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UK tells EU: back down by Sunday night or we'll walk


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2 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


But the WTO rules are dictated to us. We cannot change them. We get no say. 

But now we get to the crux of the matter eh? Brexit is all about immigration which is something you Brexiteers have always strenuously denied. 


  I cannot speak on behalf of anyone else , but I have always  had the opinion that Immigration should be regulated and that aired that numerous time , albeit, not every 20 minutes in the same thread 

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1 minute ago, david555 said:

Because Boris fooled us ....promised  walking away  .... but never did .... keeps coming and above all ....phoning Merkel  ,Macron & Ursula  VDL for diners appointments ????


 We have indeed left and we are in discussions , the option has always been for the E.U to walk away and to have no more negotiations or discussions with us , but you kept persevering with them .

  The E.U could have said no more extensions to the discussions , we even pleaded with you to do that , but no, you refused and kept us in the E.U for a few more years

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3 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Dictated?  I think you are confusing the wto with the EU. The WTO has consistent and reasonable trading terms for all members who choose to sign up.


No political alignment geared towards a superstate.


Kind of like the common market was back in the day.




So you Brexiteers can tell the WTO what you find acceptable or not and apply the rules to suit yourselves?

Or are the rules dictated to us by the WTO?

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6 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


 Brexit is all about immigration which is something you Brexiteers have always strenuously denied. 

Are you mind reading again ?


Such a special skill is really wasted on this forum. 


Although if your mind reading skills match your vote prediction skills I'm not surprised you're so upset about a small fluctuation in the exchange rate affecting your meagre pension.


Maybe try palm reading. Loads of money in that next year. My tarot card reader assured me.

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Just now, Rookiescot said:


Excellent. Now were are making progress. Although it is slow and I have to keep repeating myself in order to get you to answer questions.

So Brexit is all about immigration then. You dont like foreigners coming to the UK.

But you have no issue with foreigners dictating what our trade should look like?


  I have no problems with foreigners coming to the UK , I just think it should be regulated and controlled , rather than a free for all 

I am happy to be part of the WTO , we are part of that group and we all come to an amicable agreement about the rules  .

  We dodn't join groups and then dictate to them what the rules should be , we come to agreements

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3 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


 We have indeed left and we are in discussions , the option has always been for the E.U to walk away and to have no more negotiations or discussions with us , but you kept persevering with them .

  The E.U could have said no more extensions to the discussions , we even pleaded with you to do that , but no, you refused and kept us in the E.U for a few more years


the reason for that, is that if we didn't, and because of your short memory, you would have accused the EU of not granting you an extension to plea your case


but you are right, Barnier should have said to Maybot and her team to <deleted> off on day 1 ????


complete waste of time, but we knew that already, but what do you do with a bunch of moaning Brexiteers ????

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10 minutes ago, david555 said:

Because Boris fooled us ....promised  walking away  .... but never did .... keeps coming and above all ....phoning Merkel  ,Macron & Ursula  VDL for diners appointments ????

You're on your daily wind-up, plus I never thought in a million years you could be fooled, but hey, I believe you.......????

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Just now, CorpusChristie said:


  I have no problems with foreigners coming to the UK , I just think it should be regulated and controlled , rather than a free for all 

I am happy to be part of the WTO , we are part of that group and we all come to an amicable agreement about the rules  .

  We dodn't join groups and then dictate to them what the rules should be , we come to agreements


There will be no agreement with the WTO rules. You either accept them or you do not. They are not open to negotiation. 

So either we accept the WTO terms and have them imposed upon us or we reject them.

If we accept them then we are having our trade dictated to us by a bunch of unelected foreigners.

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1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:

Comparing Brexit to World War 2 , they both took about the same amount of time and the end results are the same 

There was a obvious winner and looser in World War II.


Doesn't seem the case between the E.U. and the U.K..

Both may proclaim they won, none will proclaim it loose.

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1 minute ago, GrandPapillon said:


the reason for that, is that if we didn't, and because of your short memory, you would have accused the EU of not granting you an extension to plea your case


but you are right, Barnier should have said to Maybot and her team to <deleted> off on day 1 ????


complete waste of time, but we knew that already, but what do you do with a bunch of moaning Brexiteers ????


   Farage stood before the E.U and asked you, pleaded with you , to grant no more extensions to the on-going talks and to let is leave  , the E.U Parliament ignored that and gave an extension to the discussions , forcing us to stay

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2 hours ago, vinny41 said:

Once again you are going off on a different topic

Can we assume that you agree with the main media outlets that the EU  contingency proposals  contain  also the agreement of a level playing field Which you claimed was garbage 

I have not gone off topic, it is all about agreements in one form or another, and If you twist any more you will end up where the sun does not shine.

I do not agree with your interpretation of what gets said in the media. Maybe you can show us where there is any reference to trade or the "level playing field" in the text of the proposed targeted contingency measures. Rail transport is notable by it's absence.

People should bear in mind that in 3 out of the 4, the UK has no fallback position and for the 4th the only fallback would be another "cod war", and who won that.


The Commission has consistently called on all stakeholders in all sectors to prepare for all possible scenarios on 1 January 2021. While a “no-deal” scenario will cause disruptions in many areas, some sectors would be disproportionately affected due to a lack of appropriate fall-back solutions and because in some sectors, stakeholders cannot themselves take mitigating measures. The Commission is therefore putting forward today four contingency measures to mitigate some of the significant disruptions that will occur on 1 January in case a deal with the UK is not yet in place:

  • Basic air connectivity: A proposal for a Regulation to ensure the provision of certain air services between the UK and the EU for 6 months, provided the UK ensures the same.
  • Aviation safety: A proposal for a Regulation ensuring that various safety certificates for products can continue to be used in EU aircraft without disruption, thereby avoiding the grounding of EU aircraft.
  • Basic road connectivity: A proposal for a Regulation covering basic connectivity with regard to both road freight, and road passenger transport for 6 months, provided the UK assures the same to EU hauliers.
  • Fisheries: A proposal for a Regulation to create the appropriate legal framework until 31 December 2021, or until a fisheries agreement with the UK has been concluded – whichever date is earlier – for continued reciprocal access by EU and UK vessels to each other's waters after 31 December 2020. In order to guarantee the sustainability of fisheries and in light of the importance of fisheries for the economic livelihood of many communities, it is necessary to facilitate the procedures of authorisation of fishing vessels.

The Commission will work closely with the European Parliament and Council with a view to facilitate entry into application on 1 January 2021 of all four proposed Regulations.

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5 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Are you mind reading again ?


Such a special skill is really wasted on this forum. 


Although if your mind reading skills match your vote prediction skills I'm not surprised you're so upset about a small fluctuation in the exchange rate affecting your meagre pension.


Maybe try palm reading. Loads of money in that next year. My tarot card reader assured me.


You Brexiteers need to get your act together and start singing from the same hymn sheet.

One of you is saying Brexit is about immigration and you are saying its not about immigration.


My meagre pension? I retired aged 47. Will you be retired by the time you reach that age? Assuming you are not past it already?

But of course a weak pound suits you doesnt it? Sitting over here getting paid in Baht while demanding others face the pain of Brexit. 

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3 minutes ago, transam said:

You're on your daily wind-up, plus I never thought in a million years you could be fooled, but hey, I believe you.......????

Yes , in the beginning i believed he could walk away  ..... but seeing how he could fool and lie  the British electorate  i am never go believe him no more.... by by my good trust...???? 



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3 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


   Farage stood before the E.U and asked you, pleaded with you , to grant no more extensions to the on-going talks and to let is leave  , the E.U Parliament ignored that and gave an extension to the discussions , forcing us to stay

But no-one listens to Farage.

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3 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


There will be no agreement with the WTO rules. You either accept them or you do not. They are not open to negotiation. 

So either we accept the WTO terms and have them imposed upon us or we reject them.

If we accept them then we are having our trade dictated to us by a bunch of unelected foreigners.


  We are part of those "unelected foreigners" who made the rules .

We are part of that group , do you realise that we are also foreigners to them ?

Yes, we accept them , we are happy to oblige by WTO rules

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3 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:


the reason for that, is that if we didn't, and because of your short memory, you would have accused the EU of not granting you an extension to plea your case


but you are right, Barnier should have said to Maybot and her team to <deleted> off on day 1 ????


complete waste of time, but we knew that already, but what do you do with a bunch of moaning Brexiteers ????

Papy, you obviously have no idea the sh_t that's flying around inside the EU because the EU will not accept the UK's sovereign territory, which may cause a no deal, you must catch up on what's really going on instead of posting daft stuff like moaning Brexiteers.......????

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1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:


   Farage stood before the E.U and asked you, pleaded with you , to grant no more extensions to the on-going talks and to let is leave  , the E.U Parliament ignored that and gave an extension to the discussions , forcing us to stay

I agree with you, complete waste of time, but if we hadn't, you 2 face liar politicians would have come back a few months later claiming that they needed more time and weren't given that time by the evil EU, and would have tell their gullible population how it was all the EU fault for the chaos that followed the hard brexit


friends don't let friends backstab themselves ????

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2 minutes ago, vogie said:

Slack Alice might.

What is Slack Alice?
"Slack Alice" was released as the B-Side of Grayson's signature tune " Shut That Door," on York Records in August 1972. In the song, Alice attends a soccer match and throws her knickers in the air to show her displeasure with the referee. The previous year, a song referring to knickers being thrown in the air was banned by the BBC. 
So your post may be loud and clear for Britons, it is totally incomprehensible for me.
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2 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


You Brexiteers need to get your act together and start singing from the same hymn sheet.

One of you is saying Brexit is about immigration and you are saying its not about immigration.


My meagre pension? I retired aged 47. Will you be retired by the time you reach that age? Assuming you are not past it already?

But of course a weak pound suits you doesnt it? Sitting over here getting paid in Baht while demanding others face the pain of Brexit. 


  No, we all have differing opinions and reasons for voting Brexit .

IMO, immigration needed to be controlled , other people may or may not think likewise .


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2 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

I agree with you, complete waste of time, but if we hadn't, you 2 face liar politicians would have come back a few months later claiming that they needed more time and weren't given that time by the evil EU, and would have tell their gullible population how it was all the EU fault for the chaos that followed the hard brexit


friends don't let friends backstab themselves ????


  I do wish you would stop calling people liars , that playground level discussion 

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4 minutes ago, david555 said:

Yes , in the beginning i believed he could walk away  ..... but seeing how he could fool and lie  the British electorate  i am never go believe him no more.... by by my good trust...???? 



Bet you're thankful you are not British eh....????..............????

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1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:


  I do wish you would stop calling people liars , that playground level discussion 

it's a fact that Boris is a liar and you are being rules by liars, and your beloved Farage is the poster boy of liars ????


surely, you don't believe any of their pipedream recital by now? ????

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17 minutes ago, sandyf said:

I have not gone off topic, it is all about agreements in one form or another, and If you twist any more you will end up where the sun does not shine.

I do not agree with your interpretation of what gets said in the media. Maybe you can show us where there is any reference to trade or the "level playing field" in the text of the proposed targeted contingency measures. Rail transport is notable by it's absence.

People should bear in mind that in 3 out of the 4, the UK has no fallback position and for the 4th the only fallback would be another "cod war", and who won that.


The Commission has consistently called on all stakeholders in all sectors to prepare for all possible scenarios on 1 January 2021. While a “no-deal” scenario will cause disruptions in many areas, some sectors would be disproportionately affected due to a lack of appropriate fall-back solutions and because in some sectors, stakeholders cannot themselves take mitigating measures. The Commission is therefore putting forward today four contingency measures to mitigate some of the significant disruptions that will occur on 1 January in case a deal with the UK is not yet in place:

  • Basic air connectivity: A proposal for a Regulation to ensure the provision of certain air services between the UK and the EU for 6 months, provided the UK ensures the same.
  • Aviation safety: A proposal for a Regulation ensuring that various safety certificates for products can continue to be used in EU aircraft without disruption, thereby avoiding the grounding of EU aircraft.
  • Basic road connectivity: A proposal for a Regulation covering basic connectivity with regard to both road freight, and road passenger transport for 6 months, provided the UK assures the same to EU hauliers.
  • Fisheries: A proposal for a Regulation to create the appropriate legal framework until 31 December 2021, or until a fisheries agreement with the UK has been concluded – whichever date is earlier – for continued reciprocal access by EU and UK vessels to each other's waters after 31 December 2020. In order to guarantee the sustainability of fisheries and in light of the importance of fisheries for the economic livelihood of many communities, it is necessary to facilitate the procedures of authorisation of fishing vessels.

The Commission will work closely with the European Parliament and Council with a view to facilitate entry into application on 1 January 2021 of all four proposed Regulations.

Suggest you read these llinks 

And the Guardian,BBC and Sky news state the EU  contingency proposals  do contain  the agreement of a level playing field as part of the mini deals

EU makes fishing and transport no-deal offers in return for 'level playing field'


Brexit: EU sets out plans in case trade talks with UK fail


Brexit: EU risks fresh fishing row with UK over no-deal contingency plans

Meanwhile, parts of the mini-deals offered by the EU to the UK contain the same demands for so-called level playing field provisions that have been - along with fishing rights - such a contentious aspect of post-Brexit trade negotiations.



PS I do remember that you posted that Cameron promised Scotland a voice on the EU table but when asked by a number of TVF members you were unwilling to provide such a link to support your claim


Edited by vinny41
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