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Tourism minister finally recognises that "virus free" expats can play important role in tourism recovery


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7 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

There is a limited pool of incentive funds...just my opinion that it should go to who deserve and need it the most.

5 million incentives on offer, only 666,000 have been taken up by Thais.

So the governments idea is to extend them to 10 million...

Now lets have another of your opinions on what to do?

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22 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I bet that was hard to admit, and he thought for a long time about actually deciding to announce it !

He mentioned "Work Permit holders" and "students" but did not mention long-stay expats married to Thais or long-stay expat retirees.  The latter group is still at the bottom of the barrel in the eyes of the Thai ministries and bureaucracy, and I have no doubt they'll remain there.  Wait for the special promotions for "Work Permit holders" and "students" and not even lip service to long-stay expats married to Thais or long-stay expat retirees.


Of course, those who are Work Permit holders should be working and not touring around Thailand as their visa is for "work".  Likewise Students should be busy studying and not touring around Thailand as their visa is for "study." 


Retirees?  Yeah, the group that no longer works and are here to live, travel, and see the country and have the time and resources to do both?  Not even mentioned. 

So the terminally xenophobic still have a long, long way to go before they jettison their racial and status-conscious enmity and embrace enough acceptance that they see the value in targeting expat retirees as a source of funding for domestic tourism. 

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18 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

Many of the people I come into contact with don't even have the 800,000 or 400,000 to deposit in the bank. They pay 25000 to agents to get them visas and then live like paupers. These folks are not contributing much to the economy. If I was poor I wouldn't want to be living in Thailand.

I don't have 400.000 or 800.000Bt in my Thai bank, nor do I pay anywhere near 25000 Bt to any agent, I keep the bulk of my money in my UK bank, you never know when you may have to leave without much notice. This country especially under a bunch of military "educated" soldiers is far too unstable.


Before any members of the "if you don't like it go home" brigade start their nonsense, the country is nowhere near the Thailand I came to live in 15 years ago. No General Cha chas dancing in the parade ground then.

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18 hours ago, 321 BOOM said:

Wow! TAT says they’ll give expats 500 baht to boost tourism

just was reading this in THE THAIGER, looks like expats are really important to the Thai Tourism Industry if the receive such generous discount... LOL. 500THB... what a joke.

That makes exactly one National Park visit. Well thought out! ????

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17 hours ago, alyx said:

I must admit that I am a bit confused by your post as, even if I stayed at some friends’, they would still have to register me (although the 24 hour rule has been relaxed)

In theory they must, practically they wont. If they do, same applies, you have to file a new TM30 when back home.

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19 hours ago, brommers said:

There is absolutely no way that I am traveling anywhere until I have been vaccinated,

You can have my vaccination too.  Then you'll be Double-Plus-Good-Vaccinated and will be able to withstand the Second-Wave as well and The Second Reinfection and The Second Coming.  Plus you'll be able to fend off Covid travelling up sewer pipes. back-sprayed from urinals, laying in wait in beach sand and on eating utensils, tables, chairs, clothes, door knobs, cats, dogs, beef, pork, chicken - and the mask that you take off and toss on your bed or table instead of a bio-hazard waste bin.
Yep - take my vaccination too and you'll be really, really protected.  Then you can travel around the world twice before it 'wears off' and you are told to buy another ฿2000 to ฿5000 shot in six month (but for you 1 year!).  Happy touring.  Herd-immunity?  Who needs herd-immunity when you have Astra-Zeneca and big Bio-Tech to take care of all your immunological needs.  :thumbsup:

Me?  I'll stay in Virus-Free Thailand with its supposed Zero Percent 0% infections (except in quarantines) sans the vaccination and tour the heck out of this country while there are no other tourists cluttering the surrounding, and where it's now a 100% buyers markets.  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that the Mrs and I are going to capitalize on, and imho, it doesn't even matter if the government doesn't give us "discounts" as we'll negotiate our own in this Tourist Starved market where deals can be made. 
Covid-Thailand!  Double-Plus-Good Domestic Touring in 2020! 

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27 minutes ago, MadMac said:

In theory they must, practically they wont. If they do, same applies, you have to file a new TM30 when back home.


you must have missed my reply.

kindly check it 

The answer is “no” 

One does not have to fill again a TM 30 in case they leave their residence for a short period of time and where they stay ( hotels or not ) during that “break” is irrelevant 

see my post 


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23 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I bet that was hard to admit, and he thought for a long time about actually deciding to announce it !

i am glad someone mentioned retirees, its not just farang  students and ex pat workers that bring money to Thailand. i have lived here for 10 years now, i would not want to go back to UK, it's changed too much.

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9 minutes ago, alyx said:


you must have missed my reply.

kindly check it 

The answer is “no” 

One does not have to fill again a TM 30 in case they leave their residence for a short period of time and where they stay ( hotels or not ) during that “break” is irrelevant 

see my post 


You do not understand what happens when anyone fills a TM30 for you. Your previous one will be rendered invalid and you are automatically registered at the new address.


This has nothing to do with short trips away where you never needed to fill one in the first place (24h rule). If you fill one or get one done for you elsewhere, you need to file back another one to reset your address to your home.


Don't believe? Ask the friendly immigration officer in your neigborhood ????

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1 hour ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

Why should foreign retirees get the same benefit as Thais and working expats...they pay the 7% VAT, social security taxes, and income taxes; retirees only then VAT. There is a limited pool of incentive funds...just my opinion that it should go to who deserve and need it the most.

A lot of retirees can be paying more into the country by foreign remittance and spending power than a low paid foreign worker who sucks money out of the country. 

Anyway it is not about money it is about discrimination. If you want to make it about money then means test everybody not just draw arbitrary lines. 


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8 minutes ago, MadMac said:

You do not understand what happens when anyone fills a TM30 for you. Your previous one will be rendered invalid and you are automatically registered at the new address.


This has nothing to do with short trips away where you never needed to fill one in the first place (24h rule). If you fill one or get one done for you elsewhere, you need to file back another one to reset your address to your home.


Don't believe? Ask the friendly immigration officer in your neigborhood ????

I confirm 

You are wrong 

1) I did extend my visa a week ago at the immigration where I had to give the TM 30. I did ask the question and I was told that, now, the original TM 30 is valid


2) As I have previously written: I enquired with the due authorities when you challenged my comment.

The answer is the same: the first TM30 stands as long as you are staying in Thailand, whether you stay at a hotel or another place, for a short period of time ( can’t be bothered to look for the exact date now but it is official since June )


That is my last message regarding the matter as their content are the same. 

have a great day 


PS: you are again wrong when you are saying that it was never necessary to fill a TM30 when away for a short stay: compulsory rule to declare your whereabouts within 24 hours of your arrival at a new place. And that had (has?) been the case since the TM30 was imposed  and definitely since it was enforced 

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2 minutes ago, alyx said:

I confirm 

You are wrong 

1) I did extend my visa a week ago at the immigration where I had to give the TM 30. I did ask the question and I was told that, now, the original TM 30 is valid


2) As I have previously written: I enquired with the due authorities when you challenged my comment.

The answer is the same: the first TM30 stands as long as you are staying in Thailand, whether you stay at a hotel or another place, for a short period of time ( can’t be bothered to look for the exact date now but it is official since June )


That is my last message regarding the matter as their content are the same. 

have a great day 

Yeah well, congrats on that. What immi was it? I have seen many people paying up in CW because they did not have the correct TM30. But as everything in this country, tomorrow all may be different again ????

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2 minutes ago, MadMac said:

Yeah well, congrats on that. What immi was it? I have seen many people paying up in CW because they did not have the correct TM30. But as everything in this country, tomorrow all may be different again ????

Chaeng  Wattana 

An I am one the people you have seen paying the 800 Baht fine for failing to declare....but that was a year ago 

(I did edit my previous post but you answered fast ???? )

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27 minutes ago, Keesters said:

A lot of retirees can be paying more into the country by foreign remittance and spending power than a low paid foreign worker who sucks money out of the country. 

Anyway it is not about money it is about discrimination. If you want to make it about money then means test everybody not just draw arbitrary lines. 


If they're so flush, they can take advantage of the already very promotional rates on offer by most hotels. This is a pandemic situation...not normal times. Those who can afford to pay should not be relying on the already strained government purse. 

Edited by Pattaya Spotter
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On 9/1/2020 at 11:06 AM, Dumbastheycome said:

Seems  so ! 

I also object  to being forced to learn to play  golf while my wife  goes shopping  unsupervised and unrestricted !

I don't play golf but I assume it must be very cheap if it's financially viable alongside the wife going shopping.  ????

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43 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

In Mexico, an expat is considered an "honorary Mexican" after just trne years of residency. But having said that, the Mexicans are better educated, less racist, have more knowledge and perspective, are more graceful and infinitely less ignorant than the officials are here. 

Reading this makes me want to learn Spanish and head over to south america. It's something ive been considering for a while. Basically run my online business from there whilst living in various countries (Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Argentina) without all the visa hassles and such (Most allow 3 months and then there's various hassle free ways to extend). As well I get the feeling I'd be treated better by locals and from friends who've lived there... they've loved every moment of it. 

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52 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

In Mexico, an expat is considered an "honorary Mexican" after just ten years of residency. But having said that, the Mexicans are better educated, less racist, have more knowledge and perspective, are more graceful and infinitely less ignorant than the officials are here.


I do wish that place was less violent and cheaper. I love Mexico, and the Mexican people. I have alot of fondness for the Thai people too, fortunately. The officials, police, the armed forces, customs and immigration excluded. 

A trip into my past........ 40 years ago flying into Puerto Vallarta (at that time basically just one long street),   then a boat ride to Yelapa.    Staying in a hut in paradise.  No access by road. 

Always was in my mind as a possible location to relocate.... but Thailand did have one advantage (gee, can anyone guess ?) 

At our age,  Thailand is still easy enough ,  peaceful , and if just stay under the radar only the uncertainty of when the moving papers might arrive .  Other than that I avoid all officials everywhere,

if at all possible.  


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4 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

Why should foreign retirees get the same benefit as Thais and working expats...they pay the 7% VAT, social security taxes, and income taxes; retirees only then VAT. There is a limited pool of incentive funds...just my opinion that it should go to who deserve and need it the most.

Retirees bring direct foreign investment into country. Thais and working expats mostly wash each other's shirts. If aything, retirees and investors should be treated equally: with respect.

Edited by DrTuner
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23 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

Expats always over estimate the effect they have on Thailand......

To have any effect on tourism they have to significantly increase there spending and as most are on a fixed income, that amount is unlikely to increase very much.

Figures for the numbers of expats....including those working .... range from 150k to 500 k but the latter includes very low income from ASEAN countries .

So even if they all went on holiday in Thailand for 2 weeks and took a family that would mean 2 million for two weeks against 40 million over the year.

Of course the money they spend on holiday is then lost to local businesses etc whilst they are away.

My little pensions mean a hell of a lot to my Isaan partner and our adopted little girl


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22 hours ago, warcy said:

There are many people on internet who do discriminate against Chinese and think that only Chinese get infected. Now we know the truth...it affects everyone.

Thats wrong, as  fairly recently one of the top Imams in the UK told his people that Covid does not affect Muslims.

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