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Vaccine to arrive in Thailand ‘early next year’


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3 hours ago, steelepulse said:

What I love about the vaccine trials is that they want the population that has a very risk low profile of dying from covid to be in the trials.  I understand that now they are adding a some older people, but no one over 70, who should be the people you are trying to protect as they are the most vulnerable.  What's going to happen when the elderly start getting vaccinated?  No one knows...................

This government doesn't care anyone, they don't test so much but speak like they are world championship all over the world for the COVID crisis management (and they still have electric cut each time raining fall or windy days), i know some friend around our family die with some COVID symptom never been tested.

They absolutely don't care and have a big empty head. This government is xenophobic and sick and there own population are tired with them, they want freedom and democracy right now...

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On 10/9/2020 at 3:08 PM, Brunolem said:

Time to book a longstay meditation retreat in a remote forest temple... and escape the syringe and its un(sufficiently)tested content... 


Let the sheep(le) fight for it... 

The Sheeple will be begging for it World wide.They wont even bother asking whats in it .

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21 hours ago, 3NUMBAS said:

expats can expect to be thrown to the lions 5555

Surely a few hundred or thousand baht will not prevent you from getting a much needed vaccin ? If you were living as a foreigner in many other countries you would have to pay. Be fair, it’s not that bad. 

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On 10/10/2020 at 3:13 AM, Don Mega said:

so all that fan fare about Thailand have a vaccine a few months back was just buffalo excrement ?


Did the HIV cure Thailand invented ever hit the market ?

Its called Ivermectin, and Thailand used it, in fact India and Bangladesh, South America are using it. The only country's not using it are Europe, USA, Australia, New Zealand. 

Why? It only costs 20 cents per dose, Remidisiver costs 3000 USA per dose and does not work. 

However the FDA shunned ivermectin in favour of Remidisiver and media did not link conflicts of interest, even to Fauci, who indirectly was linked. This is for C19 I'm talking about, and C19 contains a part of HIV in its code. 

Patients treated so far have been covid free after 4 days, does this explain why Thailand has had such good treatment results. Now the string pullers want to claim that someone is a guru and then line the pockets of insurance companies and private hospitals by first allowing people who require medical treatments into the land of no more smiles. 

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1 minute ago, Thomas J said:

There is a vaccine for the Flu but still people get the Flu who took the vaccine.  What will Thailand do when people get the vaccine but then arrive in Thailand and are found to have Coronavirus. 


Probably put them in prison with a 3 million bail. 

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14 hours ago, Thomas J said:

There is a vaccine for the Flu but still people get the Flu who took the vaccine.  What will Thailand do when people get the vaccine but then arrive in Thailand and are found to have Coronavirus. 


The upcoming jab for CV19 will probably be the same.  You'll still get sick, not just as bad.


We're going to be dealing with this virus for a long time.

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22 hours ago, Ketyo said:

I will not be taking a Chinese vaccine. I don't trust the Chinese Communist Party one bit!!! I believe they are interested only in money, power and control. But I would advise everyone else to feel free to do what they want. That's the difference.

Thank you. 

I would personally take any risk in order not to get stuck in Eurasia aka the EU. 

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On 10/10/2020 at 10:57 AM, raccos21 said:

It has been 17 years after the SARS outbreak and 7 years after the MERS outbreak and there is still no vaccine for them. The scientists are cracking their heads to look for solutions. 


From my knowledge, vulnerable patients should be the last people to test the vaccine. They would be most likely prone to the virus (in case you didn’t know, vaccines include weak samples of that virus. Suppose their immune system isn’t strong enough to fight even that virus! They would be infected. That’s why people get sick after the vaccine!)

Neither of those statements is correct.


There is a vaccine for MERS - it's from the same Oxford University vaccine development group that is being talked about here. It hasn't been fully approved yet but has come through all the development phases with flying colours so far and is currently undergoing human trials in Saudi Arabia.


In fact, it's the whole reason why theirs is the vaccine that's the furthest along the development timeline for SARS-CoV-2, because all they had to do was replace the portion of their vaccine that contained the genetic code for the MERS spike protein, with the genetic code for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.


There were also multiple candidate vaccines for SARS-CoV-1 and the only reason none of them reached fruition was because the money dried up after the virus itself disappeared. 


Secondly, the vaccine being talked about here (and many of the other vaccines that are closest to being ready) do not contain weakened samples of the virus. You are talking about vaccines using an attenuated or inactivated virus in their makeup. Neither the Astra Zeneca, Moderna, Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson vaccines for example, use attenuated or inactivated SARS-CoV-2 virus in their product. Instead, they use a part of the genetic code for the virus' spike protein. Since the spike protein can't replicate by itself and does not contain any of the components that actually cause the illness in people, these vaccines cannot infect people with the SARS-CoV-2 virus - though they could, theoretically, cause other side effects due to the person's immune system response to the vaccine.

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On 10/10/2020 at 11:28 AM, Max69xl said:

What you obviously don't know is that there are vaccines for other types of Coronavirus,the one we have now is just the latest strain, that's why it's called the new coronavirus. Not one of those vaccines are working properly. Not one

Untrue. There are no approved vaccines for any other coronavirus.


As I just mentioned, there is a candidate vaccine for MERS currently undergoing human trials in Saudi Arabia. It has proved successful in all its previous development phases and the early signs from the latest trials are good.


For SARS, there were plenty of candidate vaccines and again, many of them came through early trial phases successfully, but before they could complete human trials the virus disappeared and so did the financial backing for any further development.

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