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Thailand targeting seven-day quarantine for tourists


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1 hour ago, nickmondo said:

what a ridiculous statement.

what 1 star hotel in the West is equal to any of the 4 stars here?

how ridiculous.


First you have to check who gives the various hotels their ☆ rating and what for.


UK has 4 different independent organisions that do so.

Edited by overherebc
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Despite the official claims that on the one hand during the last months hundreds of Thais and foreigners who returned to Thailand officially were tested positive in quarantine, on the other hand the number of deaths stubbornly sticks at 59! And no reports of serious cases as well!


So obvisouly most positive cases are asymptomatic, and asymptomatic cases generally are a good thing as this creates immunity and increases the herd immunity.


Asymptomatic and mild cases are often a result of a intake of a low virus load only. Now given the fact that tourists spend the most time outside anyway (beaches, open restaurants, sightseeing): Even if there are asymptomatic people among them, and even if assuming that they infect others, but then with a low virus load outdoors, this would again lead in the very very most cases to asymptomatic or mild cases, increasing the herd immunity on Thailand.


At the end, zero quarantine might be the best not only for the economy, but also for the health of the people, by achieving herd immunity.



Edited by Flying Saucage
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Their time & efforts would be better spent focusing on those that want to come back (still leaving at 14 days quarantine).

At present running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

There are enough people that have had or still have long term visas, have money already in Thailand, own or long term rental 

accommodation & would be easy to manage along with spending once back

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4 minutes ago, CLW said:

Now 14 days, next week 7 days and in one month no quarantine.

You bet!

For sure. They are trying to announce they will be open for Xmas but do it in such a way that no one notices. Clever stuff ????

Edited by Kadilo
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10 hours ago, webfact said:


Thailand is seeking ways to shorten the 14-day quarantine

I've  been awake all night trying to figure ways to reduce a 14 day confinement to 7 days but I'm stumped. But then, I was never good at mathematics. Guess I will have to form a committee.


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Quarintine wont attract any tourists STV is a failed idea sending 1 plane to China in desperation is embarrasing

People need normal to go on holiday and that is not present

A focus on those whose have connections now outside and want to get back is the way forward with testing insurance and track for 14 days and do it now.. as some may never return many already removing money am sure the banks are watching deposits demisishing not been spent in thailand

Their fear is other countries might open first loss of tourism is a gobal problem.

I think europeans staying at home has helped their economies but thailand has not got the high standards and income supports so there domestic tourist wont make any difference.

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

to attract more arrivals as the country opens up

5555555 that should read "if and when the country ever opens up".


The 14-day period is proven to catch 99%+ of cases, reducing it is bound to allow more to slip through. Without testing a lot of arrivals in quarantine at the 7-day and 10-day stages it's not possible to say how many infected cases might be missed, and I'm not aware that they've done their homework there, so let's stick with 14-days.

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Kiartiphum said that Thailand has won worldwide recognition for its success incontrolling the spread of coronavirus.


yes you may only have 60 or so deaths but you have 2500+ suicides as a result of people losing everything due to the governments hard over aggressive approach to ‘containing’ the virus..


total total destruction the amount of people who have lost everything because people aren’t allowed to go somewhere or do something.... 


this is about government control in a lot of countries and it’s no longer about containing a virus.

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8 hours ago, Geoffggi said:

Obviously the Chinese don't want to quarantine for 14 days and who can blame them but rules are rules so either scrap all the quarantine requirements or it's 14 days like every other country that has quarantine requirements, below are yesterdays figures for testing positive as reported in Thai Visa 




> Six Thai soldiers who returned on September 22 from a UN mission in South Sudan (they were found positive on day 11).


> A 54-year-old Thai businessman who came home on September 22 from Myanmar and went into state quarantine in Tak (found positive on day 13).


> A 36-year-old man who returned from Hong Kong on September 23 and is in state quarantine in Bangkok (found positive on day 11). He appears to have caught Covid-19 again as his health history shows he first got infected on August 2.


> A 31-year-old Thai man who came home from the US on October 1 and went into Bangkok state quarantine (found positive on day 6), and two Americans, aged 21 and 40, who arrived on September 29 and 30 and went into alternative hotel quarantine in Bangkok (found positive on day 5 and day 4, respectively).


> Two Indian businessmen, aged 39 and 41, who arrived on September 23 and 30 respectively and went into alternative hotel quarantine in Bangkok (found positive on day 12 and day 4, respectively).


> Two Bangaladeshis – a 53-year-old doctor and 26-year-old student – who arrived on September 30 and went into alternative hotel quarantine in Bangkok and Pathum Thani respectively. (Both were found positive on day 5).


Taking the above figures into consideration what are the so called experts basing the requirement for shortening the quarantine time frame and it being safe ............???? I repeat either scrap it altogether or it should be 14 days IMO

And how many of these folk will go on to die from those COVID19 Flu?

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Here's a story today about a "special" nine-month visa Thailand plans to offer HK people, with a 14-day quarantine and an insurance requirement plus money in the bank.


I suppose lines will be snaking around the consulate for blocks next week.



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Most thai's are worried tourism will being back covid and im sure it will.  Just one case can cause another shutdown.   Its time for TAT to just say sorry.  We are not letting  tourists  back until the World gets a grip on covid.  Maybe a year.   Sorry,to all those on the ripoff industry. 7 day, 5 day just no way people want to risk  getting covid to travel to trash hewn Thailand.  Your days over.   I predict it maybe 4 years to hit 4 million tourists a year. Start furlough for all the IO that worked the lines at swampy.    

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13 hours ago, Kadilo said:

Like many of their decisions it makes no sense, just more paranoia against foreigners who they perceive as a higher risk. 

Ironically returning Thais working abroad have been most infected.  

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1 hour ago, taxout said:

Here's a story today about a "special" nine-month visa Thailand plans to offer HK people, with a 14-day quarantine and an insurance requirement plus money in the bank.


I suppose lines will be snaking around the consulate for blocks next week.



Not only for HK people, as this is the ‘normal’ STV arrangement that’s on offer.

Edited by damascase
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This is what desperation looks like.  

Like it or not, Thailand relies on it's one trick pony for tourism.  And you don't have to be an economist to see the detrimental effects of what has taken place.  

And it's not going to get better.

Next year looks "same same", despite all the bubbling talk about a vaccine.  Remember that it has to be widely available?  This will not be so in 2021.  

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2 hours ago, Blumpie said:

This is what desperation looks like.  

Like it or not, Thailand relies on it's one trick pony for tourism.  And you don't have to be an economist to see the detrimental effects of what has taken place.  

And it's not going to get better.

Next year looks "same same", despite all the bubbling talk about a vaccine.  Remember that it has to be widely available?  This will not be so in 2021.  

Widely available, yes. And be effective. And have to be given every 6-12 months, as antibodies weaken. And, btw., no effective vaccine will ever be developed. It is all so hopeless. 

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