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6 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

If you stay slim, look fit and health and carry a little bit of a tan it looks distinguish - so my Mother tells me !

You believe all what your mama tells you?

  • Haha 2
6 minutes ago, jvs said:

This peep has no hair and there fore no problems,dude.

Almost same but i cut head hair always whit 3 millimetre blade! So have little "hair". Bear need cut every day or i look santa! And coming 48 next month.

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"all looking like a Thai monk Jesus christ. "  Me thinks you might be a little confused. Thai monk, Buddha, I think you mean. 

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A full head of grey hair looks distinguished, don't worry about it. Advice from a bald person. Although I don't worry about that either.

  • Sad 1
12 hours ago, Paul Catton said:

Opal thinks the greying makes me look like "George Clooney". My viewing of the mirror says "Albert Steptoe". Perception.

There's a bit of a difference between those two in grooming.

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20 hours ago, villageidiotY2K said:

So how you peeps mentally and physically handling with greying hairs?

i "get a life"  and  totally ignore them, dont give a flying  fart.

  • Haha 1
21 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

No issues with grey hair - it can be carried off well. 


People have actually asked me if I have dyed it grey !!!! Its pretty much silver all over now and has been for the last 7 or 8 years. 


If you stay slim, look fit and health and carry a little bit of a tan it looks distinguish - so my Mother tells me !



yes sure, people even look young with grey hair !

What a BS you are all saying !

you just look like old men who still think that they look good, so funny you all to believe your ugly wives or moms.


And dying hair black is so obvious that I don't think it's a good idea. Blonde is way better as it is easier to do and also hide new growing white hair.

This is what most aging bodybuilders do, as blonde also looks better on tanned skin ❤️




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On 9/11/2020 at 12:04 PM, villageidiotY2K said:

So how you peeps mentally and physically handling with greying hairs?

Must be joking. We make it a point to do exactly nothin' towards our beauty enhancement. You see, however we are, we're still just awfully lovable. Our only issue is why the Thai gov't doesn't also love us for just being ourselves. I'm talkin' free perpetual visas & beer, for a start, like all them much better farang-lovin' countries offer! Yeah. Dyin' the grey hairs won't help with that issue and so is unnecessary. We don't do no unnecessary activities.  


So: grey, bald, bald on top with long ponytail behind, huge beer gut hangin' provocatively over a Speedo, scraggly beard, Chang wifebeater--whatever, it's all good, man. We always hansum.


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My previous wife was Chinese and was always on at me to dye out the grey hairs when we lived in China to 'make me  less old'.  She even bought a dye kit one day to try and convince me. I resisted. When we later moved to the UK she understood the difference in cultures, never seeing anyone (except Asians ???? ) with dyed black, ridiculous looking hair.


My now Thai wife has never even mentioned me dying my hair, though she did have a laugh when chatting to a local on the songtaew one day, I asked him how if he was the same age as me did he have no grey hair. He laughed all the way home. Been half-grey, half-dark since about 40, it's not important, don't let it become so.





  • Haha 1
26 minutes ago, BigStar said:

Must be joking. We make it a point to do exactly nothin' towards our beauty enhancement. You see, however we are, we're still just awfully lovable. Our only issue is why the Thai gov't doesn't also love us for just being ourselves. I'm talkin' free perpetual visas & beer, for a start, like all them much better farang-lovin' countries offer! Yeah. Dyin' the grey hairs won't help with that issue and so is unnecessary. We don't do no unnecessary activities.  


So: grey, bald, bald on top with long ponytail behind, huge beer gut hangin' provocatively over a Speedo, scraggly beard, Chang wifebeater--whatever, it's all good, man. We always hansum.


Time for a new shtick.


I've had grey hair at my temples since I was 30 and white hair since about 40. The important thing is to look classy. Bald never, ever looks classy. It looks dirty and like you have tattoos somewhere. Shaving your partially bald head makes you look like a loser who should be in prison.


If you accept what you look like, you will be happy. If you don't like your own face/body and want to blacken your hair, have your teeth pulled out, and tattoo your face, then you will always look like an overfilled dumpster and feel like a lump of pooh when you look in the mirror. This is because you are vain. Not only that, every single person who knows you, knows you are vain, looks down on you, and thinks you are a loser. 


I do absolutely nothing to my face or hair...if I get bored with my face, I grow a beard. If I get bored with the beard, I shave it off. I dislike shaving but don't like the dirty look you get when you haven't shaved for a couple of days.


Women love my thick, gorgeous hair which I wash in the shower most days. I towel it semi dry and leave it....no combs, brushes or anything.


I also have the beautiful mane cut every 3 months whether I need to or not.  The wife, who never cut anyone's hair except mine, cuts it badly but cheaply. She does the haircut with the dog's batterion (or something that sounds like that) usually screws up the haircut so I look like a dope for a week or two...but the hair grows so fast that after two weeks you wouldn't know a professional hadn't cut it. 

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10 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I think Yul Brynner, Telly Savalas and Conleth Hill would disagree with you, and I daresay any of them has made more money from their work than you.

Lots of people with dirty hair. Bald is very easy to keep clean. You have some strange ideas.

I think it depends on the size of your neck how good totally bald can look. Too thin and your head can look like a lightbulb or you can look sick. Too thick and you look like you just got out of prison. 

  • Haha 1

early graying of hair .... CATALASE deficiency problem => hydrogen peroxide is building up inside your hair cells, making them gray


and for people thinking I am talking out of my a.... 




Based on the above observations, we further proposed that an intrinsic deficiency of catalase protein might be a major cause of the oxidative damage of melanocytes in gray hair. ... These results reveal that compromised catalase activity may contribute to the pathogenesis of premature graying hair.



they sell on the internet Catalase enzyme 10.000 units ... "could" eventually help

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