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UK tells EU: back down by Sunday night or we'll walk


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1 minute ago, Surelynot said:

Thought we were trying to stop all these ne'er-do-wells from stealing our jobs....not just keep shifting the goal posts in a mandaTORY system to end up back where we started?

Think you are getting confused about goals and who should be able to enter the UK....




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2 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Brexiteers complaining about immigration policies when the Conservatives have been in power for 11 years.

Every election they promised to clamp down on immigration and then promptly did nothing.

Still they knew it was a great vote catcher for those Alf Garnet types with short memories. 

"Short memories", .........????

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16 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

maybe he kept quiet while he was still in the Conservative party but didn't think otherwise


being expelled, just gave him the freedom to speak out the obvious


and you can't deny at this stage that Boris is a liar and a cheat


  More likely that he had a grudge against Boris .

Lost out to him for the top job and then Boris expelled him from the party .

So he retaliated by calling him names in public and trying to discredit him 

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15 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Brexiteers complaining about immigration policies when the Conservatives have been in power for 11 years.

Every election they promised to clamp down on immigration and then promptly did nothing.

Still they knew it was a great vote catcher for those Alf Garnet types with short memories. 


   The UK was unable to implement its own immigration policies whilst we were in the E.U  

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1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:


  More likely that he had a grudge against Boris .

Lost out to him for the top job and then Boris expelled him from the party .

So he retaliated by calling him names in public and trying to discredit him 

That sounds very familiar as to what's being posted here on a daily basis by aggrieved lefties regarding Boris.....????

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22 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Johnson should deliver what he and vote leave promised.

What we should not do is leave with no deal because there is no mandate for that and the entire thing is being driven by Brexit fundamentalists.


  Brexit was delivered .

That was all that was promised .

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 (I guess the French fisherman's may get E.U. blockade  assistance .....)



Brexit fishing outrage: European Parliament's 'peculiar and unprecedented' demand exposed
THE EU Parliament said it would have been "unacceptable" to give UK's seafood producers access to the bloc's markets if EU trawlers were not allowed to enter British fishing grounds after Brexit.



PUBLISHED: 16:55, Mon, Dec 14, 2020 | UPDATED: 18:07, Mon, Dec 14, 2020

This week, the EU and the UK will push harder to strike an agreement on their future trade relationship after both sides agreed "to go the extra mile”. A deadline to finish the talks had been set for Sunday, but Prime Minister Boris Johnson and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen have agreed to an extension after discussing the major sticking points in a phone call. According to a joint-statement, the call had been “constructive and useful.”

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6 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


The problem with rewritting history is you have to wait till everyone who was around at the time is dead.



You should be more careful where you get your information.



Oh, and maybe vote next time if you feel so passionately about the outcome ????.

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Just now, JonnyF said:



There are plenty of EU citizens coming to the UK to undercut the wages of the existing UK workers who are quite happy to do the job. Polish brickies for example, working on incredibly low wages and putting UK brickies out of work. Great for the huge home building companies who can get cheap Polish labour but not so good for the British man on the street who lays bricks for a living. Still, what do you care? You're retired so you can virtue signal about your love of open borders and all things European while moaning about the weakness of the pound (which let's face it is your major gripe) due to that pesky Brexit. 


If you think Brexit won't make a difference to the scenario above then I would suggest you do not understand freedom of movement or the job market.


We will allow the unskilled workers we need. For example, if we need fruit pickers we will allow fruit pickers. If we don't need brickies, brickies will not be on the list of required professions. Similar to how Australia manages it. You should check it out, might learn something. 


6 Million from Hong Kong? ???? I've told you a zillion times not to exaggerate.


So some boss gave that brickies job to the polish guy? So ultimately there was more profit for him.

Welcome to the wonderful world of capitalism.

Are you Brexiteers proposing we leave that as well? 

I'm just fine for money thanks. My issue with Brexit is the damage its going to do to the UK.

You are right about the people from Hong Kong.

Its only 3 million not 6.


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2 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


  A video has been stuck together with numerous people saying a few words and keeps cutting from one person saying a few words to another person saying  few words .

  Many people said many things about Brexit , quite often contradictory , but at the end of the day , one question was asked .

  Can you provide a video of a Prime minister actually stating, promising , guaranteeing that the UK  with leave with a trade deal ?

  Or is it yourself that is trying to re write history ?


Cameron didnt win. Cameron was on the side of remain. So what you are saying is Cameron was telling the truth while Johnson and vote leave were lying?

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12 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Apart from freedom of movement for EU citizens the UK was responsible for its own immigration policies.

And remember that freedom of movement cut both ways. All those retirees living in Spain.  


  That is a big APART FROM ????

Thats like saying *Apart from getting shot , JFK went for a nice pleasant  Sunday drive along the boulevard in Texas*

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3 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


So some boss gave that brickies job to the polish guy? So ultimately there was more profit for him.

Welcome to the wonderful world of capitalism.

Are you Brexiteers proposing we leave that as well? 

I'm just fine for money thanks. My issue with Brexit is the damage its going to do to the UK.

You are right about the people from Hong Kong.

Its only 3 million not 6.


So it's the bosses fault? You want to leave it to the bosses of these huge corporations and rely on them to do the right thing by the British workforce? ????


I'm going to hazard a guess that you've not much experience in the corporate world. ????


What a great strategy for protecting the British workforce from cheap foreign labour, you should be PM. Second thoughts, maybe have a trial run as first minister of Scotland. It's a much smaller position and you couldn't do much worse than Sturgeon, plus you've got all the nationalist rhetoric required to deflect from the results of such ludicrous policies.



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11 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Cameron didnt win. Cameron was on the side of remain. So what you are saying is Cameron was telling the truth while Johnson and vote leave were lying?

I didn't see Johnson in that video, mainly Farage and a few people I never heard of.


Were you listening to them? More fool you.


Seems you listened to the polls as well, maybe that's why you couldn't be bothered to vote. Now we have to listen to you moan for the next decade when you only have yourself to blame. ???? 


Bitter much? Regretful much? 

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2 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


Oh good grief. All you Brexiteers got Camerons video on speed dial?

For about the 4th time in this thread alone Cameron did not win. What he said was rejected by 52% of those who voted.

Do you understand that? What he was saying does not matter.

What matters is that the people who won deliver what THEY promised.


  Cameron was Prime Minister at the time , he was a neutral .

He may have had his own personal opinion, but he was PM , leader of the Country

Cameron wasnt leave or remain, he spoke as a neutral , although he was biased to the stay side .

He spoke as Prime Minister , not as a remain candidate .

He gave us the facts about what Brexit would be  

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15 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


So some boss gave that brickies job to the polish guy? So ultimately there was more profit for him.



  Doesnt work that way , the Boss will put a low quote in and get the contract .

Rich people will get their house bult cheaply and the workers receive less salary 

Cheap foreign labour is good for businesses and the rich , but it keeps the working class poor

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10 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

So it's the bosses fault? You want to leave it to the bosses of these huge corporations and rely on them to do the right thing by the British workforce? ????


I'm going to hazard a guess that you've not much experience in the corporate world. ????


What a great strategy for protecting the British workforce from cheap foreign labour, you should be PM. Second thoughts, maybe have a trial run as first minister of Scotland. It's a much smaller position and you couldn't do much worse than Sturgeon, plus you've got all the nationalist rhetoric required to deflect from the results of such ludicrous policies.



Being genuine here........so you are saying one of the main aims of the immigration policy is to protect British workers and to secure a greater chance of employment and (supply and demand) improved or improving pay prospects?


That being the case, pre-empting your reply, many businesses are not going to be happy....correct? The loop hole being the pressure applied by businesses to the Home office demanding so and so is let in (move the goal posts) and we end up (almost) where we are today?

Edited by Surelynot
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1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:



What are you going to do with the 6 million from Hong Kong potentially coming to the UK?


   A bunch of highly skilled educated people who speak English , the UK should allow them all to move to the U.K , give them an Island off Scotland to all live , build a Hong Kong on the Shetlands .

  It would be a massive boost to the UK economy 

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