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U.S. President Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19


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2 hours ago, simple1 said:

I believe pence is just as dangerous as trump, comes across to me as a very rigid ideological persona, but at least he doesn't have as many fanatical followers as trump.

Other than the religious right, the only thing he brought to the party, he has no following. He is not a man of action. He's also not a human sewer which counts for something. 

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Developing news as more details leak out:




Trump experiencing mild Covid symptoms: Why the first week matters

Trump's age and weight have doctors worried the president is at risk for severe complications.

The next five to 10 days will be critical for President Donald Trump following his positive test for Covid-19. Doctors warn the illness can suddenly worsen after several days of relatively mild symptoms.

That's particularly true for patients with two of the biggest risk factors for serious and even life-threatening complications of the disease: obesity and older age. Trump, 74, with a body mass index of 30.5, qualifying him as obese, fits both criteria.


"I'm worried," Dr. Vin Gupta, a pulmonologist and affiliate assistant professor at UW Medicine in Seattle, said Friday on "TODAY."






President Trump is experiencing mild symptoms after testing positive for COVID-19, a White House official said Friday.


According to The New York Times, which first reported Trump had mild symptoms, the president appeared lethargic during a Thursday fundraiser, and he fell asleep while flying back from a rally in Minnesota on Wednesday night.

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows confirmed to reporters later Friday morning that the president was dealing with mild symptoms, but said his spirits remained high.

"The president does have mild symptoms, and as we look to try to make sure that not only his health and safety and welfare is good, we continue to look at that for all of the American people," Meadows said.





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8 hours ago, pegman said:

Oh please lord.

Maybe this will be a point of pride for his cabal: "I caught it from DT himself!"

The conservative equivalent of getting a blessing from the pope.

Will it humble him?  FAT CHANCE!

As for optimism, well, both Boris Johnson and Bolsonaro survived it.



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8 hours ago, patman30 said:

actually wishing harm and suffering upon others is just immoral and shameful and extremely close minded,
regardless of who the other person is or their race, beliefs or occupation etc
you really should be ashamed of yourself and your small minds.

You are right, he is a hateful and odious person, and The Good Lord is giving him what he deserves.  Maybe.

Myself, I don't believe he has it.  This thing about a WH staff member testing positive is about two weeks old.  I'm anticipating a staged miracle.



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8 hours ago, patman30 said:

"The CDC data shows the vast majority have not died with C19 alone"

i did not state what was the actual cause of these deaths
merely stated these deaths were not soley by covid, as CDC data clearly shows
huge difference in my statement????

If you check Table 3 of your link https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm you'll find that it does give a breakdown of the comorbidities at the time of death.

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2 hours ago, bendejo said:

You are right, he is a hateful and odious person, and The Good Lord is giving him what he deserves.  Maybe.

Myself, I don't believe he has it.  This thing about a WH staff member testing positive is about two weeks old.  I'm anticipating a staged miracle.



I agree too. There is no way he has covid. Just a huge amount of BS to make him look look like a super hero

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4 minutes ago, katana said:

Trump taken to hospital after testing positive
US President Donald Trump has been taken to hospital less than 24 hours after testing positive for coronavirus
Continued https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-54396670

 If those liers say there's nothing to be concerned about you know damn well there's got to be a lot of be concerned about.

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...The president received a single 8 gram dose of Regeneron's polyclonal antibody cocktail as a precautionary measure, according to a memo from White House physician Dr. Sean Conley. The antibody cocktail is being studied in four late-stage clinical trials and its safety and efficacy have not been fully evaluated by any regulatory authority, the company said on its page...
Continued https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/10/02/trump-heads-walter-reed-hospital-after-positive-covid-19-test/5894256002/

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