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On 9/15/2020 at 11:06 AM, Ganesh108 said:

You never lose face by showing kindness.

Since when has Thai immigration ever shown any kindness, or common sense?


Pre Covid, I think their 30 day visa exemption stamp is fair, but anything else and it's hoops to jump through and money to pay. 


As for supplying a hand drawn map and a photo of you at the house, how ridiculous.   

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29 minutes ago, uberfarang said:

A pity that Thailand doesn't want to benefit from the $ spent by "long-term tourists" already inside the country, but instead spend time crafting schemes to attract new ones. It's also a pity that many fellow members of TVF cannot comprehend that either.

I couldn't agree more. However, I think we must accept that the new visa arrangements, with quarantine and insurance, are crafted to allow"new visitors, or more properly, new money. A consortium have exerted their influence to set up a scheme whereby a limited number of high spending tourists will be allowed to enter the country for longish periods. They will purchase insurance from certain companies, stay in quarantine facilities provided by certain companies, and stay in hotels and resorts owned by certain companies. No doubt those certain companies comprise the consortium which has arranged this visa. It has nothing to do with allowing those wanting to renew or extend visas, whether inside the country or locked out of the country.


Put bluntly, those with influence perceive no benefit to themselves from those wanting to renew or extend visas, so they don't care. 

Edited by herfiehandbag
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On 9/15/2020 at 11:34 AM, Sambotte said:

They would lose face by having hundred or thousands foreigners "expelled" during the covid thing...

They would see this as showing strength.


On 9/15/2020 at 11:34 AM, Sambotte said:

Would look very stupid too with saying on another hand they look for tourists to come back but fear virus..

Wouldn't be the first time Thai's cut their nose off to spite their face.


On 9/15/2020 at 11:34 AM, Sambotte said:

Actually if a reasonable solution is annonced, they save face.

Yes, reasonable to them, not the stranded tourists.  


On 9/15/2020 at 11:34 AM, Sambotte said:

I think 99% foreigners would not mind paying a serious fee to have an official visa, but directly and without various nonsense requirements, stress and uncertainties.


I agree, but that money goes straight to the government.  No black money for immigration officers that way.




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16 minutes ago, Leaver said:

Since when has Thai immigration ever shown any kindness, or common sense?


Pre Covid, I think their 30 day visa exemption stamp is fair, but anything else and it's hoops to jump through and money to pay. 


As for supplying a hand drawn map and a photo of you at the house, how ridiculous.   

I have no issue with Thailand. Strange you do. 

30 day visa exempt is not available for most Asean countries. Also they can be extended. 

Do couple border bounces and extend etc etc. Perfect for tourists longer term.


Hand drawn map forMarriage, do one once and photocopy for future extension.


I don't know many countries where you can arrive enter visa exempt then marry your internet mate, stick 13,000 usd into a Thai bank for couple of months and live here on annual extensions. 

And all that's too hard for you. Sad.

Edited by DrJack54
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50 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

How many monthly transfers are you thinking is required? Some imm offices are requiring 12. If someone can provide the  400k in bank for couple months only, then good/safe way to go.

Yes, i thought 12 months too. You're right of course, 400k for a couple of months is a lot easier. Using the embassy letters should give him enough time to help.

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1 minute ago, DrJack54 said:

I have no issue with Thailand. Strange you do. 

30 day visa exempt is not available for most Asean countries. Also they can be extended. 

Do couple border bounces and extend etc etc.

Hand drawn map do one once and photocopy for future extension.

I don't know many countries where you can arrive enter visa exempt then marry your internet mate, stick 13,000 usd into a Thai bank for couple of months and live here on annual extensions. 

And all that's too hard for you. Sad.

I have no issue with Thailand, just most of their ridiculous visa laws.


I use an agent.  No way am I putting 800k baht into a bank in a 3rd Would Country, just so I can spend money there and support their economy. 


As for ease of marriage visa, try Vietnam next door.  $50 for a 5 year multiple entry marriage visa.    

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7 minutes ago, PatrickC said:

A "hot zone". Geez. Covid is not dangerous. I've had cancer numerous times. Stuff happens. Life goes on. This virus is nothing to be scared of.

Even if you believe that, would you really want to go to a hot zone, where everything is closed, you can't go anywhere and are just stuck at home?  It will be a lonely, bleak winter in much of the USA.

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3 minutes ago, PatrickC said:


By asking what does Thailand gain by kicking people out, you're trying to apply logic in illogical times.


However to answer your question, I'd think there would be legitimate concerns that if Covid does outbreak in Thailand, that these stranded tourists might become medical liabilities if they get sick. This would far outweigh any dollars they bring in.


I also think that the govt would gain a "tough" image, which it probably wants. So there are gains.


The dollars which stranded tourists bring in, I've argued before here, are a tiny drop in the ocean.


Whether I agree or not with the govt's decision, the point is, many posters here seem to think Thailand needs to take care of them. It doesn't.


I'd actually be in favour of the Thai govt regularizing people, and at the same time making them pay Thai taxes. This seems logical. However never ending extensions of the amnesty is not logical.


On the whole don't disagree with your point, but I also don't think endless amnesty extensions solve anything. Ideally they should regularize. Instead they chose to kick out. Like it or not, that is their decision to make.

Fair points. I'm not even asking for extended the amnesty either, but at least provide paid extension of tourist visa. I would even have been okay to pay for one year (but not five) of elite visa.

Some will argue that's basically what those "volunteer visa" are, sorry for being new to this game, I didn't know corruption was the way to do things here, my loss ????

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1 hour ago, uberfarang said:

Agreed. My situation is not Thailand's problem and to be fair it's a "first world" problem in comparison to what Thailand's tourist industry is facing. I'm not the one who needs rescue.


They are the one needing the tourists, not the other way around. Nobody is desperately in need to travel to Thailand. But Thailand is in desperate need for their dollars. So please tell me how does Thailand benefit from kicking me and other "stranded" spenders out? I have plenty of yens to spend on short term accommodations and restaurants and would happily keep doing that until the borders open again.


I'm ready to leave, bought my ticket weeks ago (for the 3 time), it's not my GDP that is getting wrecked. A pity that Thailand doesn't want to benefit from the $ spent by "long-term tourists" already inside the country, but instead spend time crafting schemes to attract new ones. It's also a pity that many fellow members of TVF cannot comprehend that either.

I'm confused because on one had you state you don't meet the financials and on the other you say Thailand desperately needs your money. In reality Thailand wants tourists (when the threat of Covid19 is gone) who have money to spend and have fun. 

My wife's friend traveled back to Boston last month without a problem. 

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1 hour ago, adrianb said:

A year ago I was strictly using my ATM from Singapoe to get cash. I am unsure if I deposited enough of it then in my Thai banks. There was a 4 month period this year with zero deposits. The last 3 months over 200k directly into my bank. Money seems to come and go, but I spend a lot more than 40k a month here.

Where should I try? Chumphon I rent a place by the sea, but the immigration here are unhelpful. Should Igo and try MTT in Bangkok or somewhere else?


I am interested in an answer to your questions too.  Chumphon is my local office.


I was thinking of trying MTT as the embassy letter appears to be accepted there but I am unsure whether MTT require evidence of a Bangkok address.

Edited by In the jungle
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1 hour ago, 2530Ubon said:

You can use the embassy letter to springboard to a long term visa based on marriage. This should give you enough time to leave the cash in the bank, or you can show 40k monthly deposits from abroad into a thai bank account (your account).

If you have an existing Non O you'll probably need to show 12 months of transfers.

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37 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

I couldn't agree more. However, I think we must accept that the new visa arrangements, with quarantine and insurance, are crafted to allow"new visitors, or more properly, new money. A consortium have exerted their influence to set up a scheme whereby a limited number of high spending tourists will be allowed to enter the country for longish periods.

The keyword is indeed "high spending tourists", and although it is not how the official announcement presents it (same for the misleading clickbait news articles popping everywhere about that) but if you read between the lines, they are really just targeting really big spenders, If the maths are correct they expect each of them to spend between 200,000 and 1,000,000 bahts per month... Considering how cheap are the hotels now, I wonder where one should go to spend that much.

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5 minutes ago, checkered flag said:

I'm confused because on one had you state you don't meet the financials and on the other you say Thailand desperately needs your money. In reality Thailand wants tourists (when the threat of Covid19 is gone) who have money to spend and have fun. 

My wife's friend traveled back to Boston last month without a problem. 

Where did I say I didn't meet financial requirements? I'm certainly spending more than what the retirement visa is asking, I'm just not old enough to qualify.

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25 minutes ago, 2530Ubon said:

Yes, i thought 12 months too. You're right of course, 400k for a couple of months is a lot easier. Using the embassy letters should give him enough time to help.

I just went online my bank only gives a 6 month statement unless you go to the bank and request one. I know they will then have to contact the head office and wait for it to be sent. Many Thai banks are like this. 

So expecting to get a statement in time will also be a problem for many.

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30 minutes ago, PatrickC said:


A "hot zone". Geez. Covid is not dangerous. I've had cancer numerous times. Stuff happens. Life goes on. This virus is nothing to be scared of.

You are right, and why Asians are such a pussys? European countries back to normal already several months and all Asian countries still playing apocalypse zombie with this flue virus, I can’t imagine what would they do if the real virus come into play...

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12 minutes ago, In the jungle said:


I am interested in an answer to your questions too.  Chumphon is my local office.


I was thinking of trying MTT as the embassy letter appears to be accepted there but I am unsure whether MTT require evidence of a Bangkok address.

So are you finding the same as me at the Chumphon office? They have been anything but helpful in anyway, would not even give me a copy of a document with the requirements. In Thai or in English, either would have been fine.I have the same question about MTT I am 50-50 if I should go to Bangkok in the morning ornot.

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7 minutes ago, adrianb said:

I just went online my bank only gives a 6 month statement unless you go to the bank and request one. I know they will then have to contact the head office and wait for it to be sent. Many Thai banks are like this. 

So expecting to get a statement in time will also be a problem for many.

I use Krungsri and i know you can pay 100 baht in branch to have a 12 month statement printed and stamped for you. I had to do this for proof of address. I'm not sure about which office to go, When applying in Thailand, i think you must apply for the visa in the area your address is. I'm not 100 % sure about that bit though!

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5 minutes ago, adrianb said:

So are you finding the same as me at the Chumphon office? They have been anything but helpful in anyway, would not even give me a copy of a document with the requirements. In Thai or in English, either would have been fine.I have the same question about MTT I am 50-50 if I should go to Bangkok in the morning ornot.

See response to one of your other posts >



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2 minutes ago, PatrickC said:

If I were in govt, I'd look to regularize people and make them pay taxes. That is me, personally. I would not let them take another 9 month tourist visa.


Then, if you legitimately want to stay here, you pay some tax burden, just as any residents would (subject to the tax free threshold).


Exactly this. I would too. But, when a country is desperate for foreign income which is best, the threat of tax, or the ability to spend freely and re-introduce money to society (the stick of the carrot).


I’ve been here 20+ years, sometimes working on operations in Thailand (and paying tax when getting paid in Thailand), but mostly when working an overseas rotation and getting paid over seas.



The primary reason I’ve remained in Thailand is because I don’t want to pay tax in the UK. 

If I had to pay tax here, I’d move back to the UK. You get more for your money in the UK - Schools, Free Health Care, better parks, safety, higher quality of raw ingredients for food. 

There are of course advantages - but the clear advantage for Thailand is not paying Tax.


I wonder how many others wouldn’t be here if they had to pay full tax. 



2 minutes ago, PatrickC said:


Corruption - is what it is. Can't change it. Don't care about it either way. No particular comment or interest in it.


I certainly won't attack Thailand for it. Every country is corrupt in a way. What do you think is driving all these Covid shut downs? Politicians who want to get re-elected and are appealing to scared voters. Is that not a form of corruption?


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24 minutes ago, PatrickC said:

I certainly won't attack Thailand for it. Every country is corrupt in a way. What do you think is driving all these Covid shut downs? Politicians who want to get re-elected and are appealing to scared voters. Is that not a form of corruption?

Wasn't attacking them either. I just didn't know it was widely accepted. A few weeks ago when I saw the agents' offers of "volunteer visa" without volunteering, it just seemed like a scam to me and thought the agent would keep the money or issue a fake stamp. How naive and misinformed I was.

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10 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:



There are of course advantages - but the clear advantage for Thailand is not paying Tax.


I wonder how many others wouldn’t be here if they had to pay full tax. 




I'm the opposite; I'm also self employed and I would happily pay tax in exchange for a permanent visa. Tax is much lower in Thailand, the weather is much better, houses are cheaper to build and i'm much happier here. Unfortunately setting up a company is a bit complicated and it takes time to do. So not an option right now, but something to look at in the future.

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33 minutes ago, adrianb said:

So are you finding the same as me at the Chumphon office? They have been anything but helpful in anyway, would not even give me a copy of a document with the requirements. In Thai or in English, either would have been fine.I have the same question about MTT I am 50-50 if I should go to Bangkok in the morning ornot.


My experience with Chumphon is very limited.  I have been here for 19 years and this year is the only year I have ever applied for an extension of stay in country.  I have no other office in country to compare them with but I would describe them as unhelpful.


I spoke to them at the end of August and they said at that time that it didn't matter whether I got a letter from the embassy or medical evidence the answer would be no extension.


I now have the embassy letter and because of my interactions with Chumphon to date I am considering applying elsewhere if that is possible.  The key thing I do not know is whether MTT, for example, would require evidence of address.



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