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Thailand braced for infections spike after detecting UK COVID-19 variant


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5 minutes ago, bristolgeoff said:

Don,t know how it is the uk version we are in lockdown since jan.thai border is shut we can not travel anyway not allowed.just waiting for the ban to be lifted.who did they let in at the border


Maybe it has been ‘parallel evolution’... the antigenic drift of the virus within Thailand has matched that of the UK such that the evolved variants are identical !!!.... 


Where are all these other cases coming from? The only cases Thailand was finding were in quarantine, but now we see more and more cases springing up out of no-where. 



Edit: The question is already being asked:  Its only matter of time before foreigners get blamed for bringing in the Virus. 






Edited by richard_smith237
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14 hours ago, Almer said:

How can Songkran be allowed, its like export the problem from Bangkok  and spread it evenly in the provinces.


There's only one easy answer to this, it's all about money, Thai population and foreigners are a distant second.

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3 hours ago, Deli said:


Not really if you make your livelihood in tourism.

With Covid tourism will undergo a total reset all over the Planet. So better work on making adjustments now. Manufacturing will also undergo changes, hopefully with extensive in-sourcing. I reckon that the current Chinese belligerence is somehow related to these things to come.

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So the 3rd wave, has the original virus, the UK and South African variants as well. So the 4th wave will likely add the P1 and P2

variants from Brazil, and they are also very contagious, and are still killer viruses, it seems that this pandemic will be around

and killing off a lot of people for quite a while yet.    I am wondering how many anti vaxxers are in Thailand?  In the USA and Canada

there are fewer of them than there was, as most people are realizing that they do not want to die from this particular virus.

   There are still red necks all over the world as well, and I doubt that a single one of them want to pick a fight with this

corona virus. Stay cautious, and stay healthy.


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"We did everything to block it, and it still gets through,"

My guess is through Burma (what variants are there) or a foreigner for whom 14 day quarantine was not long enough.


“B.1.1.7 is as much as 70% more transmissible than existing variants, and far deadlier” “he was puzzled at how community transmission had occurred given Thailand's strict border controls, quarantine and testing protocols”

Dr. Yong surely can't believe this!!!


“for every 1 person infected up to 30 more are also likely to be infected” "less than 2% fatality?"

All good...unless YOU happen to be one of the 30 or the 2%


“Not really if you make your livelihood in tourism.”

Time for Thailand to diversify, innit? All the eggs in one basket have gone rotten. Tourists are NOT coming back for a long time.


Back to our roots. Thai sticks. Organic agricultural exports.

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"We did everything to block it, and it still gets through,"

My guess is through Burma (what variants are there) or a foreigner for whom 14 day quarantine was not long enough.


“B.1.1.7 is as much as 70% more transmissible than existing variants, and far deadlier” “he was puzzled at how community transmission had occurred given Thailand's strict border controls, quarantine and testing protocols”

Dr. Yong surely can't believe this!!!


“for every 1 person infected up to 30 more are also likely to be infected” "less than 2% fatality?"

All good...unless YOU happen to be one of the 30 or the 2%


“Not really if you make your livelihood in tourism.”

Time for Thailand to diversify, innit? All the eggs in one basket have gone rotten. Tourists are NOT coming back for a long time.


Back to our roots. Thai sticks. Organic agricultural exports.

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14 hours ago, starky said:


Yes and pragmatism I would believe would be comparing Thailand's covid response to the rest of the world. Not the tin foil hat conspiracies nor the heresay nor the rumours . The case by case numbers in regards to infection and death. Would that be fair? So until such point where the government has lost control of the virus and keeping in mind the same naysayers were predicting doom back in December when we had that outbreak. Until such point as we see the massive outbreak that is predicted I am still confident in the Thai government's ability to control the spread as they have done so far.


I'm confident that the govt will not do anything until after Songkran because they want people to travel and spend money then after it's spread shut everything down again instead of canceling Songkran and limiting travel 

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27 minutes ago, SuwadeeS said:

Stop! Stop!


The first virus was not allowed to call it the Chinese Virus or better known as CCP Virus. 

So, why it is now allowed to call it british???

That is a very strange logic.

The CCP knew the Virus there already in September 2019, but kept all the information secret.

.... and all the nations with a disastrous impact in their economy do not hold China responsible.

What's wrong with you???

Payute don't want to insult his deleted buddies 

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Can anyone please explain to me how the UK variant is spreading in Thailand when all but essential travel out of the UK has been banned for weeks, and Thailand has draconian measures in place for all those arriving in the country anyway, with certificates saying they are safe to fly and quarantine. If this variant or any other version manages to get through despite all that then we are all in deep trouble. I'd have thought that the only risk was from those coming across the border from Myanmar.

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17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

It recorded 334 new infections on Wednesday, with no new deaths, bringing its case total to 29,905 and 95 fatalities.


Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha instructed authorities to prepare field hospitals in anticipation of a spike in infections.


Really!?, field hospitals with only 334 cases a day across the whole of Thailand!?


Do they think we are stupid?


It's obvious the pandemic is way out of control. Field hospitals are required when the hospitals are overrun and if they are already setting them up they are close to this now.



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51 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Surely they will lock down over Songkran?


At any rate the Thai side of the family have agreed to limit their visits to the immediate vicinity of the local town (Ubon) and adjacent villages...and continue to wear masks.

My girlfriend who is currently with her family in Pathum Thani, has made plans to travel to Issaan on saturday, the pick up will be full of immediate family.

Now with this current spike and new variant, I am extrememely concerned about the wisdom in doing this.

Whilst I dont worry about where they will stay, which I consider a safe place, It is the journey that concerns me.

Fuel stops, food stops, toilet stops...........so easy to pick up the infection from someone who left it it.

I have told her that I do not think it is a good idea to travel, and she will discuss with family, she seems to have a grasp of why I am concerned.. 

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15 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

 I only care about what's happening here. If things could be headed off before they explode here then I would be happy, but as a long range planner and someone whose primary job was to expect the unexpected then I see things in a different view than others and it makes me suspicious when I don't see a 100% effort given to shut the loop holes. 

Hope you don't use Primavera lol

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"We did everything to block it, and it still gets through,"  <deleted>!!!!


 Then why, being I am flying in from the PI on a repatriation flight with my Thai wife, do I have to get a covid test before I am allowed on the plane and the Thai Nationals DO NOT???  


   I know that everyone on that plane has to go through 10 days quarantine and get two test during that time but why not stop them from entering period if they are bringing it in? They do get false positive AND negative tests!


    But I can understand if a Thai National has it they would prefer to be home so their treatment/hospitalization is free or cheaper.


 Actually I see the wisdom and compassion on this now and have changed my mind after thinking it through. ????


  Unfortunately, if I were to have it they would not allow me on a aircraft home to the USA! THAT SUCKS!!! I get free medical at the VA hospitals and would not even be able to get there!!! And I have a very negative opinion on the hospitals and physicians in the PI... I would rather get it in Thailand! ????


    Now about my original thoughts and profanity...  "Never mind"....  ????

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39 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Can anyone please explain to me how the UK variant is spreading in Thailand when all but essential travel out of the UK has been banned for weeks, and Thailand has draconian measures in place for all those arriving in the country anyway, with certificates saying they are safe to fly and quarantine. If this variant or any other version manages to get through despite all that then we are all in deep trouble. I'd have thought that the only risk was from those coming across the border from Myanmar.

Because the so-called UK variant (which may not even have originated in the UK) is now the dominant strain in not only the US but also many other countries, especially in Europe.


UK variant is now the dominant coronavirus strain in the US, says CDC chief


As stated in the link below:



... the Kent [UK] variant has spread to at least 27 other European countries and now accounts for the majority of cases in Denmark, Italy, Ireland, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal


The threat posed by spread of new coronavirus variants in Europe

Edited by GroveHillWanderer
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1 hour ago, Jeffr2 said:

CV19 will be with us for the rest of our lives.  Just like variants of the Spanish flu are still with us today.  100 years later.

That's correct, it's a virus it was never going anywhere , vaccinations may help a little but are not ultimate solutions  , just assisting .

As with every other virus ever , it must be lived with , exactly why lockdowns don't work , you can't play with nature , a strong functional , evolving immune system , same reasoning with stronger strains , all the above weakens the virus .

That's why Thailand has done so well and that's exactly why Thailand will continue to do well , 

As healthy as possible , few overweight , not much overuse of script meds .

You need an immune ,and you need to be as healthy as possible , you need to eat well , these are the messages that must be promoted , there is always a price to be paid , and immune must always evolve .


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58 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Can anyone please explain to me how the UK variant is spreading in Thailand when all but essential travel out of the UK has been banned for weeks, and Thailand has draconian measures in place for all those arriving in the country anyway, with certificates saying they are safe to fly and quarantine. If this variant or any other version manages to get through despite all that then we are all in deep trouble. I'd have thought that the only risk was from those coming across the border from Myanmar.


The UK "Kent" variant didn't necessarily come from the UK, it was detected there....


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6 hours ago, dennnis said:

Mortality rate is 0.28%. Under 65 it's 0.09%.


Much depends on the reliability of reporting. Thailand only considers a person infected if there was a test and we know that the testing is not significant in Thailand.  I think Mexico is a better indication of what  lies ahead for Thailand. It has a mortality rate nearing 10%.  I see from the reports that the new variants are impacting the young people  harder now than when this started. In western countries the numbers of young people in ICU are in excess of 30% now and they are staying longer and coming in fast.


1 hour ago, bristolgeoff said:

Don,t know how it is the uk version we are in lockdown since jan.thai border is shut we can not travel anyway not allowed.just waiting for the ban to be lifted.who did they let in at the border


UK variant because UK identified it. UK has advanced science and is open and honest with knowledge but it gets blamed for something  not even originating in UK. I commend UK people for not crying and complaining of  bias they way politically correct hypocrites lectured us on use of China variant reference.


1 hour ago, Chiphigh said:

Some of the irrational fear mongering going on about this is really insane. 

The denial of some is demonstration of mental illness. Because they are afraid and cannot cope they attack the reality and try to make it appear less frightening. Like child who is afraid and has to retreat to land of make believe.

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