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U.S. Border Patrol arrests 4,500 migrants in a day, a major increase amid fears of surge

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56 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Seem a re-cycled conspiracy theory started by the former President in October 2018 suggesting immigrants from the Middle East countries travelled among thousands of Hondurans in a US bound column. You must a big fan of Trump. When asked for information to support the assertions, crickets. So if you have any information, please share. 

Look, I know that Trumps assertions that terrorists were crossing the border amidst the wave of migration in January 2019 proved to be baseless after being investigated but does that mean it should not have been investigated?


Are you trying to say that you have proof that this is NOT happening now?  If so, you provide it.  There are plenty of assertions this is happening from a number of credible sources including Border Protection officials.  each assertions should be investigated!


Obviously I have no hard core proof since the whole point of them getting in is doing it so they are undetected.


However, I know they are all determined to do our country harm anyway they can, and I think it would be a big mistake to simply write them off as the "JV team" as Obama did.  You can see what happened there, can't you?


The porous nature of the Southern Border right now should be a huge security concern because it is wide open right now to anyone who can pay the price for a ticket from the Mexican Cartels.  You can stick your head in the sand if you wish and just write it off as a conspiracy theory but is that really a wise thing to do?

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, WaveHunter said:

Look I agree that you're entitled to your opinion just as I am to mine, but for the life of me I can't see how you can say that Biden's press conference was coherent and focused.  It was anything but!


First of all, the main purpose of a President's initial presidential press conference is to allow the public to judge how "presidential" he/she really is.  It is very much about optics.  Does he look presidential?  Does he act presidential?  Does he speak from the heart with conviction?  Does he really grasp the issues and have a strategy for dealing with them?


I saw nothing presidential in his presentation.  He made minimal eye contact with the camera, mostly just staring down at his scripted answers to scripted questions from reporters.  It was very obvious to me that the whole Q&A had been rehearsed beforehand.


The reporters that were called on asked only disingenuous and fluffy questions, sometimes embarrassingly so like the question from Yamiche Alcindor of PBS about the border premised on the idea that “you’re a nice guy.”


The fact is that no real hard ball questions were even asked of him by reporters at all, certainly none like those that were asked of Trump by the likes of Jim Acosta during most of his press conferences. 


And even though he was essentially just reading scripted answers from his vast collection of notes that he was constantly shuffling through, he even had trouble delivering those message without looking confused like he didn't even know what he was saying, much less having any conviction to what he was saying except an occasional comment laced with false bravado like you'd expect from a second rate actor in a real bad play.


Biden promised to be the most transparent administration in history, yet it took him over 60 days to do this press conference, and in many other appearances, he simply refuses to answer reporter questions and just walks off stage.  That is not very presidential.


Sorry, I am not impressed with the man at all or many of the people in his administration like Alejandro Mayorkas, secretary of homeland security, or White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.  For an administration that promised to be transparent and answerable to the American people, they are ALL doing a seriously poor job of it by anyone's standards.




Biden did well. Just look at his approval ratings. You need whine away from Trump’s poor approval ratings and recognize the achievements of Biden in just a short few months. Have you been vaccinated? 

1 hour ago, WaveHunter said:

Look, I know that Trumps assertions that terrorists were crossing the border amidst the wave of migration in January 2019 proved to be baseless after being investigated but does that mean it should not have been investigated?


Are you trying to say that you have proof that this is NOT happening now?  If so, you provide it.  There are plenty of assertions this is happening from a number of credible sources including Border Protection officials.  each assertions should be investigated!


Obviously I have no hard core proof since the whole point of them getting in is doing it so they are undetected.


However, I know they are all determined to do our country harm anyway they can, and I think it would be a big mistake to simply write them off as the "JV team" as Obama did.  You can see what happened there, can't you?


The porous nature of the Southern Border right now should be a huge security concern because it is wide open right now to anyone who can pay the price for a ticket from the Mexican Cartels.  You can stick your head in the sand if you wish and just write it off as a conspiracy theory but is that really a wise thing to do?

Don’t forget the aliens; the ET kinds. They too have to be investigated because of the porous nature of the border, right?

  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, placeholder said:

It's been noted by psychologists that right wingers tend to to find irony challenging.  It was obvious to the people there that Biden was kidding. Or at least to those there in possession of adequate mental faculties.


Got a  link to that "note"? I find it challenging that that might be true of only one side.

  • Like 1
16 minutes ago, nauseus said:


Got a  link to that "note"? I find it challenging that that might be true of only one side.

LOL...now that you mention it, I find that a pretty curious limitation as well. Only right wingers, huh?  I'd like to see that documented as well.


And I'll say again, if Biden was only kidding, he sure fooled me...no pause, no artful smile, nothing at all to indicate it was not a major gaffe. 


I'm no psychologist but he was so expressionless after he said it, I don't think he was even aware he had said it, much less intended it to be a joke.  A little bit worrisome IMO.


As bad of an actor as he is, when he's just kidding, he always lets you know he's kidding.  Not this time.


  • Like 2
On 3/24/2021 at 8:28 PM, DrDave said:

Let's look at a couple of facts:

The overwhelming majority of American public schools are overcrowded and underfunded. Additional resources must be provided by schools to support non-English speaking students as well as those whose prior education has been lacking. Approximately 50% of the funding for public schools comes from property tax - taxes paid by owners of dwellings in each school district. The other 50% comes from U.S. taxpayers.


The cost of medical care in the U.S. is among the highest in the world. American taxpayers foot the bill for medical care for those who are unable to pay, mostly via Medicaid and similar taxpayer funded programs.

Nearly all of the refugees traveling through Mexico to the U.S. border are penniless, have no skills and are poorly educated (according to U.S. standards). All that are admitted into the U.S. will be entitled to free (taxpayer supported) healthcare, free education for their children as well as other entitlements.


Depending upon which nonprofit organization provides the figures, anywhere between 15-20% of children living in the U.S. do not get enough food. Several charity drives are currently underway to solicit money to provide food for students who are dependent upon school lunches for nutrition, but whose parents cannot afford to provide food while students are not in school during the pandemic.


World population is just shy of 8 billion people. Of those 8 billion, what percentage would fall into the categories of economically disadvantaged, politically persecuted, or in fear of violence?  Let's say 10%, with the vast majority falling into the economically disadvantaged category. That's 800 million people worldwide. The population of the U.S. is made up of approximately 300 million citizens, and as many and 15-30 million illegal aliens - so 330 million in total. How many of those 800 million people worldwide who could claim "refugee" status should be accepted into the country?  Neither the Trump or the Biden administrations have ever indicated that there will be any sort of limitation on the number of "refugees" that the U.S. can support in any given year. "Refugees" from which countries should be accepted - only those countries from which migration is easier?  What about the millions of potential refugees from African and Asian nations who would surely show up at America's borders en-masse if only they had the means?

You DO realize that NONE of the things you mention are unique to the USA, right? And that other countries may have found reasonable solutions to many of your unfounded fears...

  • Confused 1
4 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

Look, I know that Trumps assertions that terrorists were crossing the border amidst the wave of migration in January 2019 proved to be baseless after being investigated but does that mean it should not have been investigated?


Are you trying to say that you have proof that this is NOT happening now?  If so, you provide it.  There are plenty of assertions this is happening from a number of credible sources including Border Protection officials.  each assertions should be investigated!


Obviously I have no hard core proof since the whole point of them getting in is doing it so they are undetected.


However, I know they are all determined to do our country harm anyway they can, and I think it would be a big mistake to simply write them off as the "JV team" as Obama did.  You can see what happened there, can't you?


The porous nature of the Southern Border right now should be a huge security concern because it is wide open right now to anyone who can pay the price for a ticket from the Mexican Cartels.  You can stick your head in the sand if you wish and just write it off as a conspiracy theory but is that really a wise thing to do?

Absolutely agree with you.



  • Like 1
1 hour ago, xylophone said:

In my mind Biden is far from presidential in terms of optics, and when you are President of the United States, optics count for almost everything on the world stage! 


Not sure to mean when you say "in terms of optics" however, a couple of points: – trump was not that intelligent nor could he stay on cue when reading from his prompts, and he was embarrassed when a photographer snapped his very large written notes he was taking to the podium! So he needs prompts in LARGE letters!!


He does not act like a true leader.  Instead of a genuine understanding of issues and a true conviction  to address them, he relies on other people to provide him with speaking points and tries to deliver them with the false bravado of a second rate actor.  It's embarrassing to watch.


Now that has to be the doozy of the lot, suggesting that trump had a genuine understanding of issues, when he was plain dumb. And the suggestion that he was a "true leader" with his history of bankruptcies, infidelity, corruption, racism and misogyny really does make one wonder how much Kool-Aid has been drunk.
He can barely read a teleprompter without blowing it, and it was incredibly embarrassing to watch him stand at the Press Conference podium shuffling all his notes around, and having trouble even reading his pre-scripted answers to reporter's questions, and loosing his train of thought over and over.  That performance was as far from being presidential as you can get!


Your viewpoint is clearly one-sided, and I will admit that the President is not the best when it comes to press conferences, but then again a lot of people aren't, and it's quite natural. In fact your hero could hardly read, let alone read from a teleprompter, and lost his train of thought so often he would go off on a tangent and speak in his juvenile "bigly" fashion and would often ramble almost incoherently. The reason being that he had completely lost it, big time.
What's more, his policy decisions and the unprecedented number of executive orders make absolutely no sense to me at all.  I've read them all through the Federal Register.  You can too at federalregister.gov


Good on him for making a number of executive orders, and whereas the past loser incumbent did everything he possibly could to overturn anything which Pres Obama did, there seems to be reason and rationale behind this President's decisions.


Seriously, I've tried to understand the rationale behind them and I can't.  Many of them seem to only be motivated by an almost pathological dislike of the Trump administration even if it is to the detriment of the country.


You mean just like the pathological dislike that trump had for Obama's decisions? It was so outrageously obvious to anyone of sane disposition, that trump absolutely hated Obama and all he stood for, as to be laughable, if it weren't so pathetic.


Most worrisome to me is his weak stance towards China and North Korea, which I think are the major threats our country will face over the next four years.  His comment during campaigning, "China's gonna eat our lunch? C'mon Man" is indicative that he has no idea what we're up against!


North Korea won't pose a threat to anybody and buddying up to the "rocket man" didn't do any good either. And trump got absolutely nowhere on China apart from costing the US consumer money, and the fact that China has been growing for many years seems to have been overlooked by the Kool-Aid gang. Sure they are a force to be reckoned with, but nobody will get anywhere with threats or even armed retaliation, so negotiations and agreements have to be forged and no one would like a dumb bully like the previous occupant, in charge of such things.

You automatically assumed I was comparing Biden to Trump.  I was not!  I am only giving my objective impressions of Biden, as I saw him in the press briefing, on the campaign trail, and in his executive orders (which I read for myself in the Federal Register, BTW).  Have you?  Anybody who actually reads them and compares them with what you hear in press coverage are two different things in many instances.


Your entire reply had nothing to do with debating my points about Biden, only defending him in a lame and incredibly biased comparison with Trump. 


I don't give a damn one way or another about Trump.  My post was ONLY about Biden  How ridiculous your reply was; not even worthy of a reply really.


Your perspective of China and North Korea are VERY ill-informed if you are a student of history, which you clearly are not.  If you look at how past administrations (until Trump) dealt with these countries, you'd know that appeasement and weakness on our part did not work so well, but your obvious dislike of Trump makes you blind to that I suppose.


All I can really say is that you're entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine, but your assumption that I am pro-Trump clearly marks you as a very prejudiced person considering I said nothing whatsoever (pro or con) about him.  

  • Like 1
13 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

You automatically assume I am comparing Biden to Trump.  I was not!  I am only giving my objective impressions of Biden, as I saw him in the press briefing, on the campaign trail, and in his executive orders (which I read for myself in the Federal Register, BTW) 


Your entire reply had nothing to do with debating my points about Biden, only defending him in a lame and incredibly biased comparison with Trump. 


I don't give a damn one way or another about Trump.  My post was ONLY about Biden  How ridiculous your reply was; not even worthy of a reply really.


Your perspective of China and North Korea are VERY ill-informed if you are a student of history, which you clearly are not.  If you look at how past administrations (until Trump) dealt with these countries, you'd know that appeasement and weakness on our part did not work so well, but your obvious dislike of Trump makes you blind to that I suppose.


All I can really say is that you're entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine, but your assumption that I am pro-Trump clearly marks you as a very prejudiced person considering I said nothing whatsoever (pro or con) about him.  

Yeah right! Whatever you say!!

  • Sad 1
16 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

Are you serious?  Approval ratings all depend on who is conducting the poll.  One poster on this forum refers to an MSN 72% approval rating for Biden.  In Biden's own favorite phrase, "C'mon Man!" 


According to the Gallup Poll, his term average to date is around 54%.  That's nothing to brag about considering that the average for all Presidents in their first quarter is 61%, according to Gallup Poll records.


Granted a lot of people like what they hear about Biden but most people's opinion is heavily filtered by where they get their "news". 


I place news in quotes because almost no major news organizations practice true journalism anymore.  They only report what THEY want you to believe. 


Left or right, they are ALL horrible, from Wolf Blitzer, who was my hero when he reported on the Gulf Wars to Sean Hannity, who's got a new conspiracy every night that he reports on with fervor and then you never hear about it again. 


They all just plain suck, and I don't even watch any of them anymore, preferring to get my "news" from more reliable international sources.


They are only telling us what they believe, what their interpretation of the news is.  What ever happened to TRUE journalism where people are given facts and allowed to make up their own mind? 


So, if you're a big fan of CNN or MSN, you're going to think Biden is doing great.  If you're a big fan of Fox, you'll feel he's doing terrible.  What does that mean?  Nothing!


I know you don't believe me but I base my opinion on listening to Biden himself talk, and the actions he takes, NOT in what some biased TV commentator tries to spoon feed me, or what some poll tries to convince me of!  I get my news from a lot of sources, not just far left or right mainstream US media. 


What's more I actually like reading things like the Federal Register so I can really understand things like Biden's Executive Orders, and not merely take the word of some biased Commentator trying to tell me what they mean.


In my mind Biden is far from presidential in terms of optics, and when you are President of the United States, optics count for almost everything on the world stage! 


He does not act like a true leader.  Instead of a genuine understanding of issues and a true conviction  to address them, he relies on other people to provide him with speaking points and tries to deliver them with the false bravado of a second rate actor.  It's embarrassing to watch.


He can barely read a teleprompter without blowing it, and it was incredibly embarrassing to watch him stand at the Press Conference podium shuffling all his notes around, and having trouble even reading his pre-scripted answers to reporter's questions, and loosing his train of thought over and over.  That performance was as far from being presidential as you can get!


What's more, his policy decisions and the unprecedented number of executive orders make absolutely no sense to me at all.  I've read them all through the Federal Register.  You can too at federalregister.gov


Seriously, I've tried to understand the rationale behind them and I can't.  Many of them seem to only be motivated by an almost pathological dislike of the Trump administration even if it is to the detriment of the country.


Most worrisome to me is his weak stance towards China and North Korea, which I think are the major threats our country will face over the next four years.  His comment during campaigning, "China's gonna eat our lunch? C'mon Man" is indicative that he has no idea what we're up against!


You can believe what you want and I will believe what I want.  There's nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree. 


At least you're being civil and thoughtful about it, unlike some unhinged people on this forum who get all emotional and resort to childish personal attacks and hate-filled comments towards anyone who disagrees with them. 


Peace ????


Well stated.

4 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Guess after folks spend their free checks the real approval ratings start to show. There is a crisis at the border. One our VP can't laugh away and one our president needs to stop avoiding.



Totalling agree.  How anybody can think there is not a crisis at the border is simply beyond me.  Senator Cruz's video the other day is ample proof that a) there is indeed a humanitarian crisis of unprecedented nature, and b) attempts are being made by the administration to cover it up.


Politics has always been a dirty game no matter whether you're talking about democrats or republicans, but the total lack of transparency that is readily apparent and being criticized now even by loyal Biden supporters is truly shocking, and having a weak and ineffectual puppet leader and a laughing hyena as 2nd in command sure doesn't help.


Watching the recent (almost entirely scripted) presidential press conference was like watching a poorly made and poorly acted melodrama!


What the !@#$% is going in in the United States right now anyway?

  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

Totalling agree.  How anybody can think there is not a crisis at the border is simply beyond me.  Senator Cruz's video the other day is ample proof that.....

Yes, Ted should know as he's spent more time south of the border than most!

9 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

Yes, Ted should know as he's spent more time south of the border than most!

Go ahead and deflect from that video with your barb about Cruz,  but that raw unedited video footage was pretty compelling.  There's no way anyone can call it political-spin.  The way that lame Biden staffer tried to block his view of the "cages" was embarrassingly telling of a cover-up.


Did you even see it in its' full and unedited version?  I ask because most mainstream media are not even showing it...gee, i wonder why?

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

Go ahead and deflect from that video with your barb about Cruz,  but that raw unedited video footage was pretty compelling.  There's no way anyone can call it political-spin. 

Ted Cruz doing something that's not political? Are you serious??

  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

Ted Cruz doing something that's not political? Are you serious??

Ted Cruz doing something that is not extreme right wing and racist (or anything to pander to his base). Are you serious?

  • Like 1
34 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

" I am only giving my objective impressions of Biden....."


You really should stop calling your impressions of Biden objective while at the same time complaining about other's posters' hate of trump blinding them. Your impressions of President Biden are subjective...end of.


"Your perspective of China and North Korea are VERY ill-informed if you are a student of history, which you clearly are not."


Again you portray yourself as better than other posters. Student of history, are you one? Or just another of the ubiquitous keyboard warriors.


"If you look at how past administrations (until Trump) dealt with these countries, you'd know that appeasement and weakness on our part did not work so well, but your obvious dislike of Trump makes you blind to that I suppose."


If you're a student of history you should be able to clearly spell out the reasons why trump's "policy" toward China and North Korea (policy in quotation marks as it's impossible to see a coherent strategy) was successful/better than his predecessors' and what exactly the policy consisted of.

I expect better from you than that!


My perspective is indeed objective.  I comment on what I personally see, and factual information that I read (i.e.: Federal Register), NOT the impressions of biased talking heads, no matter whether they lean left or right.


You and others accuse me of being blindly pro-Trump.  I am not.  Trump is just as guilty as anyone of many things, but he also deserves praise for some things too.  I think it's very telling when Trump-haters just blindly hate him right across the board.  THAT indicates to me they are not being objective, and instead allowing emotions to govern their thoughts!


When I watched the press conference, I simply wanted to see how Biden portrayed his role as a leader.  It was a very poor showing by anyone's standards. 


I've read his executive orders in the Federal Register OBJECTIVELY and how they help America rather than hurt it totally alude me.


Yes, I am a student if history, firmly believing that if you don't know history than you are doomed to make the same mistakes over and over.  China (or rather the Chinese Communist Party) and North Korea pose major threats not only to the United States but to many democratic countries around the world. 


With regard to China's CCP, are you not aware of their "Belts & Roads" Initiative? Are you not aware of their rampant intellectual property theft and cyber warfare efforts?  Are you not aware of what they did in Hong Kong and are now poised to repeat in Taiwan?  Are you not aware that they have steadily been building up their military infrastructure so that it now rivals that of the United States?


To have a US President who makes a ludicrous comment like, "China's gonna eat our lunch?...C'mon Man" is insane.  It is no different than when Obama smugly referred to ISIS as the "JV team", and I guess you know what that lead to (or do you have a political spn on that too?)


Trump may have his faults but he was the first US President to tow a hard line against China's CCP.  They hated him for that (just as you seem to) BUT they watched their step during his administration. 


And the same is true with North Korea.  trump tried diplomacy in the beginning and when it didn't work he imposed heavy sanctions.  Long story short, we did not have a nuclear exchange with North Korea as many Trump-haters firmly predicted.


Is it just a coincidence that as soon as Biden took office, China's CCP immediately ramped up their provocative and dangerous war games against Taiwan again, or they stepped up their aggressive and belligerent saber-rattling towards the US again?  You tell me!


Yes, I am a student of history.  You should try it sometime!  I'm not interested in supporting or tearing down this politician or that one.  I try to look at their leadership skills and their policies and ascertain whether they are good or bad for America. 


Biden as some good points but his bad ones far outweigh the good ones, and IN MY OPINION he has not performed well so far and it makes me very uncomfortable to imagine what the next four years will be like


I look at ALL of these things as objectively as I can.  Perhaps you should do the same thing, instead of just harping on Trump over and over and over again! 


Trump is no longer the President; Biden is!  Perhaps it's time for all of the trump haters like you to end their rants about him and start objectively focusing your attention on what Biden is doing, not just his fabricated "good old boy" persona.



  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

My perspective is indeed objective.

No it is not.  You are so clearly pro-Trump that your credibility is shot.  You dislike Biden simply because he beat Trump.  I'm not dismissing all of your comments, but it's laughable that you're denying what's obvious.  You really should quit masquerading as some sort of objective voice because everyone can see right through it. 

  • Haha 1
14 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

No it is not.  You are so clearly pro-Trump that your credibility is shot.  You dislike Biden simply because he beat Trump.  I'm not dismissing all of your comments, but it's laughable that you're denying what's obvious.  You really should quit masquerading as some sort of objective voice because everyone can see right through it. 

Don't presume to tell me I am pro-Trump and not being objective in my assessment of Biden.  Such a remark just indicates that you are an ardent Trump-Hater who projects that same blinded hate to anyone who disagrees with your emotional and irrational thinking.


My views of both Trump and Biden are objective and often backed up with irrefutable facts from unbiased sources. 


In the case of the infamous Biden press conference, I didn't have to say a thing; Biden's horrible performance was right out there for anyone to see and judge for themselves, and it will go down as one of the worst initial Presidential press conferences in history.


Your views that you have expressed towards me, on the other hand are wholly subjective, and completely emotional rants in the form of personal attacks towards me!


Hey buddy, don't shoot the messenger! 


Maybe you should look up the definitions of "subjective" and "objective" in a dictionary since I've provided ample objective details to many things I say.

  • Like 2
2 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

Don't presume to tell me I am pro-Trump and not being objective in my assessment of Biden.  Such a remark just indicates that you are an ardent Trump-Hater who projects that same hate to anyone who disagrees with your emotional and irrational thinking.

Don’t worry, they label me the same way. I point out a few shortcomings of the current administration—and they think I’m far right and a disgruntled Trump supporter.  Just a libertarian here, getting news and insights from WSJ, NY Times, NY Post and yes, Fox.  I guess they’re not used to playing defense.

  • Like 1
21 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

I expect better from you than that!


My perspective is indeed objective.  I comment on what I personally see, and factual information that I read (i.e.: Federal Register), NOT the impressions of biased talking heads, no matter whether they lean left or right.


You and others accuse me of being blindly pro-Trump.  I am not.  Trump is just as guilty as anyone of many things, but he also deserves praise for some things too.  I think it's very telling when Trump-haters just blindly hate him right across the board.  THAT indicates to me they are not being objective, and instead allowing emotions to govern their thoughts!


When I watched the press conference, I simply wanted to see how Biden portrayed his role as a leader.  It was a very poor showing by anyone's standards. 


I've read his executive orders in the Federal Register OBJECTIVELY and how they help America rather than hurt it totally alude me.


Yes, I am a student if history, firmly believing that if you don't know history than you are doomed to make the same mistakes over and over.  China (or rather the Chinese Communist Party) and North Korea pose major threats not only to the United States but to many democratic countries around the world. 


With regard to China's CCP, are you not aware of their "Belts & Roads" Initiative? Are you not aware of their rampant intellectual property theft and cyber warfare efforts?  Are you not aware of what they did in Hong Kong and are now poised to repeat in Taiwan?  Are you not aware that they have steadily been building up their military infrastructure so that it now rivals that of the United States?


To have a US President who makes a ludicrous comment like, "China's gonna eat our lunch?...C'mon Man" is insane.  It is no different than when Obama smugly referred to ISIS as the "JV team", and I guess you know what that lead to (or do you have a political spn on that too?)


Trump may have his faults but he was the first US President to tow a hard line against China's CCP.  They hated him for that (just as you seem to) BUT they watched their step during his administration. 


And the same is true with North Korea.  trump tried diplomacy in the beginning and when it didn't work he imposed heavy sanctions.  Long story short, we did not have a nuclear exchange with North Korea as many Trump-haters firmly predicted.


Is it just a coincidence that as soon as Biden took office, China's CCP immediately ramped up their provocative and dangerous war games against Taiwan again, or they stepped up their aggressive and belligerent saber-rattling towards the US again?  You tell me!


Yes, I am a student of history.  You should try it sometime!  I'm not interested in supporting or tearing down this politician or that one.  I try to look at their leadership skills and their policies and ascertain whether they are good or bad for America. 


Biden as some good points but his bad ones far outweigh the good ones, and IN MY OPINION he has not performed well so far and it makes me very uncomfortable to imagine what the next four years will be like


I look at ALL of these things as objectively as I can.  Perhaps you should do the same thing, instead of just harping on Trump over and over and over again! 


Trump is no longer the President; Biden is!  Perhaps it's time for all of the trump haters like you to end their rants about him and start objectively focusing your attention on what Biden is doing, not just his fabricated "good old boy" persona.



"My perspective is indeed objective."


No, it's not, and claiming that you are is frankly disingenuous.


"You and others accuse me of being blindly pro-Trump."


No, I haven't. Stop putting words in my mouth.


"With regard to China's CCP, are you not aware of their "Belts & Roads" Initiative? Are you not aware of their rampant intellectual property theft and cyber warfare efforts?  Are you not aware of what they did in Hong Kong and are now poised to repeat in Taiwan?  Are you not aware that they have steadily been building up their military infrastructure so that it now rivals that of the United States?"


Of course I am. Do you think you're alone in believing/knowing about this?? As an example I started reading The Economist in my early 20's and get my info from a great number of sources. And I'm certainly not the only one on this forum who keeps him/herself pretty well informed so maybe tone down the "I'm informed, you're uninformed" tone in your posts, OK?


"Trump may have his faults but he was the first US President to tow a hard line against China's CCP.  They hated him for that (just as you seem to) BUT they watched their step during his administration. 

And the same is true with North Korea.  trump tried diplomacy in the beginning and when it didn't work he imposed heavy sanctions.  Long story short, we did not have a nuclear exchange with North Korea as many Trump-haters firmly predicted.

Is it just a coincidence that as soon as Biden took office, China's CCP immediately ramped up their provocative and dangerous war games against Taiwan again, or they stepped up their aggressive and belligerent saber-rattling towards the US again?  You tell me!"


Is this the extent of trump's revolutionary China policy; all talk and bluster? Not very impressive at all and after 4 years what exactly has been achieved? Nothing.

As for President Biden he's only been in office for a very short time so judging his China policies already is premature in the extreme. You, as a student of history, should know this.







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18 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

My views of both Trump and Biden are objective and often backed up with irrefutable facts from unbiased sources. 

Every time you claim this your credibility takes another hit.  Objective, irrefutable, unbiased......riiiight!

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22 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Biden did well. Just look at his approval ratings. You need whine away from Trump’s poor approval ratings and recognize the achievements of Biden in just a short few months. Have you been vaccinated? 

What have approval rates to do with well doing? Adolf Hitler had better approval rates than Biden today. Does that mean he "did better"?

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