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Good news about COVID-19 vaccines expected next month – Dr. Yong


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1 hour ago, ChouDoufu said:


sorry, no deep state conspiracy, just reality.


you expect a country that can't manage to build simple sewer drains to effectively handle ultra-cold vaccines?


reminds me of that terrorist who planned to get a bucket of uranium and spin it around on a rope, really really really fast, in order to separate isotopes.


They can't even prevent the frozen food in the supermarkets to spoil :cheesy:

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2 hours ago, KannikaP said:

A Lada or a Roller?

If they did not have such high import taxes then cars would be a hell of a lot cheaper than they are.  You can buy a Porsche Cayenne for 3 million Baht in the States and yet here they are between 9 and 12 Mbht.  Same with the Mercs, the BMW's and all others.


A nice size medical refrigerator can be found at Police General Hospital where they freeze the cadavers while awaiting them being claimed I would think.

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1 minute ago, ThailandRyan said:

If they did not have such high import taxes then cars would be a hell of a lot cheaper than they are.  You can buy a Porsche Cayenne for 3 million Baht in the States and yet here they are between 9 and 12 Mbht.  Same with the Mercs, the BMW's and all others.


A nice size medical refrigerator can be found at Police General Hospital where they freeze the cadavers while awaiting them being claimed I would think.

My comment was meant to be a joke, not requiring a sensible answer with something we all know anyway.


Would the aforementioned medical refrigerator go down to -80 degrees. Let's face it, fish fingers only need -18 !   LOL

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3 hours ago, gillap said:

How is it they suddenly have a vaccine for covid-19...a VIRUS apparently with many strains ...and they don't have a vaccine for AIDS yet! Makes one wonder...right? I will NOT be getting this vaccine if I have a choice...!

There is no grand conspiracy behind the reason for this. HIV is a very particular virus since it targets the very cells that are supposed to protect us from viral infections. There are plenty of sources on the internet explaining why it is so difficult to find a vaccin for HIV. On top of that there might be a difference in funding as HIV is not a global pandemic that forces us to wear rubbers wherever we go in public. Being (one of the first) companies to find a succesful COVID-19 vaccin will be probably like winning the jackpot. 



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19 minutes ago, Forza2002 said:

Dr Yong should be reported to the false news bureau... The vaccine will not be ready next month. It has been well reported in the West that Pfizer have jumped the gun with their premature announcement... 


Some insider probably had some shares to sell

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3 hours ago, Susco said:


You mean Dr Fauci is an idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about, when he says that the cold storage would have challenges even in the developed world, and you know it better?




Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, on Wednesday said it would be challenging to distribute vaccines that use messenger RNA based technology in developing countries, owing to their cold storage requirements.


In a country like the UK and the United States we can address them and it still would be challenging. But, probably much more challenging in countries in the developing world," Fauci said at the Financial Times' global pharmaceutical and biotechnology conference.

It was the same answer Galileo got in the renaissance, when he told the church that our Earth is not the center of the universe. The bishops knew better ???? 

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3 hours ago, teacherclaire said:

Please keep all your vaccination for yourself. 


  If they work for monkeys, they might not work for us.


  But what do I know? I just don't want an vaccination. 

They are phase 3 tests , so tested on 30.000 to 60.000 people in double blind test ( so control group "vaccinated" with saline solution or similar vs vaccinated with the trial vaccine , where none of the people vaccinating or people inside know who gets what ) . So whatever you saying isnt true .

2nd you were prob vaccinated in the past many times , and certainly if you are above a age , since then you would have been vaccinated for smallpox , a disease which is now completely out of this world . More recent , polio is almost completely gone , also due to vaccination . .

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5 hours ago, gillap said:

How is it they suddenly have a vaccine for covid-19...a VIRUS apparently with many strains ...and they don't have a vaccine for AIDS yet! Makes one wonder...right? I will NOT be getting this vaccine if I have a choice...!

A : because the companies who are in front of this wave of tests ( Pfizer / AstraZeneca / and a few others ) , were working on different types of corona virus which were active before but have disappeared like SARS and MERS . So part of that research was finished and as soon as the full sequence of this type of corona virus was known , they could proceed on working on these previous results .

B : every virus , as well as all living things evolve . Some evolve fast , others go slow . These mutations can be small or can be great . HIV is still roughly the same virus as it was in the 80s , while the flu changes every few weeks quite big . Corona virus is a very big strain of virus , but Covid-19 is a specific strain and at the moment it evolves but none of the receptors (protein) which are used for the vaccine is changed yet . It does not mean it wont happen , hence the killing of the minks in Denmark , since they found a few people which had been infected with a new type of corona , evolved from crossbreed in minkfarms .

C : HIV is a totally different kind of virus , working on a totally different path , and so far no vaccination has been effective . Some virus are easier to find a vaccine and others is extremely challenging .

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5 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

Test it on the Politicians first, if it has serious side effects....no big loss.

regards worgeordie

They are welcome to test it on me.  It's already been tested on tens of thousands of people so I have no problem taking it.


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The funny thing about this entire situation is that it may take well over five billion doses to inoculate the entire population and cure us of COVID.  So just think about what five billion doses means.  Think about five billion extra needles.  Think about five billion pieces of plastic the needles are wrapped in.   Think about five billion glass vials.  Think about all the logistics of this.

2021 is a total write-off.  Look towards 2022 for a slight recovery.  

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11 hours ago, gillap said:

How is it they suddenly have a vaccine for covid-19...a VIRUS apparently with many strains ...and they don't have a vaccine for AIDS yet! Makes one wonder...right? I will NOT be getting this vaccine if I have a choice...!

The market for an AIDS vaccine is not big enough and therefore not interesting.

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10 hours ago, Flying Saucage said:

This is how LNG is transported at minus 161°C also over the gulf of Thailand:




But they claim to be unable to transport some bottles of vaccine at minus 80°C? How ridiculous is that!

The LNG cargo is used as a cooling agent it self, I use to overhaul the compressors on board those vessels. At a temp of - 161centigrades it remains liquified and volume reduced at approx 8 to 1.

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Remember that the new vaccine from Pfizer is a genetically engineered vaccine,  first time in the history to be mass produced. It can easily be produced in a lab, no virus needed. It's just a genetic code. 

Are you ready for this ?   Some scientists talk about autoimmune diseases as a side effect, but it could take years to find out how it will affect your body. 

Edited by balo
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15 hours ago, Flying Saucage said:

So, why exactly is Yong again staring his biased messages? Working at a university, he should know these facts very well. Rhetorical question, of course. It's quite clear that he acts more as a mouthpiece of the junta than as a scientist, when it is about Covid.

Spreading hope for an ailing nation.

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4 hours ago, Flying Saucage said:


This Dr. Yong seems to have no glue. But as an academic doing medical research, he MUST know that storage and transport of a vaccine at -70°C is easy, and that Thailand has all means necessary available. So it is quite clear that he has other biased selfish reasons for the BS he tells his audience, as usual when he talks about Covid.


Probably because he sniffed it all before making his clueless statements...

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