as we know has the reading and language ability of an 8 year old. I am also certain he has absolutely no idea who the leaders of Vietnam and Thailand are, just as he recently showed that he has no idea that Beirut is in Lebanon. It must be so embarrassing for Americans to listen to a man who clearly is incapable of carrying out the functions of the office he holds.


Yes, so many faux pas, yet his supporters can see no wrong in this idiot and what he tries to put across, badly so, and when I saw him reading that piece about the natural wonderland and he mentioned the "Yo Semites" not only did I cringe at the pronunciation, I also cringed at the childlike way that he was trying to read.


So here you have someone who wanted to buy Greenland, thought that Finland belonged to Russia, didn't know that India shared a border with China, and knows nothing about global warming even though he is adamant it isn't true/happening.


So many others to fill a book, and we won't mention the disinfectant or ultraviolet light in various places, but just how dumb does one have to be before his followers realise that this man is an absolute idiot and not worthy to hold the title of POTUS.

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9 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

More than enough other countries around to move production to, if that means a slight price hike then so be it. I mean life is bit by bit getting more expensive anyway! And to be honest, China is getting favors still based on it having been a third world country, which it isn’t anymore, so all the trade deals so far have favored China. I hate Trump, but in this particular case he’s right and it’s China that doesn’t want to play ball because they think they can do whatever they want and letting them become Number One in the world is a very dangerous game to play! Hence, embargo! 

Look at history ..No 'superpower' have ever stayed on top forever ... 'Embargo' ... You (we) can not even get people to agree if wearing a mask is a good idea .. How do you think you can get  'world wide alliance to boycott China' ... ????.


We can tweak around the edges .. Make grand political gestures (to help 'me' get elected) .. but that I think is about it ... 

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16 minutes ago, rvaviator said:

Look at history ..No 'superpower' have ever stayed on top forever ... 'Embargo' ... You (we) can not even get people to agree if wearing a mask is a good idea .. How do you think you can get  'world wide alliance to boycott China' ... ????.


We can tweak around the edges .. Make grand political gestures (to help 'me' get elected) .. but that I think is about it ... 

That guy is delusional,, he thinks if he clicks USA source on Amazon it means it's not from China? He believes if he avoids buying the products from China he is avoiding buying Chinese product and buying American made...????


Some people just will not listen,, nobody is going to boycott China, on the contrary, they will strike up deals that benefit their own country. Only US arrogance believes it is possible to create a global boycott to cut off demand in China. I do fear for the US people, that ham fisted approach to the world and belief that because they are from the USA they can try and bully everyone around is just crazy. 


The worlds population is weighted to Asia, the manufacturing is in China, the money is in China, the expertise is in Asia. They make everything we consume and fills our shelves in the Malls and warehouses, we all need them, so the sensible thing is find a way to work with them. 


No doubt the next Superpower is China, I would argue they already are,,, but many will not want to admit it.

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2 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

That's fair. I'm too old to be choosy, though. I'll take what i can get. I see him as a means to and end. In my book, if he sends the Chinese back 50 years, he will have done more good than bad. 

Needs to be a bit longer than 50y, all the way back to before Mao and the commies. Back to the times Kuomintang hadn't yet lost the war. Then cut the commie bolschevik <deleted> at the start instead of letting it fester for decades.


Still would have had to have dealt with CCCP, though. Reagan did. 


Edited by DrTuner
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2 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Needs to be a bit longer than 50y, all the way back to before Mao and the commies. Back to the times Kuomintang hadn't yet lost the war. Then cut the commie bolschevik <deleted> at the start instead of letting it fester for decades.

Stupid attitude,, its going to be the USA that is going backward.. the decay has already begun.. my property in SE Asia is worth a whole street in Detroit..???? 


There are over 1.3 billion people in China, millions of families with kids working in Chinese factories so i certainly don't want to see them returning to poverty..


have you been to China? Once you spend a while in Chinese cities and then go back to the US it is pretty obvious who is going backward,, the near future is predictable.. China number 1 superpower, the world will look to them for directing the global economy in the future not the US,,, read it an weep but get used to the idea..

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15 minutes ago, Pique Dard said:

i can't help it! whenever i hear trump talking, i start lauging

Whenever I see his photo, orange skin, round mouth, always laughing at this idiot. He is destroying America, he needs to be put out now.

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2 hours ago, JensenZ said:

Considering the sh*t he has to put up with everyday, as the oldest president ever sworn into office, he's extremely coherent. Who doesn't make a pronunciation gaffe from time to time... and it was corrected within seconds.


The most interesting comment he made in that video, that stood out to me: "nice leaders" in Vietnam and "Thighland". I would hazard a guess that he doesn't know much about Thailand's leader. The Thai people making a big thing about this gaffe have an inflated opinion of their own importance on the International stage.

Guess you missed the whole point. He is just a stupid hypocritical idiot that has no clue what he is doing and does not give a flying F"$% about Americans. Why do you think so many are dying in the US? Moron 45th. I don't like politics and both sides have their conspiracies and corruption, but what Trump is doing is all wrong, morally wrong.

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10 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

Look, you have to be smarter then that. USA is a consumer society now, they don't make anything,,, china make it in the East and USA sell it in the west. Outside the USA countries are doing trade deals with China,,, huge investment in Mexico, SE Asia, Africa. India is smarter they will only allow China to sell product in India if they invest in a factory there and build it locally.. That is the way to go because the USA cant rebuild manufacturing anymore.


China is saturated, its growth is slowing so it is looking for future growth by investing in other countries. The USA should find the right deal,, minimise the imports and allow them tax breaks to invest in factories back in the USA.. Bringing jobs, money, training etc... Soon the USA will regain it's manufacturing base and understanding using China to get there.. That is the smart move. The UK is out of Europe now and I already know of investment of Chinese factories in Wales where jobs are desperately needed. 


So China is doing deals everywhere, they have the money, they have the expertise now. If the USA doesn't get smart it won't be China going back to the stone age.

Forget about the US!!! I’m talking GLOBAL trade embargo on China put them back into their place! It’s definitely doable, they just have to stick together and pull it off! 

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Thai-land, land of hypocrites. Thai's actually talking about and amusing themselves with pronunciation of English. At least we don't have to worry about the Trump claiming loss of face and nuking the country. Now that would be the typical Thai response. 

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1 hour ago, rvaviator said:

Look at history ..No 'superpower' have ever stayed on top forever ... 'Embargo' ... You (we) can not even get people to agree if wearing a mask is a good idea .. How do you think you can get  'world wide alliance to boycott China' ... ????.


We can tweak around the edges .. Make grand political gestures (to help 'me' get elected) .. but that I think is about it ... 

I know! That’s the sad part! Doesn’t change the fact, though, that the embargo is what we need! 

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26 minutes ago, pacovl46 said:

Forget about the US!!! I’m talking GLOBAL trade embargo on China put them back into their place! It’s definitely doable, they just have to stick together and pull it off! 

Why? Because USA doesn't like them? It's definetley not doable,, in fact it's impossible.. So Mexico has a strong relationship with China, lots of investment in Mexico from Chinese companies because its a route to North American market plus the growing South American market. What is the US going to do embargo any county that has Chinese investment or Chinese parts? its ridiculous to even talk about this.


China has the USA by the plums and there is nothing that can change that until the USA can make its own stuff again..




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1 hour ago, pacovl46 said:

Forget about the US!!! I’m talking GLOBAL trade embargo on China put them back into their place! It’s definitely doable, they just have to stick together and pull it off! 

That would mean you have allies to do it. So how are the allies these days?

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On 8/8/2020 at 2:00 AM, YetAnother said:

multiple sides to this: yes he is an idiot, yes he used a mildly sexual descriptor , which is what most of the west thinks of thailand

This comment could sway the election his way. Confirming that idiots, actors and peanut farmers can win an election.

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6 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:

This comment could sway the election his way. Confirming that idiots, actors and peanut farmers can win an election.

"... idiots, actors and peanut farmers can win an election..."


I think the idiots outnumber the actors and peanut farmers.  Although most of them are actors in a way, just never made films. 


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6 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

Why? Because USA doesn't like them? It's definetley not doable,, in fact it's impossible.. So Mexico has a strong relationship with China, lots of investment in Mexico from Chinese companies because its a route to North American market plus the growing South American market. What is the US going to do embargo any county that has Chinese investment or Chinese parts? its ridiculous to even talk about this.


China has the USA by the plums and there is nothing that can change that until the USA can make its own stuff again..




What most people don’t know is that China manufactures products for Du pont and the likes containing Pfo8 which is banned now in most of the world, so that is one hell of a reason why manufacturers transferred to China. Non stick frypans have been killing us for years.

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The problem is, Americans are no longer amused having the the utter dunce they’ve so enthusiastically “elected” expose their collective intelligence for what it is; abysmal. If “Thigh-land” were only the worst of it. 

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On 8/7/2020 at 8:57 PM, CorpusChristie said:

Slight miss pronunciation , quickly corrected , quite funny really , no doubt the Anti Trumpers will make a big issue out of it 

One of many slight pronunciations. The man is an idiot is again what it shows and needs to go to jail where he belongs. 

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