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Thai cops struggling under debt totalling Bt270bn, says police chief


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28 minutes ago, GWS said:

They are already fining farangs for not carrying passport in Pattaya.


Who is? 


Where exactly? 

Regular police or immigration police? 

How much is the fine? 

Source please.... 

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On 1/29/2021 at 12:21 PM, Surelynot said:

I have "lent" them some money once or twice....not expecting to get it back.

My brother in law is a Thai cop and there are a few in the family.  I know they all have two lines of income with one being declarable.  Some years ago when my brother in law was buying a very expensive house, I queried why he was taking out a huge mortgage.  My wife explained to me that the police were  never turned down for bank loans as they were backed by government guarantees.  His Mercedes was also bought on finance too.  Clearly his police wages wouldn't cover such debts so I wonder where the extra money comes from ????  

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On 1/29/2021 at 7:54 PM, 2530Ubon said:

Well unless you have permanent residency, that would be everyone. Pretty sure we all disagree with you.

Permanent  residency , for Aliens .?

Please enlighten me ..


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51 minutes ago, soi3eddie said:


Who is? 


Where exactly? 

Regular police or immigration police? 

How much is the fine? 

Source please.... 

Have a photo of your passport and visa on your phone and you will be fine.


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On 1/29/2021 at 7:36 PM, fondue zoo said:

How does a police chief know about the financial status of all his officers?  

They get cheap loans, so do other government officials. So because it is a low interest loan they ask for more. The bank does not ask the same questions as they would ask you or any other Thai not working for the state. Ask the teachers? Same same but different.


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21 hours ago, Pravda said:


A lot of drunkards post here who claim to know Thailand better than Thai 


Nothing worry ????

I was not drunk, I do not claim "to know Thailand better than Thai" but I do claim to know an unjustified and ill informed comment when I read one. You don't know me and you don't know the facts about my family so just keep doing what you do best, proving to the world just what a clown you are. 

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3 hours ago, pmh2009 said:

Really??? what happened to bribes???? oh! I forgot cannot be declared!!! better find a good laundry shop!!!

O lol, I get your point but I do not think that would be the problem for them. They just didn't earn anything either hehe. 

But yeah, would suck if you were in hospitality to do laundry.

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I don't understand this. The police are being paid as usual no one is laid off because of COVID. They have a regular income. Why do they take out loans they cannot afford to repay? Why are they trying to live beyond their income? What Does a Thai Police officer get Paid?

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On 1/29/2021 at 7:04 PM, snoop1130 said:

Thai cops struggling under debt totalling Bt270bn, says police chief




Suwat Jangyodsuk


Thai police officers owe a total of Bt270 billion in debts, national police chief Suwat Jangyodsuk revealed on Friday.


Suwat told Thansettakij newspaper that around 209,000 officers had taken loans to support their family or to purchase large items such as cars or houses.


The police chief said he has asked Krungthai Bank and the Government Savings Bank to suspend debt payments.


He is also seeking ways of generating more revenue for his subordinates. One idea is to set up a market for police spouses to run businesses. Another is to look at assets confiscated by the Anti-Money Laundering Office.


He added that he has contacted corporations to request scholarships for police officers’ children.


Suwat also pledged to give a live internet broadcast explaining the police force’s mission and allow members of the public to question him in real time.


“I will not hide anything and am ready for all questions,” he said.


Source: https://www.nationthailand.com/news/30402001?utm_source=category&utm_medium=internal_referral



-- © Copyright The Nation Thailand 2021-01-29

A borrower who doesn't returns is a beggar.


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On 1/29/2021 at 7:04 PM, snoop1130 said:

Thai cops struggling under debt totalling Bt270bn, says police chief




Suwat Jangyodsuk


Thai police officers owe a total of Bt270 billion in debts, national police chief Suwat Jangyodsuk revealed on Friday.


Suwat told Thansettakij newspaper that around 209,000 officers had taken loans to support their family or to purchase large items such as cars or houses.


The police chief said he has asked Krungthai Bank and the Government Savings Bank to suspend debt payments.


He is also seeking ways of generating more revenue for his subordinates. One idea is to set up a market for police spouses to run businesses. Another is to look at assets confiscated by the Anti-Money Laundering Office.


He added that he has contacted corporations to request scholarships for police officers’ children.


Suwat also pledged to give a live internet broadcast explaining the police force’s mission and allow members of the public to question him in real time.


“I will not hide anything and am ready for all questions,” he said.


Source: https://www.nationthailand.com/news/30402001?utm_source=category&utm_medium=internal_referral



-- © Copyright The Nation Thailand 2021-01-29

For him to ask banks to take it easy on his folks. Who will ask for mercy on the common peasants!


would be interesting to know who the largest employer would be in public sector here and how many they employ at what median wages in comparison to private sector. Would just provide sufficient data for maturity of public sector services 

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If they actually did real police work, and not be lollie pop boys at school time,  book everybody for speeding, no helmit, illegal parking, drunk driving, basically all traffic violations, then the government would have enough revenue to pay them better salaries. And who creates the debt, they do.

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18 hours ago, CharlieH said:

I bet individuals couldnt hold up against scrutiny at what they actually have and what they are actually paid. But we cant look at that aspect. I bet that would be an eye-opener.


If only transparent and honest scrutiny was imposed on high ranking goverment ministers and generals as to their wealth vs income. That really would be an eye opener (and likely cause huge debate).


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On 30/01/2021 at 8:34 AM, DuiDui48 said:

God morning from a very nice Udon-Thani!


Well,first you have the Teachers begging for help with their debt payments,and now the police,what's next,staff at the Hospitals i guess.What a joke,policewifes setting up some hole-in-the wall buissness..Ever heard of working OVERTIME..working hard..say 14-16 hours a day..like i did when i opened my bakery.

They just put a a small Policebox not for from were i live,and guess what hanging just infront the P-box..a freaking HAMMOCK..that's a sign in it self..It's patetic just to ask for acually do their work in a proper manner..



 Another is to look at assets confiscated by the Anti-Money Laundering Office.


He added that he has contacted corporations to request scholarships for police officers’ children.


Should have sad:...request scholarships for police officers.To educate themself so they can do a PROPER Policework..and be abel to seek for higher paid spots/ranks..= more money...hey maybe even learn some English so they can talk whith all these Tourists waiting in the wings to come here and spend some holiday money..ToT just said that 10 millions are standing in queue..Many things can be said regarding the,in many cases,the lack of PROPER education of the Policeforce,and it's not to much POSITIVE thing to say..


Yeah,i know,but read it whith sarcasm in mind,okey ????


Have a great day everyone and thank you for reading my "morning rant";-)

Sorry but laying in a hammock all day is classed as work (or so my wife tells me when her father is looking after the cows while laying in his hammock). A lot of brainwashing going on.

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On 30/01/2021 at 1:19 AM, colinneil said:

What a load of codswallop, police taking loans to support their families.????

If they are struggling so much, they should all kick their mai nois into touch.????????:cheesy:

I knew a girl who had a phone shop in tesco lotus, her BF was a policeman, and she subsidised their income by selling hand guns from the shop that her BF supplied. 


So setting up a market for spouses may be a good idea, they could sell all the contraband disguised as the police welfare markets.

Oh,forgot she was his Mia Noi as well. 

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50 minutes ago, Purdey said:

Is it a signal that we will see more pairs of cops pulling motorcyclists and pickups over to the site of the road for a debt repayment scheme?

Now all the bars are shut down due to C19, I guess the protection money has dried up, the drug money also must be taking a hit. 


Maybe they could also start giving out tickets for no helmets, children riding motorbikes, dangerous driving ect. 


Oh I forgot the revenue they could make from speed cameras, but that money doesn't come in brown envelopes. 

In fact if they controlled the roads legitimately the police dept would have a huge revenue boost. 


We have just seen Thai Airways go down due to corruption bonus incentives. 

The police take their bonuses for lunch money and new pickups ect. 

How do you fix that????? 

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Well well in Phuket you have some  very rich police, new house to 20 million bath up. And one superintendent in Chalong have a new Mercedes to about 2,2 million  bath, + u have some motorbike police bye houses around the area a living from 5 mill up, on a payment about 18000 bath each month. 






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