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Hard truths about travelling to Thailand, right now


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6 hours ago, ukrules said:

I have a feeling nothing will change until the population are vaccinated.


USA has three different vaccines which are weeks away from final FDA approval. And there is another two vaccines following close behind those! Israel has long had cheap, 5 minute covid tests, which are accurate, how about putting them in place at the airports, if they cost 5 $ charge 10$ = simple! 

14 day quarantine and 100,000$USD Insurance,  WILL NOT WORK, tourists will NOT pay for that, for a two week holiday! WAKE UP POLITICIANS!

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I haven't seen my children (living in the UK) for 2 years now as they've been too poor to afford to come visit and I on a pension cannot afford to support them with air-tickets. So in hoping to see  them before I die we are looking at Xmas 2021 - over a year away.


That of course is assuming the current Government don't completely screw the pooch or the new Army leader doesn't lose patience with Prayut's bumbling and initiate another coup which as he has categorically denied that will probably happen given how they all lie. 


We could meet up in another country but simply cannot afford that and even if we could my Thai wife and I would be effectively stateless as neither home country would permit re-admittance, Thailand because of one of the most draconian set of entry requirements dreamed up by anyone living in lala-land and UK because my Thai wife would not be granted entry anyway. It was Theresa May's toxic requirements that drove us away in the first place! In the UK pensioners cannot keep their foreign wives once they retire as the pension is, in the Government's eyes, too low to support a foreign wife although adequate for a UK one.

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5 hours ago, simon43 said:

I'm surprised that those holding Elite visas have not demanded financial compensation.  Imagine buying a visa for 1 million baht and then being refused entry into the country.  Sounds like fraud to me ....

The Elite scheme was created by Taksin, so the first thing I thought at the time was 'Here comes a giant rip-off'.

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An excellent assessment of the situation in its entirety,

including the shadowy concept of encouraging new

business opportunities to come and reinvest in the country.

It cannot be done with a wealthy of bureaucratic rules and

regulations which the current Thai government flaunts and

fiddles with.  It's time to drop this awful bunker mentality,

set fear aside and deal with it. The current governing body is

not capable of doing that, and they have proven that clearly.


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     The best way is to just forget about Thailand for a couple of years until everything is back to normal. Those requirements, regulations and paperwork right now for tourism is absolutely ridiculous. If anyone wants to go through this hassle, let them do as they want and suit themselves. 

    All the benefit from these goes directly to the upper class and politically powerful people; nothing for the lower class people who are still struggling to survive every day. It is pointless to complain about their regulations — they won’t change anything until they realize what went wrong.

     The whole virus thing is just a  trick to make a quick profit; they say you have to go to the hospital to recover. If you isolate yourself you can recover yourself at home instead of paying expensive insurance, hotel, and hospital bills for staying for 14 days without treatment, unless you are diagnosed with some other severe illness.

     Even 17 years after the SARS outbreak and 7 years after the MERS outbreak there is still no vaccine for them. All the politicians claim that there will be a vaccine for COVID-19 but I don’t think there will be one available soon, as developing a vaccine isn’t a simple process.
    It might be that this virus has been staying in our community for a while and will come and go in the future. There’s no such thing as second wave or third wave and so on.

Edited by raccos21
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Well written article but as we know the Thai government have their own agenda

About how to organise things here

People Health and Safety, first priority contain the Corivirus 

Letting in Mass Tourists unless High Flyers are not on their list of priorities 

Never mind the people outside of Thailand who have family, homes here 

Trying to get back

Forget Tourists until 2021-2022 at the earliest when the quarantine restrictions are lifted


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1 minute ago, Tengtai said:

Meanwhile 40-60 persons die in traffic on a daily basis... who cares as long as no one dies from corona?

You're comparing apples to oranges.  And sadly, many are dying from corona.  Over 1MM so far.  More to come.

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25 minutes ago, connda said:

Not to mention the mandatory health insurance that must be purchased from "special" Thai companies.

Whilst I don’t agree with the government insistence that insurance should be purchased from the local cartel which was created to satisfy the recent OA change (although to be fair, they are the only ones capable of providing a standardized version in Thai, registered on the Immigration system), I do strongly agree that insurance should be compulsory for all aliens (tourists and expats alike), both for COVID and other accidents/illnesses. Too many idiots screaming around on motorbikes with no helmets and then running to CrowdFund when they come unstuck.

Incidentally, I didn’t notice the ‘local purchase’ insurance requirement when the new legislation was announced; I wonder how people will purchase that before traveling? The OA requirement allows a foreign policy for the first year of entry, for this very reason. 

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Thailand is hurting right now like many other countries economically but one thing in its favor is low transmission numbers.Unfortunately looking around the rest of the world and seeing what's happened there due to opening their economies up far too early is the lesson to be learnt.Another 3/6 months and hopefully some of these trial vaccines can actually be approved and some sort of confidence and normality will be instilled once again.I know it's a hard pill to swallow right now but the alternatives aren't exactly any better given what I just read about Bali for example!Keep safe folks!

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2 minutes ago, Tengtai said:

Meanwhile 40-60 persons die in traffic on a daily basis... who cares as long as no one dies from corona?

Again another one mixing apples and oranges.  A road death does not go home with you and infect others and continue the spread.  Just idiot drivers can spread death, and it should only occur once for them, then prison if they do not die themselves.

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