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Two cops sacked in sex/extortion/drugs case in Samut Prakan


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10 minutes ago, Thaiwrath said:


Dirty, despicable person.

Let's hope this is the start of a major clampdown on unworthy people in the R.T.P. (instead of inactive posts), and not a one off.  

The huge punishment being a transfer as usual..... such a joke..

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3 hours ago, whiteman said:

Trust me this is not the only station doing this needs to be a big clean out but the people are too scared to report these matters so it goes on and on.

thats where bad mnent is spotlighted and those resoponsble for the manager needs lookin at...

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7 hours ago, ezzra said:
7 hours ago, webfact said:

The provincial chief of police has taken the unusual step of sacking two policemen

That paragraph bothers me, why it have to be said 'unusual' what else can be done with bent cops? send to to retirement with a fat pension and a farewell party?...


Come on @ezzra, with over 12,000 posts, I am sure you've been around this moobahn long enough to have heard the term 'inactive post'.


The fat pensions and farewell parties may be closer to the truth than you think.

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8 hours ago, natway09 said:

The new broom is sweeping clean, great, but for how long ?

Maybe .... Maybe not.


I'll come closer to believing it when an interpol warrant for murder goes out on the Red Bull heir.  Till then I won't hold my breath.

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hope other renegade police got the message! in the philippines, one should be very careful as some unscrupulous custom officers at the airport would try to sneak a bullet in your luggages while pretending to screen them,  then ask you to pay  thousands of pesos. the other option is emprisonment

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i was once extorted by a traffic police.

i stopped my bike in a red light and than just pulled a bit the gas handle, to keep the engine going.

the noise was not loud and i did not do it in a provocative manner.

a policeman who stood besides did not like it and pulled me over.

he gave me a ticket, took my lisence and told me to pay in a nearby police station.

when i asked what i did wrong he gave am an angry look.

i sent my girlfriend to the police station and asked her to ask what i did wrong.

the policeman there told her that if she will not pay the 1000 baht fine, it will be worse.


i paid but did not forget, and never again rented a bike in thailand.

it just aint worth it. you cannot drive in fear of getting senseless fines.


this made me wonder if there is any way for farang to defend themselves in case of such

traffic tickets? is there any legal process available at all to dispute traffic fines?

 i never heard of anyone who tried it with success

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20 hours ago, webfact said:

They have been stripped of their jobs and will likely face criminal proceedings. 


18 hours ago, BigFun said:

Brilliant! Great to hear jobs lost and prosecution pending. A policy well overdue.

*Likely* being the operative word, Not a word to say if they have been charged or arrested, don't hold your breath on any prosecution.

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21 hours ago, webfact said:

Senior police sergeant Wongchaiyaphat, 51, and at least one other demanded a 50,000 baht bribe for her release that the victim managed to reduce to a payment of 25,000 baht.


She paid but it did not end there. Wongchaiyaphat then telephoned the victim to demand sex and if she could not supply it to find a woman who would. If she didn't he said she would be arrested again.

Safe trusted Thailand.

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7 hours ago, luckyluke said:


The problem is, the policeman considered it as loud, and in a provocative manner, and thus fined you. 

Policemen, wherever, are sworn in, thus their word has more value than yours. 



not sure if you are serious or jocking, but my question is if there is any chance i can see a judge

in thailand to dispute the policeman view.

you are propably one of those americans who believe that the whole world is playing by  - the fair indeed - american rules.

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