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What has this site done?

Bangkok Barry

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6 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

This site was pretty much unreachable for a couple of days this week and has now returned with a new format. While fixing something that (as far as I know) didn't need fixing, they've created irritating problems. Some of the formatting is off and avatars and icons no longer show up.

I assume I'm not the only one having problems.


Cancel your subscription and request a refund ????

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8 hours ago, polpott said:

By whom? A rival forum? Thai government? The Russians?

It's always the same with these things, I'm going to blame an angry nerd.


However DDOS attacks often come with demands for money, only the truly moronic do anything these days unless there's money to be made from it.


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8 hours ago, donnacha said:

My guess would be that one individual, annoyed by his treatment, set up monitoring to alert him if a non-Cloudflare IP was ever revealed, even for a minute. He would then have set up his own server to bombard that IP or, more likely, paid a service a few dollars (probably around $50) to do it, most likely using a botnet of hacked servers.

None of this requires skill. Any idiot can find a tutorial on how to do it.

On the other hand, recovering from this sort of attack is relatively easy. You simply flip over to another server, as I described in an earlier post. Some sites even keep a second server running with the latest backup already running and automatically switch to it when their system detects a problem with the first server. The expense is justified because any downtime at all can permanently damage your search engine rankings.

An actual hack is far more damaging but requires far more skill to carry out.


Are you the culprit by any chance? ????

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7 hours ago, poohy said:

This was posted on the TV FB page yesterday seems you are right 

 ThaiVisa Servers are suffering from a DDOS attack at the moment. And it will continue so for 7 days. After 7 days they will have the chance to correct the behavior of their snowflakes moderators and it won't happen again. Else, I will pull the plug on ThaiVisa Forum for them
You see how they delete the comments which they don't like? Second day of my DDOS attack. I am giving them a holiday of 7 day. Those mods who feel they are god, now will feel like they are nothing without their pathetic forum ????

That's what I saw too, along with a graphic (meme) with Chinese writing on it saying China has nuclear bombs too.

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15 minutes ago, IslandLover said:

Tech Tip:  If your avatar/profile pic has disappeared and you are left with placeholders where it should be, plus overprinting of your TV user name - just upload your chosen photo again in your account profile.  But, do not try to resize it and just save it the way it appears immediately after uploading it.  That's the mistake I made and I found the picture didn't fit the space properly.

Alternatively, you can just delete the profile pic and that will remove the placeholders and overprinting of text.  You will be left with the first letter of your TV user name and its allocated colour.


Thank you! I've got my Mustang back! Can't remember what the "Cover Photo" was though. ????

(Seems like the smileys need a little work...)

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It is not good to read about this DDOS event, and I  do not think it right to blame victim of crime, but now some things come out that I not know about. This comment here;

12 hours ago, darksidedog said:

What this site has "done" is to recover from an unexpected complete crash.

A hell of a lot of work has gone on to get the site back up and at least semi functional. It is unfortunate that there are issues remaining, though the technical team are working almost non stop to get it right. A little understanding would help at this point, along with a little patience.

EDIT: It was a malicious DDoS event that caused it, not negligence by TVF.

This is newsworthy, yes? I think diabolical that website be attacked. Is there more information, or background. It is a story  that should be shared. I see in news China hackers did something to Microsoft Exchange and there is ongoing attacks against websites in Australia from China. so yes, the  event should be in the open.

And I see someone write that  NationMedia no longer associated with  this website? Is this correct? I think important information that should be explained, yes?

All over, this is sad  time when  helpful website get attacked and sabotaged. We live in Covid crisis and still some people  dedicate resources to making evil.  What kind of life is that?




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12 hours ago, darksidedog said:

What this site has "done" is to recover from an unexpected complete crash.

A hell of a lot of work has gone on to get the site back up and at least semi functional. It is unfortunate that there are issues remaining, though the technical team are working almost non stop to get it right. A little understanding would help at this point, along with a little patience.

EDIT: It was a malicious DDoS event that caused it, not negligence by TVF.

Bad design of the network that caused it, no excuses

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2 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:

Thank you! I've got my Mustang back! Can't remember what the "Cover Photo" was though. ????

(Seems like the smileys need a little work...)

You're welcome!  I don't think we ever had a "Cover Photo" before.  I'm not sure what that is in the context of this forum.

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23 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

It would be polite, wouldn't it, to have received some kind of explanation from the owners of the site. Apparently they can't be bothered.

I got a free out of jail card.

Next time, I am on the  "BAN List", I can pull my card and have another life.

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I was on this topic writing a reply and when I tried to post it I got this message.

Error 502

 Ray ID: 62ea9c0a6a6e084b • 2021-03-12 05:26:47 UTC


Bad gateway










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6 minutes ago, billd766 said:

How do I reload my avatar onto my profile?

Until told to do so expect better to just wait as have read reports that can not be done and my own attempt failed.  Even posting an image seems to be beyond my ability today.  ????

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23 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

Many DDos events, specially when sustained upon a platform, are from some Individual that has a grudge, and then rents Computer Bot time to inflict what they see as revenge.

How does this work?

Could use some time to shorten girlfriend's time on the phone ????

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