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THAI airways corruption: Former chairman given 2 years jail over not paying excess baggage on Kobe beef and fruit


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For FS 300kg's of Kobe beef.  That's a load of meat and fruit.  That could feed my entire family for awhile.  True Kobe beef is not cheap, but then i hope it was frozen, and had dry ice on it.  Several hours in an unrefrigerated hold and in the Thai heat would spoil it fast.  


If he had just paid the fees then he would have been home scot free, now he gets to be bubba's bottom boy.

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18 minutes ago, canopus1969 said:

Excellent news, now if they could find their way to jail the numpties on domestic flights who have trouble carrying – let alone lifting into the overhead bins – their baggage life would be even better

Best would be for them to actually check the carryon baggage like they do in the Philippines.  If it is over the weight and size you must check the bag or reduce the weight of the bag if its the right dimensions. 

Edited by ThailandRyan
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Just now, colinneil said:

Well they have finally got round to jailing one of the hi-so do you know who i am brigade.

Keep going there are thousands more at it.


Not possible mate they need to build a load more jails if they're to house all of the corrupt...

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1 hour ago, Katipo said:

I am sure there is more to this story than unpaid duty on an excess of food stuffs.

Kobe beef from 10.000 baht a kg....300 kg....Japan also has melons/mango's from 4-5000 baht a piece...


I bet he sells the beef to a shop in BKK....

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Kind of makes you wonder who he upset ? When a certain ex-PM who speaks really good Chinese exited LOS using the now failed national carrier rather hurriedly some years back, he was reported as having 27 heavy suitcases. One can only guess just what was in them. I wonder if he paid the excess baggage fee ? 

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Two years banged up because he was too tight to pay the excess baggage fee. With his kind of income, that just don't make sense. 

I can't help but feel that this is just a drop in the ocean. 

Edited by djayz
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