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TAT deputy governor dashes hopes of 2020 reopening for Thailand’s international borders


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Me and the missus are living in China and would love to be able to come to Thailand for a quick getaway, but can't see returning to Chiang Mai - not because of this exaggerated virus threat but rather because of the region's awful air pollution. We were there late last yr, Dec to early Jan, and the air quality was <deleted> even in the countryside. Can't do that again. Just not worth our health. Although, now in Chiang Mai I'd imagine the air quality is pretty damn good yes?

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47 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

I've been seeing some suggestions that there is some form of immunity and that some patients don't even have antibodies which seems to be baffling that experts so not enough is known about this virus to make much more than a guess as to immunity at this stage it's a bit early to say I believe.

 As for the infection fatality rate how does it compare with a new flu virus in a pandemic such as 1918? that seems to be a more realistic comparison to make to keep it in context is what I would argue.I think the flu fatality rate is averaged out over a much longer period so it's not a fair comparison.

Sweden's pandemic is pretty much over which lasted about three months by letting it rip and can now continue on with life and their hospitals weren't overwhelmed.

   I agree that the jury is still out on masks and other methods of "fighting" the virus rather than dealing with it.I personally prefer Sweden's softer approach. 

Im 46 years old and lucky I’ve NEVER had a cold or flu and seem to have natual immunity to much more bacterial based organisms, I do a yearly health check and all is good... I think a good diet all my life has helped me... To be frank I think Im immune to catching this, yer another flu.... I also wash my hands after having a dump....! I have have always tried to maintain my own space around people for my protection... locking the weak in society does not save them, it makes them more vulnerable as the flu mutates and becomes more potent... Thailand is setting itself up for a massive fall and no amulet will save it... I predict 2021 that Thailand will suffer extreame human loss due to low heath, poor sanitation and hygiene, poverty and a possible revolution... coronavirus Identification Code - 19 is not going to kill Thai people, The Thai government are... there is no test for covid 19... The PCR test is flawed, and there will be NO vaccine created the will suit humanity in such a short space of time... remember they still have no cure coronavirus ID 2 * SARS ... This is akin to the HIV scare ... 

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as usual someone from the thai tourism industry not bothered about it, seem quite happy that there shut, i cant believe the reaction from the thai tourism industry, in any other country there tourism industry would be up in arms and putting pressure on the government to open up but not thailand tourism, are they that lazy they would rather lose millions of pounds than do some work.  unreal reaction 

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5 hours ago, rocksniffer said:

Covid19 is a virus, and it's never going away.

SARS is a virus and it went away, I don't think I need to say anything more really, a virus can go away and we have a recent example of exactly that.


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1 hour ago, Aussie Col said:

Nobody i know in exports believes that exports are rising. I fact i would say they are continually going South.

Absolutely correct. Exports from Thailand slumped 23% in June, compared with market expectations of a 15.5 percent fall and after a 22.5% plunge in May, due to the severe impact of Covid.


Overall, exports are down 27.8% year to year. However, gold shipments jumped 735% in May from a year earlier. Many Thais are heavily invested in gold. Reports indicate gold reserves are being liquidated into foreign currencies. The sell off trend is likely to continue with benchmark gold prices near the highest in more than seven years. The trend will place upward pressure on the baht. 

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10 hours ago, ukrules said:

I think you're in for a surprise, this is going to be pretty widespread until the disease goes away.

That will be like the common cold going away??? I know you're thinking of SARS and MERS, but they're just not the same.

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21 minutes ago, DJ54 said:

All inclusive including meals? Drinks?

Thai "all-inclusive" tends to be free flow happy hour or coctail hour or such, not 24/7. Can't blame them knowing the crowd who comes here, you'd have to stock up with a tanker truck. Maldives, etc, have true all inclusives.

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1 hour ago, FarFlungFalang said:

I've been seeing some suggestions that there is some form of immunity and that some patients don't even have antibodies which seems to be baffling that experts so not enough is known about this virus to make much more than a guess as to immunity at this stage it's a bit early to say I believe.

The experts are in no way baffled or even slightly puzzled, the journalists on the other hand haven't got a clue.

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Opening up for tourism... what will that achieve exactly? There would be most assuredly a second wave that would damage other industries and completely destroy other businesses that do not rely on overseas tourism!


Nobody in Thailand wants another lockdown. We've done that already and the virus is under control inside the country. 


Thailand is not opening the borders for mass tourism for the foreseeable future until there is a vaccine or the virus disappears.


Deal with it!

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3 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

As they have only tested 0.4% of the nation (excluding the dead (yeah i don't think they did either) and all the hospital staff), that still leave 99.6% untested. Workers are going home from Thailand WITH the virus so we know its here.

With all that virus around, aren't you glad you stayed away.

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5 hours ago, moe666 said:

No, the USA deserves the anger because they have really not tried to controll there problem. Blaming China now is just a political ploy to distract the Presidents failure to lead. I guess if people are ok with over a thousand deaths a day of their family, friends and neighbors then the USA I knew no longer exsist

Oh I think Trump has made a complete hash of it , if I were a US citizen I would be angry.

But im not , nor is Yinn ( who I was responding to) so it doesn't directly affect us.

I repeat that if one wants to get angry with a nation , direct it at China. Not for any Trump style political posturing , simply because they incubated the virus , kept it secret too long and have exported it to the entire bloody world !

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1 hour ago, hottrader77 said:

no tourists allowed and even married husbands with kids in thailand should be allowed into thailand until december 2021 for the safety of thais and farlang here thats the best solution 

What is so special about December 2021? And you think an economy so heavily based around tourism will do just fine for another 15 months with that mindset? Look at what is happening in Lebanon right now due to lack of money, inflation and lack of jobs. That sort of scenario will play out sooner or later if things are not addressed in Thailand 

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15 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Put money in the bank and you can get a year extension.

Yeah done that already going in again this week with embassy letter for last ditched attempt if it fails then I'll hang around and see if the keep extending or get thrown into jail.

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3 hours ago, Donga said:

A few facts:

1. There is some broad immunity each flu season plus many have the annual vaccine. Covid has to be managed very carefully because that level of immunity is just not there. Many hospital systems struggle to cope now, let alone if they allowed the virus to spread rampantly.
2. On top of the lack of broad immunity, the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) is calculated to be 0.65% by CDC for Covid vs 0.1% for flu. That six times involves a further strain on medical resources. Comparison with flu has to be kept in context.
3. Levitt has some interesting views, though been proven wrong about the potency of Covid. Both he and Prof Issac Ben-Israel were talking about three month lifespan for the virus, which has clearly been inaccurate. The video is out of date - for example Israel, which he discusses, is now undergoing a second wave worse than the first.. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/israel/

There is no denying the severity of Covid or need to manage. Pity so many countries are using blunt tools.


I don't subscribe to the full court press of most countries, as believe face masks from the onset would have saved so many lives and economies. WHO and western authorities should hang their heads in shame on the slow adoption of face masks outside of Asia and for the destruction of so many livelihoods.

Wow he must be late to the start. how does the 20% compute when the official estimate is that 80k died in the USA in the 2017 flu season. Yet 160k have already died from covid and they have not even gotten to the peak of infections yet. ???? 

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Thailand needs the economic boost of renewed mass tourism but not the spread of Covid-19 that will inevitably result. Unless visitors are only allowed from a very limited number of countries or people are put under quarantine for 14 days on arrival, the spread of the virus could soon take off and be hard to control. That is the reality we have to accept, therefore keeping borders closed is the least worst choice.


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1 hour ago, JohnFlory said:

Well, China did not come forth very quickly to let other nations know about a deadly virus in their country. They allowed the citizens to travel overseas, including to Thailand, after they knew about the virus. This is the fault of the Chinese government, not individual Chinese. 


So I don't know what "typical" kind of person you are. You seem to be singularly a fan of the CCCP, a government the enslaves Uyghers, Falun Gong and any dissident. A government that still forces abortion and is now smothering rights in Hong Kong. As an American myself, I'll keep my "international relationship toolbox", thank you very much.

Why is it just because I don't agree with the "good ole USA" I must be a "Commi lover"? 


I will answer in brief, I wonder if you can see any value in the responses...? So for China and the virus,, the reason why this virus has spread so quickly all over the world is due to it's asymptomatic nature, if it was as easy as tracking sick people it may not have even left China.. I think there is truth about them hiding the true nature, however I don't know for sure, I guess it will take some serious unravelling after all this is over to know, but when did the USA ever need truth to act? (weapons of mass destruction anyone)


The Chinese are certainly guilty of many things, in our eyes no doubt about that, but how about the USA? (self appointed police of the world). Can you honestly say that the USA has never used it's military might to protect it's self interest masquerading as moral justice. Thousands of people are dead due to USA military,, thousands...


My view is this. China is not perfect but they are the new superpower, nobody can change that. The USA had it's shot like many Nations before it but it's Asias turn now which was rather ironically fuelled by Americas greed crushing their own manufacturing to exploit China's cheap labour starting decades ago. This "boycott China" nonsense is nothing more then the USA trying to take away Chinas power after giving it to them. The USA has a twitchy pooper because they know they will not be top dog soon so they do the good old trick of trying to scare the world on how terrifying it will be to have China as top dog. The USA are masquerading their actions (against China) under the guise of moral justice (enslavers, forcing abortion, Hong kong rights blah blah blah),,, Funny how the worlds number 1 economy is very selective about when it comes to using its toolbox for moral justice,, "the fight for freedom and liberty,, blah.blah,blah" (boll**ks). How about Zimbabwe? A few pointless sanctions whilst millions die. However muck about with our oil and by God we will crush your with the biggest military might on Earth (in the name of moral justice of course).. Time for a change in the world, bring it on I say.



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