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Tourism chief appeals for patience, but admits things will “never be the same”


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4 hours ago, AgentSmith said:

Yes please tear down everything on Phi Phi and return the island to its former glory. That island is an abomination. They can start by removing that McDonalds and then that ugly ass promenade. Stop those monster ferries from going there and drop the average visitor on a beach in Phuket instead. Phi Phi deserves to be a nature reserve with limited tourism.

just to be fair ( but not in any way excusing the destruction of anything pristine in Thailand)....


i have seen photos of beaches in Europe and South America which were so crowded that if i didn't look closely i would think it was a National Geographic photo of seals .  No beach towels ?

image.jpeg.1fa5a5ae52573a553a1283f115a24832.jpegWalsh, forecasters warn of dangerously high temperatures

Edited by rumak
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Apart from opening the country now with limited restrictions only, best for Thailand's tourism would be to dissolve the entire TAT office. Hard to find more incapable people at work than there. Support with the money saved the unemplyed from the tourism business.


The Chinese virus has not increased the worldwide mortatlity rate anywhere significantly.

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The clownish TAT appears to have angered the authoritative TAT: TVF by committing at least one legal offence and lots of economic hocus-pocus.


First, the TAT chief has plagiarized a copyrighted TVF Doom Revelation.

No sooner had the virus appeared than our doomsters immediately knocked back a few Changs, maybe puffed some good weed, and hit the ol’ keyboards to peck out exactly this: nothing will be the same again.©2020 TVFDR. It covered Thailand, the world, and the entire solar system out to Uranus.

Now that Revelation can ONLY be uttered by an authentic TVF Doomster to impress the peanut gallery with his profundity and gain forum cred. Hence it’s been uttered a couple of times in this thread already.

Shame on the TAT chief, trying to steal credit and appear profound himself!????



Oh, there's much worse. Main problem that he’s dared ignore the beneficent fabulously wealthy Golden Egg Layers (GEL) who built Thailand and are even now the pillars of entire economy. But starting in 2003 with the INSANE rise in visa fees, the GEL all began heading for the exits like rats deserting a sinking ship. Since then--long before COVID--Thailand’s been returning to the Stone Age, Thais all leaving the cities to work in rice fields.

So Thais have been merely shuffling the remaining few Golden Eggs around, building an empty Siam Paragon here, a T21 there. But TVF Economists know that you can only slice a Fixed Pie so many times! There's no increase in population, exports, GDP, and income from any other tourists in Thailand. Now my friend's Chinese girlfriend did spend B30,000 the other day on a new designer purse, but, you know, musta been counterfeit. 


We all know that Thailand needs to end the lockdown & all quarantines immediately, stop the mask wearing, fix the exchange rate at 100 baht/GBPeso, and offer free perpetual tourist visas and beer. Only this can lure the Big Spending Golden Egg Layers back to the now-empty luxurious fan rooms on Soi Buakhao and restore prosperity for all.


But the TAT chief has come up with two utterly useless ideas! Whatta clown.

1. Domestic tourism – TAT: TVF has never recognized this nonsensical concept. It worked for Blackpool but will NOT for Thailand. Why? Thais have no money, just eat som tum and drink Sangsom.


2. Non-Golden Egg Layer targeted international tourism – WOT? Did the TAT chief really say this: Northeast Asia and the ASEAN countries, with a customer target of people in good health and high-purchasing power. Healthy? No COVID? That target works for Italy and the Italians certainly target them. But THAILAND? Even though they’re in the same neighborhood? No, TAT: TVF knows that Chinese don’t spend in Thailand. They know this


  • via the Clairvoyant Eyeballs, that see no Chinese or Thais in the beer bars;
  • by pretending that zero baht tours weren’t banned in 2016; and
  • by ignoring the 60% Chinese FITs.

Other NE Asians and ASEANs look like Thais or Chinese, and Japan & Korea aren’t on the TAT: TVF world map anyway, so they don’t spend, either--though a few years back CPN’s corporate report specifically mentioned Korean and Chinese spending at the Hilton. I dunno why I kept seeing Edge at the Hilton filled with Chinese. You know, all spitting on the floor etc.

And finally, that outrageous impermissible reassurance:

3. The pain will end – HA. TVF Doomsters have NOT yet specified or approved any end to the pain. Maybe never. There’s got to be eye-for-an-eye, you see. The sins against farang—ONLY farang—have been myriad and grave. There’s been sh.i.t like that insulting insistence on verified income rather than “I say so," which should be phoned in anyway. There’ve been degrading bank book checks and onerous 90-day reports. There’s been map drawing.


There’s even been that idiotic mask wearing. It's too hot for farang to wear masks, a Speedo's all that's needed anytime. Masks hide farang hansumness and violate their privileged sovereignty. TVF Virologists determined early on that we don't need no stinkin' masks in Thailand or social distancing.


And I won’t even start on that vast laundry list of farang hostile acts like serving runny eggs. Farang have special dietary requirements that require catering to at all times. Though Big Spenders, they also follow strict price limits as established in 1995, the Golden Era.

It may take decades, if ever, before Thais are punished enough and sufficiently servile to wipe this sorry slate clean and make farang feel loved and revered for just being themselves, as in so many other much better countries. Beautiful Spain, for example, is missing Brits terribly. Travel updates: 'Stay away', Europeans tell British tourists.


So: expect the return to the Stone Age to continue as expats migrate to advanced countries like Cambodia and the Philippines.

Now we’ve all sounded the alarm again, as we so often do. How come TAT don’t get it? What morons! The longer they put their heads in the sand with that cr.a.p about domestic tourists, NE Asia, and ASEAN, the longer a return to 1995 will take.  


Edited by BigStar
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8 hours ago, ezzra said:

Why is it that all those people in high places find themselves compelled to predict the future and talk rubbish? the Covid didn't change people's preferences as to where to travel, it only stopped it for a while, once a prepare vaccine will be found things will go back to normal, now, when is this going to happen? that question no one can answer not even the biggest and the most revered doctors and professors of the world...

It's a very common trait among Chinese. The leader must know, or pretend to know, everything. It's related to the childish concept of FACE. 

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6 minutes ago, terminatorchiangmai said:

Never met any person from TAT that could think outside the box.
20 Million visitors next year instead of 40 now that's thinking outside the box or maybe outside the universe.

There will certainly be 20 million visitors.  That's migratory birds.  

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9 hours ago, ezzra said:

once a prepare vaccine will be found things will go back to normal, now, when is this going to happen? that question no one can answer not even the biggest and the most revered doctors and professors of the world

Sure, I suspect it's going to take a very long time to vaccinate enough people to eradicate COVID from general circulation.


Years, it's going to take years.

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8 hours ago, steven100 said:

Things will be tougher moving forward as with every country. However, doesn't mean it's all bad news as when one door closes another one opens, hence there will be positives for those that use their initiative and think outside the box.  Many businesses will undoubtedly shut down but new opportunities will come to those who explore new ways and products. 

With our PM Khun Prayut Chan O Cha in charge I am sure he will continue to get things going again as his priority is the thai people, the economy and jobs.



Definitely after 5 pm. no sober person would write this.:burp:

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Something always baffling to me was how when at the check-in desk hotels refused to meet or beat the price on Agoda.   Countless times I sat down in the lobby to book on agoda.  Yes I'm a cheap Charlie.  


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The tourism chief has no clue whatsoever!


He fails to realize the economic situation of those outside of Thailand that use to travel to Thailand for holidays.


Employment is at record highs, many professionals working on reduced salaries, etc.


He has no clue, people are struggling financially all over the world.


The question is not when the borders open, the question should be, when will people actually have the money to travel and will want to travel?


Former tourists all over the world are racking up huge credit card debts, behind on payments, etc.


The last thing these folks will think about is Thailand.


They will try to get their bills caught up and paid off.


I suspect this will hugely affect the amount of tourists going to Thailand.




It is not going to happen.


People around the world will not have time to financially recover before then.


By making false predictions and having no plan past 2021, Thailand will suffer economically. 






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14 hours ago, Paiman said:


I think he is wrong there.


The closing down of hotels & other venues will increase.


Easy said , to create a new future together, when reality is that, new - to be implemented government policies make it almost impossible to stay motivated to keep any business going. 

Closed hotels & other venues are also a new future............................

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Everything becomes more clear when you understand where he is getting his talking points from. I would provide more detail/information and source material for my comment, but I will just be censored on this platform. It is very likely I will get censored for just these three sentences. Most of my comments go right down the memory hole. ????

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“... We are ready to be the wind beneath your wings..."


I've noticed that my parakeet will take wing if I rip a big fart near it.  But they are known to be sensitive to Methane gas. 


"...Yuthasak was speaking to the Thai Hotels Association and said that, although this was the worst of the many crises that Thailand has experienced… “it will be overcome with the same spirit of solidarity and unity like in the past”. ..."


OK, we'll crush the little hotels for you.  You guys get your overcharges to a reasonable and undetectable level.  We'll work with others to fairly divide up the transportation sectors (local, tour buses, airport shuttles, ferries, speedboats ...)  Then we'll clean up the other amusement stuff ( jet skis, para gliders, motorcycle rentals, bars, etc.)  so that everyone has time to feed at the trough.  


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10 hours ago, BigStar said:

The clownish TAT appears to have angered the authoritative TAT: TVF by committing at least one legal offence and lots of economic hocus-pocus.


First, the TAT chief has plagiarized a copyrighted TVF Doom Revelation.

No sooner had the virus appeared than our doomsters immediately knocked back a few Changs, maybe puffed some good weed, and hit the ol’ keyboards to peck out exactly this: nothing will be the same again.©2020 TVFDR. It covered Thailand, the world, and the entire solar system out to Uranus.

Now that Revelation can ONLY be uttered by an authentic TVF Doomster to impress the peanut gallery with his profundity and gain forum cred. Hence it’s been uttered a couple of times in this thread already.

Shame on the TAT chief, trying to steal credit and appear profound himself!????



Oh, there's much worse. Main problem that he’s dared ignore the beneficent fabulously wealthy Golden Egg Layers (GEL) who built Thailand and are even now the pillars of entire economy. But starting in 2003 with the INSANE rise in visa fees, the GEL all began heading for the exits like rats deserting a sinking ship. Since then--long before COVID--Thailand’s been returning to the Stone Age, Thais all leaving the cities to work in rice fields.

So Thais have been merely shuffling the remaining few Golden Eggs around, building an empty Siam Paragon here, a T21 there. But TVF Economists know that you can only slice a Fixed Pie so many times! There's no increase in population, exports, GDP, and income from any other tourists in Thailand. Now my friend's Chinese girlfriend did spend B30,000 the other day on a new designer purse, but, you know, musta been counterfeit. 


We all know that Thailand needs to end the lockdown & all quarantines immediately, stop the mask wearing, fix the exchange rate at 100 baht/GBPeso, and offer free perpetual tourist visas and beer. Only this can lure the Big Spending Golden Egg Layers back to the now-empty luxurious fan rooms on Soi Buakhao and restore prosperity for all.


But the TAT chief has come up with two utterly useless ideas! Whatta clown.

1. Domestic tourism – TAT: TVF has never recognized this nonsensical concept. It worked for Blackpool but will NOT for Thailand. Why? Thais have no money, just eat som tum and drink Sangsom.


2. Non-Golden Egg Layer targeted international tourism – WOT? Did the TAT chief really say this: Northeast Asia and the ASEAN countries, with a customer target of people in good health and high-purchasing power. Healthy? No COVID? That target works for Italy and the Italians certainly target them. But THAILAND? Even though they’re in the same neighborhood? No, TAT: TVF knows that Chinese don’t spend in Thailand. They know this


  • via the Clairvoyant Eyeballs, that see no Chinese or Thais in the beer bars;
  • by pretending that zero baht tours weren’t banned in 2016; and
  • by ignoring the 60% Chinese FITs.

Other NE Asians and ASEANs look like Thais or Chinese, and Japan & Korea aren’t on the TAT: TVF world map anyway, so they don’t spend, either--though a few years back CPN’s corporate report specifically mentioned Korean and Chinese spending at the Hilton. I dunno why I kept seeing Edge at the Hilton filled with Chinese. You know, all spitting on the floor etc.

And finally, that outrageous impermissible reassurance:

3. The pain will end – HA. TVF Doomsters have NOT yet specified or approved any end to the pain. Maybe never. There’s got to be eye-for-an-eye, you see. The sins against farang—ONLY farang—have been myriad and grave. There’s been sh.i.t like that insulting insistence on verified income rather than “I say so," which should be phoned in anyway. There’ve been degrading bank book checks and onerous 90-day reports. There’s been map drawing.


There’s even been that idiotic mask wearing. It's too hot for farang to wear masks, a Speedo's all that's needed anytime. Masks hide farang hansumness and violate their privileged sovereignty. TVF Virologists determined early on that we don't need no stinkin' masks in Thailand or social distancing.


And I won’t even start on that vast laundry list of farang hostile acts like serving runny eggs. Farang have special dietary requirements that require catering to at all times. Though Big Spenders, they also follow strict price limits as established in 1995, the Golden Era.

It may take decades, if ever, before Thais are punished enough and sufficiently servile to wipe this sorry slate clean and make farang feel loved and revered for just being themselves, as in so many other much better countries. Beautiful Spain, for example, is missing Brits terribly. Travel updates: 'Stay away', Europeans tell British tourists.


So: expect the return to the Stone Age to continue as expats migrate to advanced countries like Cambodia and the Philippines.

Now we’ve all sounded the alarm again, as we so often do. How come TAT don’t get it? What morons! The longer they put their heads in the sand with that cr.a.p about domestic tourists, NE Asia, and ASEAN, the longer a return to 1995 will take.  



That self-congratulatory twaddle must have taken you some time to write. I doubt anyone made it to the end of your post.

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9 hours ago, Albert Zweistein said:

Closed hotels & other venues are also a new future............................

Things have been getting quieter for 2 years now, it is not all CV19 problems, establishments that i visited 3 years ago that were busy have been getting less custom, the baht, the war against farang, dual pricing are all a reason.

The minister will need to deliver his promises rather quick to save a lovely 220 room hotel in Bangkok who including me totalled 3 guests for 3 nights last week, they like others are trying to hang in there but at what cost, room rate normal 1600 baht last week 750 baht without asking for any discount but was still virtually empty and of course there 2x300 seat conference rooms have not seen a sole for 6 months, only a few multi tasking staff are left from an exceptionally well run hotel, so TAT minister  take your road show to these people who will for sure make you and you followers most  welcome if only to use a conference room for a day but leave your cars at home  due to the hotel has had to let go the additional parking plot they enjoyed.

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The Aetas lumpini, along with the other Aetas brands here in my part of Bangkok were supposed to reopen the beginning of September. However, the doors and gates are still shut, chained and locked and there are no lights on.  Looking dure for some major hotel chains.  

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Everything will revert back to the same until there is true leadership, and a concerted and sustained campaign for change...pollution, safety, maintenance, rule of law, law enforcement, corruption, education reform, economic inequality, and an overhaul of immigration policy.  It's a joke they want rich people to spend lots of money in Thailand, when they can travel anywhere.  Yet, they discard the average traveller that has been the bread that has fed much of Thailand for decades.  Get your head out, it's not time to be picky, and without radical change, there is an entire world for the wealthy to enjoy.

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