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Opening up to foreign tourists: Thais fear vaxxed foreigners could still spread disease


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On this I agree with the local sentiment(never before).  No vaccine is 100% and everyday some in quarantine come up positive. Quarantine free arrival will not happen(at least not this year).  The safest path is to have a 7 day quarantine for arrivals who have been vaccinated.   Days 1 to 5 would be observation and temperature checks.   On Day 5 or 6 a Covid 19 Test. If negative then free on Day 7.  




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There are a couple of possible outcomes from this fear. Firstly, they could delay opening the boarders. Secondly, once the boarders are open the suspicion and fear translate to irrational behaviours that damage the Thailand experience of those who come to visit. The Government needs to be very careful how they deal with this.. A concerted education of the populace would be a good place to start. The long-term economic effects could be more catastrophic than they already are.

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6 hours ago, poskat said:

vaccine plus negative covid test = noninfectious


the problem lies in the fact that the government/media has already convinced the thai people that getting covid is akin to a death sentence

Hm,...It was for over 400.000 Americans,....

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3 hours ago, rabas said:

More media mumbling.


The science question has never been can a vaccinated person spread covid, but how much does vaccination reduce spread and infection? 


From results of Israel's large roll out, the answer is a lot. 94% reduction in observable cases, and an early 70% reduction of infection. Another study shows 85% reduction in actual infections as tested by PCR. 





Israel is interesting. 

Population around 9 million.

Of which around a third will be <18

So presumably c6 million to be vaccinated in total

Israel has now inoculated more than 4.59 million people

About 3.2 million people (34.65 percent of the population) have received the second dose of the vaccine.

And yet still getting 4000+ new cases per day

Yes it is down from double that a month ago, but so are the figures for the rest of the world


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1 hour ago, grantbkk said:

I don’t want to be a negative person but it is the unwashed Thais that brought us the second wave.  Helping of course was a corrupt and inept government that allow migrants and criminals across the boarder from neighboring countries. 

vs the 'unwashed' westerners who committed basically pandemic suicide by their stupidity. Don't blame the Thais an iota for being suspicious of all these morons, besides a whack of them will probably try to bribe, use fake vaccination documents and any other way to avoid having to follow rules just as they do with immigration policies..  

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand's authorities met yesterday to discuss ways to open up the country to foreign tourists and businessmen who have been vaccinated against Covid-19, reported The Bangkok Insight.

While a large proportion of Thais will still be waiting for theirs. 

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6 hours ago, Kiujunn said:

It's definitely not. 

 For just half a million Americans it was the death sentence. 

That's not even twice as many as died in WW II.

Really no big deal.

Poskat did NOT say that "Covid was akin to a death sentence" ! He stated that the Thai government and World media had managed to convince the Thai population that this was the case which, as any sensible person knows, is absolute nonsense ????

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8 hours ago, madmen said:

Flip flop flip flop 

Fish out of water do that too for a while before they finally exhaust themselves and perish. 


This frenetic thrashing of policy in search of a solution is understandable but unlikely to yield one. I suppose the authorities have to demonstrate effort though even if it's all theater. 


Until people feel safe to travel and have the financial means to do so, global tourism is a dead fish. Long and expensive quarantines are simply not a panacea. 


For my part I don't mind a reduced tourist load here. Tourists do nothing to increase my quality of life.


Admittedly they are not my source of income. I just don't have a dog in this scrum. 

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According to Phizer a few weeks after the second jab you are non transmittable. A small percentage of foreign arrivals testing covid positive have been westerners and that was before the vaccine. Follow the science and track records. Which Thais? The ones that participated in paid focus study programs? ???? 

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