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Foreigners should be FORCED to have a Covid-19 vaccination - and they should pay for it, Thai poll

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4 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

No problem with being vaccinated and paying for it.

I do have a problem, however, with being forced to pay an amount which is mostly profit to some greedy entrepreneur, and/or being forced to accept an inferior vaccine of dubious quality. To me, that combines fraud with assault.


Nobody will be forced to take the vaccine, as you are free not to extend your current permission to stay, and leave Thailand.


As in every other country in the world, if as a foreigner you want to stay there, you comply with the rules that country sets.

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45 minutes ago, cclub75 said:


Sure. And if one of those "rules" is... "kill yourself" ?



Which part of, you are free to leave if you don't like the rules, is it that you can't understand.


Does anyone force you to stay in Thailand?

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4 minutes ago, HomeBirth said:

Blah blah bla blaaa blah bla.



You lost me at at HomeBirth.


So sincere, righteous in your conviction.


So cliche.


Nobody cares.

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9 minutes ago, HomeBirth said:

Don’t underestimate what will come. Now no mask no entry, soon no vaccine no entry. You will have no choice if you don’t live self-sufficiently.

Forget to argue with them.

Many of these foreigners would be happy in their Schadenfreude to see us being forced by gunpoint to take a vaccine and if we refuse we are being deported and separated from our families forever.

I am daily shocked by the mentality in this forum. Many people are just plainly evil but think they are „the good“.

Posts of mine get censored regularly with the reason of them being „conspiracy troll posts“... ???? 


I will never ever take any vaccine. No Sinovac, no Pfizer, no AstraZeneca, nothing. We own land here were we live self-sufficient. We are ready for being excluded from society forever, have fun in the new normal. It’s not being called new normal because it will disappear soon, you know?


My little one was NEVER vaccinated and, in comparison to every other kid we know (surely all vaccinated), were never sick until today. Yes, never. But I bet people will call this a conspiracy theory as well hahah.


We still wait how this all evolves but we are ready to leave Thailand anytime if this level of madness continues. 
But until today we liked Thailand regarding vaccines, as here no one is forced to take a vaccine by law like in some other countries. At least until now. 

Signed by Mr proud Anti-Vaxxer. Guess some people even would like me being killed for my opinion, as they are being conditioned that people like I would be a danger to them, while the real danger lies in the syringes.. The power of media control is endless nowadays.. ???? 


I am honestly concerned how fast it all happened in one year, don’t wanna know where we are in another year.. 

I agree with you that no one should be forced to get a vaccine.  I too am disgusted by some post on here that are so quick to believe what the media tell them, and so quick to put down people who even dare to question any aspect of it



I do not agree that all vaccines are harmful however.  I see the proof in my work with animals. Dogs and cats vaccinated against disease. Those not vaccinated often get the diseases and suffer or die due to it. That is the truth. 


I don't think you are telling the truth that your daughter is allergic to vaccines if you say she never had one...so how do you know?  The tried and tested vaccines are a great benefit. 


However, I don't trust some of these Covid 19 vaccines yet...as it's too early to tell. 


I also have a problem believing this viral disease really poses such a threat to healthy strong people.any more than other diseases. 


You might thank vaccines for your children's health even if they have not had them. The vaccines reduce the amount of viral diseases so the chance of your children encountering them is much reduced. 






22 hours ago, HomeBirth said:

The witchhunt-mentality is on already.

Great times ahead.

Time to leave this country.  See ya.


Many foreigners here in Thailand are much more conforming than the Thais, because they are scared otherwise they will be thrown out of the country.

More Thais than foreigners that I know don’t wanna have the vaccines. Most foreigners look down on me for my opinion like I would be crazy, Thais listen and a lot of them actually agree. But I live far away from big touristic cities, maybe that’s why.

I would say the typical clientele of this forum lives in Phuket and Pattaya, lol.


I think it has something to do with the fact that the Thais know their government is not their friend, while many Europeans still believe in the illusion of democracy in EU.


Good luck guys. This place is getting a serious threat for my family. Forced vaccinations, mask mandate in the car, TIT.


good luck. Bye. But I bet you aren't going anywhere. 

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19 minutes ago, n00dle said:


You lost me at at HomeBirth.


So sincere, righteous in your conviction.


So cliche.


Nobody cares.

My name was chosen wisely as an sheeple-filter, seems to be working.

I know nobody cares about my opinion and think it’s crazy, but that’s why I feel the even bigger urge to share it.

I don’t care if anyone agrees with me, I just wanted to share a non-populistic opinion ????


Happy new normal 

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13 minutes ago, HomeBirth said:

My name was chosen wisely as an sheeple-filter, seems to be working.

I know nobody cares about my opinion and think it’s crazy, but that’s why I feel the even bigger urge to share it.

I don’t care if anyone agrees with me, I just wanted to share a non-populistic opinion ????


Happy new normal 


Non-populistic, arent you the cutest!


You even got sheeple in there.


You have all the words 

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1 hour ago, HomeBirth said:

I am fine with everyone taking the vaccine to „protect“ himself, but then I expect everyone being fine with the people who does not want to take any vaccine.

The opinion of Anti-Vaxers might sound stupid for the neuronal connections of some people, but this does not mean these people are entitled to force things in other peoples body.


An anti-vax approach may work for someone who is young, fit and heathy where seasonal influenza is concerned, however, when smallpox, tetanus, polio etc is concerned an anti-vaccination stance places you in grave danger. 


Where vaccines have a less than 100% efficacy and rely on numbers a minor percentage of people who do not take the vaccine is not a significant issue, however, once a threshold is crossed and the numbers of those refusing the take a vaccine exceed a ‘critical mass’ the herd immunity such vaccines rely on cannot be achieved - For this reason those who refuse to take vaccine may be considered selfish. 



I am relatively young, fit and healthy - I don’t believe I need the vaccine to protect myself at all. I don’t believe I am in a high risk group, yet I will take the vaccine to ensure that IF I were to contract Covid-19 I would be contagious for a far briefer period of time and limit the risk of any transmission, particularly if my symptoms are so minor they are hardly noticeable. 


Thus - deal with Asthma anyway you want, deal with any non-transmissable illness or disease anyway you want, but where a transmissible virus is concerned the Vaccination stance is not just about the individual, but about the benefit of the community, those around you, those you love or those you just happen to come into contact with for the briefest period. 



Thus: I’m sure many people would be fine with you not wanting to take a Covid-19 vaccine, if you are fine living in isolation so that you don’t become part of the problem for the remainder of the community in which you would otherwise cohabit. 







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15 minutes ago, HomeBirth said:


Your comment underlines the problem of this whole vaccine-propaganda.

The fear-mongering of the threat of us unvaccinated people to the rest is so big, that you are not rational anymore.

If your vaccines work there is no threat from us.


I understand the narrative, that some people who can’t get the vaccine for medical reasons need to be protected as well.

But I thought we want to live in a democracy, no?

People who does not want to have any vaccine because they are scared of sickness and death because of it are much more than the people who have medical reasons to get no vaccine.


Why the fear of the people who have medical reasons to get no vaccine but wanna have it is worth more than the fear of the people who don’t want to have any vaccine?

This is not democratic.

And the numbers of anti-vaxers grow every day, because many people are suspicious about every government in the world suddenly care about the health of the common people.


Finally if you really wanna live in a society where people are separated from each other because many people does not want to inject pharmaceutical drugs in their body anymore, then at least let’s divide the world. 
One part for vaccinated people, one part for unvaccinated. Sounds ridiculous to me but much less ridiculous than your proposal that unvaccinated people should be completely isolated.


At the very end I would like to link many studies that point to the fact that vaccines have nothing to do with appearance or disappearance of many sicknesses we had in the past, as they heavily decreased already before the invention of vaccines. 
But as I am the scared one now, that my post will be censored because of that again, I will not put any links to any studies here anymore.

I just want to say that it’s your opinion that vaccines helped the human race, I kindly disagree and I can tell you that I am not completely alone with that. 
Sure I agree more people share your opinion (sadly from my POV), but I thought minorities should be respected?



Happy new normal..

You don't understand how viruses operate. As long as there are some viruses circulating among the unvaccinated, there will be mutations, some of which may be more lethal, and/or vaccine-resistent. 


So, your actions may lead to the deaths of many people. 


We are faced not just by a viral plague, but also by a plague of misinformation. 

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12 hours ago, Susco said:

Nobody will be forced to take the vaccine, as you are free not to extend your current permission to stay, and leave Thailand.


I have foreign passport and are foreign citizen and will take the vaccine(s) approved in my country of birth. Residence permit here can be restored, but not my health and /or my life. 


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7 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


It seems in an attempt to ‘score a point’ you’ve completely misunderstood what was written by Lacessit.


He has no problem being vaccinated and paying for it. 

He does have a problem with someone making an outrageous profit from it or before forced to accept a vaccine of questionable quality. 


That is a perfectly reasonable viewpoint and one which is probably in alignment with the vast majority of foreigners here in Thailand. 


Whereas the ‘if you don’t like go home’ type of response is in alignment with the vast majority of those unable to continue the intelligent discussion. 




No I don't miss the point, like others including you do.


Foreigners should be FORCED to have a Covid-19 vaccination - and they should pay for it, Thai poll


That's the title of the thread. Do you see the words "should" and "poll" in the title? So where does it say the foreigners WILL be forced?


Yeah right, it isn't mentioned anywhere the foreigners WILL be forced, but everyone here is already on his high horse


Anyway, if the government requires that foreigners should be vaccinated to extend their visas, then you have the choice to get vaccinated here, with the vaccines available, or fly home and get vaccinated there if you are not happy with the choice of vaccines available in Thailand.


Vaccine of questionable quality you claim? Is there anywhere in the OP mentioned which vaccine foreigner will be forced to take?


Again, no it isn't, it is just the foreigners on their high horse who make that up.


Thailand will produce the AZ vaccine, so that one definitely will be one of the available choices.

Your own home country the UK, and many other countries in the world, use the AZ vaccine. My understanding is that in the UK, if you get the vaccine under the NHS program,  you don't have the choice which vaccine you want, but the UK government jabs you with what is available. So the UK is also using a vaccine of questionable quality?


Where does it say which price will be charged, that the price will be outrageous, and that one particular person will get rich from it?


Yeah right, that isn't mentioned either, but everyone here seems to know the price already.


I read a news article here a mere 2 weeks ago that the government had approved private hospitals to setup their own vaccination program. So how would that person in government get rich from private hospitals importing their own vaccines?





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22 hours ago, Mavideol said:

or they could do it on just 2 people and that way the margin of error could be as little as 0%

You are obviously a master of statistics.

1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:


Oh dear...  still didn’t understand.






Oh yes, I completely understand that all the points he brought up, exist only in his head.


Maybe you can point to credible sources that foreigners will be forced to be vaccinated with a specific vaccine, and at which price.

1 hour ago, Susco said:


Oh yes, I completely understand that all the points he brought up, exist only in his head.


Maybe you can point to credible sources that foreigners will be forced to be vaccinated with a specific vaccine, and at which price.

This is Thailand, anything can happen. Unless you are claiming to be omniscient, I daresay the points I brought up exist in other people's heads as well.

  • Haha 2
Just now, Lacessit said:

This is Thailand, anything can happen. Unless you are claiming to be omniscient, I daresay the points I brought up exist in other people's heads as well.


Yes they unmistakeably exist in the heads of many people active in this thread, but I still haven't seen any proof that they are facts, and not just suggestions made in a poll

2 minutes ago, Susco said:


Yes they unmistakeably exist in the heads of many people active in this thread, but I still haven't seen any proof that they are facts, and not just suggestions made in a poll

We will just have to wait and see, won't we?

You did use the adverb "only". Are you a yachtsman?

On 4/27/2021 at 11:36 PM, HomeBirth said:

Don’t underestimate what will come. Now no mask no entry, soon no vaccine no entry. You will have no choice if you don’t live self-sufficiently.

Forget to argue with them.

Many of these foreigners would be happy in their Schadenfreude to see us being forced by gunpoint to take a vaccine and if we refuse we are being deported and separated from our families forever.

I am daily shocked by the mentality in this forum. Many people are just plainly evil but think they are „the good“.

Posts of mine get censored regularly with the reason of them being „conspiracy troll posts“... ???? 


I will never ever take any vaccine. No Sinovac, no Pfizer, no AstraZeneca, nothing. We own land here were we live self-sufficient. We are ready for being excluded from society forever, have fun in the new normal. It’s not being called new normal because it will disappear soon, you know?


My little one was NEVER vaccinated and, in comparison to every other kid we know (surely all vaccinated), were never sick until today. Yes, never. But I bet people will call this a conspiracy theory as well hahah.


We still wait how this all evolves but we are ready to leave Thailand anytime if this level of madness continues. I could imagine they don’t even leave us alone on our own self-sufficient farm in this country full of conformity.
But until today we liked Thailand regarding vaccines, as here no one is forced to take a vaccine by law like in some other countries. At least until now. 

Signed by Mr proud Anti-Vaxxer. Guess some people even would like me being killed for my opinion, as they are being conditioned that people like I would be a danger to them, while the real danger lies in the syringes.. The power of media control is endless nowadays.. ???? 


I am honestly concerned how fast it all happened in one year, don’t wanna know where we are in another year.. 

You know what I disagree  with  a  lot of what you say but  not  all, but I absolutely respect your right to say it, sadly TV is  virtually stopping all debate  now under the guise of  it minimising the impact of covid. Its  pretty  sick as far as Im concerned pun intended. Simply label it as  off  topic  trolling or denier etc and off  it goes its  getting right  up there with global warming, welcome to the new normal,  nothing normal  about it. The Emperors  clothes syndrome. From now  on Im going to agree with  everything said as long as its the "right" everything, as  such i redact my  comments above to YOUR'E WRONG Shame on you burn at the stake throw you out of the country etc????

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