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Thailand reports daily record 967 new coronavirus infections

Jonathan Fairfield

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7 hours ago, robsamui said:

No, I've been talking all the way through about Thailand. 


We have 'coasts' here - not sea boards - the "east coast".


Yeah, I think I figured out you were talking about Thailand.


The east coast to me is the east coast of the gulf of Thailand, whereas to you it seems it is the east side of the southern isthmus.


But here's what you said originally:


"The whole of the Eastern and Gulf Coast, including Hua Hin, Samui and the islands, Chonburi and Pattaya, get their rainy season from October to February."


So "the whole of the Eastern and Gulf Coast" refers to what, exactly?


Whatever, your description of the rainy season for Chonburi and Pattaya is wildly inaccurate. I've been in Pattaya since August last year. It's hardly rained except in the last week or so.


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On 4/12/2021 at 7:38 AM, FarFlungFalang said:

I was thinking exponential is if the increase keeps increasing which it's not, not on every day anyway but I would say if most days have it's increase increasing so I would say it's exponential.

Perhaps you have a loose understanding of the scientific term exponential the definition of which is not dependent on what you think or of my opinion either. Perhaps we should just say increasing dramatically on a weekly basis.

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On 4/11/2021 at 11:35 AM, Ventenio said:

1000 and no talk of lock downs.   I think the most important time for Thailand is from October until February, high season for the falang and everyone else.


lock it down.  one month.  better safe than sorry.  i don't mean close all the businesses, just ban inter-provincial travel and keep the hot spots from spreading.  

Where will we get our rice  from? Oh yeah.  The Sukhumvit rice paddies?

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15 hours ago, Pilotman said:

That doesn't matter one iota.  Its a  social requirement world wide and so , especially as a guest in someone else's country,  you abide by it and keep your so called scientific opinions to yourself.  That is not only the legal thing to do, it is  the sociably responsible  thing to do, which is why I call out any unthinking farang I see without a mask in a confined space, such as a supermarket, or wearing it under their chin like some kind of stupid cravat. 

And yes, it is still the elderly farang you see in the malls  and supermarkets abusing the requirement to wear masks. 

They stand out like sore thumbs and do no favours for the vast majority who comply.

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5 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Perhaps you have a loose understanding of the scientific term exponential the definition of which is not dependent on what you think or of my opinion either. Perhaps we should just say increasing dramatically on a weekly basis.

Not only that there are many varying definitions of the term held by many people but there is also an official definition and being a pedant I enjoy trying to nail down wether or not this outbreak is technically exponential.

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6 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

On the contrary: they are major causes of cancer

 Did you read the post to which this throw-away comment was referring to, oh! you didn't - never mind. As for your comment re cancer, a link or two to some scientific study on the matter would be appreciated. 

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20 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Bkktodd you do know that the particles of the virus are smaller then the holes in the masks right ?? And if you look into it you will find out that wearing masks is more bad then good for your health . Maybe it helps with the bad air quality but it sure doesn't with the virus . If you don't believe me look in to it , it is proven by many experts (no not expats) experts .

Great. The next time you have surgery, you can tell the doctors and nurses not to bother with face masks as they cut you open.


BTW, the same people who claim that face masks are ineffective in stopping the virus are those who claim that face masks block air, so they are uncomfortable. 

Edited by Danderman123
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5 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Not only that there are many varying definitions of the term held by many people but there is also an official definition and being a pedant I enjoy trying to nail down wether or not this outbreak is technically exponential.

Use a dictionary. 

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10 hours ago, bradiston said:


Yeah, I think I figured out you were talking about Thailand.


The east coast to me is the east coast of the gulf of Thailand, whereas to you it seems it is the east side of the southern isthmus.


But here's what you said originally:


"The whole of the Eastern and Gulf Coast, including Hua Hin, Samui and the islands, Chonburi and Pattaya, get their rainy season from October to February."


So "the whole of the Eastern and Gulf Coast" refers to what, exactly?


Whatever, your description of the rainy season for Chonburi and Pattaya is wildly inaccurate. I've been in Pattaya since August last year. It's hardly rained except in the last week or so.


Pattaya rainfall, Chonburi, nongprue, Banglamung is officialy recorded and is the only accurate reflection of rainfall. What an individual  sees is no indicator of actual rainfall. It can rain on the darkside  but be bone dry in Pratumnak. Last April I visited the reservoir/ lake which was empty. That is another good rainfall indicator. I believe  it is fuller now

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25 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Those doctors are wearing them in a sterile enviroment not outdoors so if you think that the air in an operating room is the same as the outside air this discusiin is useless . You do know that an operating room is sterile (as they cut you open ) right . And are they wrong saying that virus particles are smaller then the holes in the masks and that they block air ?? And all the bacteria that are getting in the mask are being breath in and out again and again as long as your wearing it so IMO they are right . But everybody has the right to their own opinion and this is mine . And to you too , i am wearing a mask where needed . Just to be clear . I just don't like it and i don't think it's really necessary . 

Why do doctors and nurses wear face masks in an operating room?

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11 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Perhaps you have a loose understanding of the scientific term exponential the definition of which is not dependent on what you think or of my opinion either. Perhaps we should just say increasing dramatically on a weekly basis.

This is my understanding of exponential growth but then I'm a not a scientist or mathematical wizard coding an algorithm to test a theory. In real world this is enough for me, stay within the curve its exponential, break the curve then re assess. This works for me in stock chart predictions to, just ask any trader.


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25 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

Why do doctors and nurses wear face masks in an operating room?

To stop snot and sweat dripping into open incisions.They are not designed to stop viral spread which is why they don't help much in that regard. 2700 health workers in Victoria Oz got infected whilst wearing masks.



Edited by FarFlungFalang
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12 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

To stop snot and sweat dripping into open incisions.They are not designed to stop viral spread which is why they don't help much in that regard. 2700 health workers in Victoria Oz got infected whilst wearing masks.



Vic is a very snotty state! 

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2 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Pattaya rainfall, Chonburi, nongprue, Banglamung is officialy recorded and is the only accurate reflection of rainfall. What an individual  sees is no indicator of actual rainfall. It can rain on the darkside  but be bone dry in Pratumnak. Last April I visited the reservoir/ lake which was empty. That is another good rainfall indicator. I believe  it is fuller now

So what's your point? The rainy season is any day it rains?

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On 4/13/2021 at 3:00 PM, VBF said:

You're being ridiculous and reading additional meanings into my words - the whole question is hypothetical unless and until one needs treatment for Covid or whatever other ailment.


I merely pointed out that everyone has the right to know what drugs are being injected into them.  (unless its a dire emergency, when you have to trust in professionals - note my comment "if circumstances allow for it.") Obviously the meds have to be prescribed before you know what they are, but at that point you don't just blindly take meds because a doctor prescribes them, you ask questions and challenge the reasoning, or get a second opinion.

And who doesn't agree with those points?

Where did I ever say people do not have the right to know which medicines they get or what is being injected into them?

Why are we having this discussion?

Why you reacted to me in the first place when I only pointed out the main reason why treatments plans are not regularly published in newspapers?

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3 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Transfering bacteria ??? Not virusses .

I think the masks are intended to catch the virus carrying water droplets streaming out of your mouth every time you cough, sneeze, shout, laugh or have other reason to expel large quantities of air from your lungs. I imagine even if you don't have the virus, your nearest neighbours will be extremely grateful.

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4 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

And who doesn't agree with those points?

Where did I ever say people do not have the right to know which medicines they get or what is being injected into them?

Why are we having this discussion?

Why you reacted to me in the first place when I only pointed out the main reason why treatments plans are not regularly published in newspapers?

We're clearly at cross-purposes.  Never mind.

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37 minutes ago, bradiston said:

I think the masks are intended to catch the virus carrying water droplets streaming out of your mouth every time you cough, sneeze, shout, laugh or have other reason to expel large quantities of air from your lungs. I imagine even if you don't have the virus, your nearest neighbours will be extremely grateful.

Sorry but you are missing the point , this is about doctors wearing masks in the operating room . And you are saying even if you don't have the virus your neighbours will be happy ?? So that means you are for wearing masks forever ?? Even before and after this virus . I geuss you are a bit of a germofobe , maybe it's better for you to stay home forever then . 

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42 minutes ago, bradiston said:

I think the masks are intended to catch the virus carrying water droplets streaming out of your mouth every time you cough, sneeze, shout, laugh or have other reason to expel large quantities of air from your lungs. I imagine even if you don't have the virus, your nearest neighbours will be extremely grateful.

If you want to mix yourself in a discussion , read the whole discussion before you react . 

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7 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Sorry but you are missing the point , this is about doctors wearing masks in the operating room . And you are saying even if you don't have the virus your neighbours will be happy ?? So that means you are for wearing masks forever ?? Even before and after this virus . I geuss you are a bit of a germofobe , maybe it's better for you to stay home forever then . 


The Chinese often do that....Thais are getting the Asian habit

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10 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

To stop snot and sweat dripping into open incisions.They are not designed to stop viral spread which is why they don't help much in that regard. 2700 health workers in Victoria Oz got infected whilst wearing masks.



Actually, to stop water vapor containing germs. You know, tiny water droplets. Like those exhaled by people infected by Covid-19. 


Face masks are fairly effective in stopping transmission of germs. They have limited effectiveness in preventing infection for the wearer. 


Since the virus is not always obvious to the infected, people must wear face masks to stop new infections. 

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1 hour ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Sorry but you are missing the point , this is about doctors wearing masks in the operating room . And you are saying even if you don't have the virus your neighbours will be happy ?? So that means you are for wearing masks forever ?? Even before and after this virus . I geuss you are a bit of a germofobe , maybe it's better for you to stay home forever then . 

Because asymptomatic individuals don't know they have the virus, it is imperative that everyone wear face masks until we reach herd immunity and the virus is eliminated. We will never get there if idiots insist on walking around unprotected. 

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3 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Sorry but you are missing the point , this is about doctors wearing masks in the operating room . And you are saying even if you don't have the virus your neighbours will be happy ?? So that means you are for wearing masks forever ?? Even before and after this virus . I geuss you are a bit of a germofobe , maybe it's better for you to stay home forever then . 

It was meant as a joke but never mind. You've completely missed the point yourself. This thread has covered a lot of topics in its 13 pages. My comment was about the efficacy of masks in preventing the spread of the virus through waterborn droplets. I stand by that as a valid comment.

Edited by bradiston
Positive thinking
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