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Thailand reports biggest daily jump in new COVID-19 cases


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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Totally correct too bad a lot of antivax knowledge is not knowledge but bad science. If its even science based. 


So im sorry for comparing anti vaxers with village idiots. Your right the village idiots are smarter. I appologize to all the village idiots.


Thanks for showing me the errors of my ways.

The people refusing to take these vaccines are not necessarily anti vaxxers.  The COVID vaccines are NOT approved by the US FDA and that is good reason to be skeptical of them.  Members of the US military cannot be forced to take these vaccines for that reason.  People should read the fact sheets before taking these vaccines.



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46 minutes ago, Fex Bluse said:

Take the Chinese vaccines at your own risk. ANYONE who STILL trusts them after all they have done is potentially not mentally well. 


Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Moderna, Sputnik are all OK. 

I remember when I was riding a bullet train in China and thinking it was suicidal to do such a thing because of Tibet. By some miracle no disaster occurred, and as far as I know, that's still the case.

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2 minutes ago, ExpatOK said:

The people refusing to take these vaccines are not necessarily anti vaxxers.  The COVID vaccines are NOT approved by the US FDA and that is good reason to be skeptical of them.  Members of the US military cannot be forced to take these vaccines for that reason.  People should read the fact sheets before taking these vaccines.



Or they might take a look at how Israel is faring now that it's got the majority of its population inoculated.

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14 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Add these two TAT Ministers to the numbers.  The government folks seem to not be Covid free after getting vaccinated.




Wishing them a speedy recovery.


The numbers today should be higher but I think they are reflecting the hospitals running short on tests and the actual lab doing the checking of being overwhelmed much like the government who was caught off guard.

That's the point, they should be ready to do testing, they have had plenty of time, my Thai wife said yesterday that Thai people are a lot more worried this time. 




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5 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

On the NBT World nightly news broadcast today in English, they recapped the Dept. of Disease Control's support for the Sinovac vaccine, with the following caveat:


--thus far, none of the Phase 3 trial results for Sinovac in any country have been published in any professional peer reviewed medical journal.


I do believe they are in Phase 3 right now.  But it's not finished.  IMHO, it's a tied and true way to do a vaccine.  The bigger worries should be with Pfizer and Moderna.  mRNA jabs are brand new technology.  Who knows the long term effects?  Nobody.  Sinovac is a traditional jab.  Though a lower efficacy. And so far, no reports of any problems.





In July, Sinovac launched a Phase 3 trial in Brazil, followed by others in Indonesia and Turkey.


The scientists running the Phase 3 trials began announcing early results at the end of December and continued to update them as new cases of Covid-19 arose. While the overall efficacy of the vaccine was lower in the Brazil trial, it showed stronger protection against severe forms of the disease. No one in the Brazil trial who received Sinovac had to be hospitalized.






How the Sinovac Vaccine Works

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18 hours ago, Excel said:

Unfortunately those village idiots are now in government

Village idiots should comprehend allowing people to wander around the countryside willy Nilly is not going to solve the problem.

Then again I forgot TIT


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The post has made me want to say a few words about my experiences over the past three years with renting out five short term rentals in Thailand . 

I have had mostly good experience with what  ever nationality they have been . Of course the Chinese have been the majority yet I can say that not one of them do I regret hosting . Many of them have been exceptional and still write to say hello .

My biggest problem has been from Thai guests . Yet in saying that a few have been exceptional too. 

More to the original post , yes I have had black people as guests mostly from USA or the UK. Never any problem what so ever . 

Treat others as you would have them treat you and you can not go far wrong . But that logic has not worked with all .

Every one is different what ever nationality they are and that applies to cleanliness too.



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7 hours ago, placeholder said:

I remember when I was riding a bullet train in China and thinking it was suicidal to do such a thing because of Tibet. By some miracle no disaster occurred, and as far as I know, that's still the case.


The disaster comes when you realize they have stolen everything from your home country, including you pension through bogus companies. 


When you can no longer afford and enjoy your retirement in Thailand. When those little brown impoverished but attractive Thai ladies have replaced you with your Chinese counterparts who have more resources than you do. That's when it all comes together and people understand. 

Edited by Fex Bluse
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8 hours ago, ExpatOK said:

The people refusing to take these vaccines are not necessarily anti vaxxers.  The COVID vaccines are NOT approved by the US FDA and that is good reason to be skeptical of them.  Members of the US military cannot be forced to take these vaccines for that reason.  People should read the fact sheets before taking these vaccines.



There is a difference between people not taking a vaccine for health reasons and antivaxers. I acknowledge that, however all those scary stories the anti vaxers are spreading and misinformation those people are the ones I am talking about.


There can be health reasons not to take it. But face it in reality the vaccine is far less dangerous then the alternative. Of all those 100+ million that have been vaccinated how many died or severe effects. Then compare that to say the death rate of 20 million covid infections and the after effects of 20 million covid infections. (im taking 20 million as not everyone will get covid out of a 100 million) Just ake a low number to show that vaccinating carries with it far less risk. 


Now in the Netherlands its the younger people that get in hospital the ones without underlying diseases. The doctors are warning about that right now. All that misinformation how the vaccines will change your DNA and all that other misinformation.


There was a Belgian Doctor in februari that warned about vaccinations it was in the lancet. Big worries total outlier and guess what it did not happen. What worries me is that the anti vaxers jump from one outlier report to the other and never consider changing to more mainstream sources. After one of their studies is shown to be incorrect they jump to the next outlier position. These guys are just looking for some small justification and each time they find something and later it is proven untrue. But they never change their minds. So for me those guys are just stupid. If your information keeps being wrong then check your sources. Stop holding on to the outlier reports and go more mainstream. Loads of vaccinations have been done and the horror they predicted did not happen. Its time for them to wake up.

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1 hour ago, Fex Bluse said:


The disaster comes when you realize they have stolen everything from your home country, including you pension through bogus companies. 


When you can no longer afford and enjoy your retirement in Thailand. When those little brown impoverished but attractive Thai ladies have replaced you with your Chinese counterparts who have more resources than you do. That's when it all comes together and people understand. 

They just work harder then us. Why do you feel so entitled unless they cheat they are entitled to their share of what they make. What an racist point of view. Especially if your an American who country wages war over resources. 

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1 hour ago, Fex Bluse said:


The disaster comes when you realize they have stolen everything from your home country, including you pension through bogus companies. 


When you can no longer afford and enjoy your retirement in Thailand. When those little brown impoverished but attractive Thai ladies have replaced you with your Chinese counterparts who have more resources than you do. That's when it all comes together and people understand. 

Thank you for your concise and pertinent explanation of the danger posed by the Covid-19 vaccine. Can you direct me to a vaccine that will prevent "those little brown impoverished but attractive Thai ladies" from replacing me with my "Chinese counterparts who have more resources than" I do?

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8 minutes ago, rabas said:


On the other hand. A prime reason for developing mRNA vaccines is they promise better safety (and effectiveness) over the traditional 'old' vaccines. Here is an unbiased medical review from Nature, the journal, just prior to SARS-2.




"The use of mRNA has several beneficial features over subunit, killed and live attenuated virus, as well as DNA-based vaccines. First, safety: as mRNA is a non-infectious, non-integrating platform, there is no potential risk of infection or insertional mutagenesis. Additionally ...[more reasons for safety]


I'll take the old time music but give me a new, modern vaccine.

The problem is the antivaxers don't seem to believe mainstream media. They seem to think it changes your DNA. You can show them all the real science but they pefer to believe outlier theories and facebook information over real science.


Real science is food for sheeple according to them.

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2 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Thank you for your concise and pertinent explanation of the danger posed by the Covid-19 vaccine. Can you direct me to a vaccine that will prevent "those little brown impoverished but attractive Thai ladies" from replacing me with my "Chinese counterparts who have more resources than" I do?

At least he was honest about why Thai girls like him because he has more resources. For sure its not his unbiased great personality. Seems like he thinks its ok to exploit those with less resources as long as he stays on top. 

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Well after letting people depart from Bangkok to the Provinces

We can probably expect a rise in the Corivirus numbers after the holiday finishes

The  Government needs to hasten the vaccine process with in the country its the only solution before letting in Foreign Tourists 

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1 minute ago, Venom said:

China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine has 50 percent efficacy rate! Worst of the worst, is that the best they can do? 

So it only works on half the people. That means 500 million in China are ok.

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5 minutes ago, Venom said:

China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine has 50 percent efficacy rate! Worst of the worst, is that the best they can do? 

Your questioning the efficacy? or the partnership with the overlords who are making the rules prior to shipping the vaccine ?  Latest news is it may not even provide the 50% and they are saying another jab of it or mixing it with another vaccine might be necessary.



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1 hour ago, rabas said:


On the other hand. A prime reason for developing mRNA vaccines is they promise better safety (and effectiveness) over the traditional 'old' vaccines. Here is an unbiased medical review from Nature, the journal, just prior to SARS-2.




"The use of mRNA has several beneficial features over subunit, killed and live attenuated virus, as well as DNA-based vaccines. First, safety: as mRNA is a non-infectious, non-integrating platform, there is no potential risk of infection or insertional mutagenesis. Additionally ...[more reasons for safety]


I'll take the old time music but give me a new, modern vaccine.

These jabs are definitely the future.  My friend, a chemist, calls this jab scifi like.  A brave new world.


Sadly, some think it will alter your DNA.  They need to stop getting their information off social media!!! LOL

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6 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Your questioning the efficacy? or the partnership with the overlords who are making the rules prior to shipping the vaccine ?  Latest news is it may not even provide the 50% and they are saying another jab of it or mixing it with another vaccine might be necessary.



Here again the author is dwelling on efficacy without apparently understanding what it means. This paragraph from the article demonstrates that:

"Most concerning is that some countries that use Chinese vaccines, including the United Arab Emirates and Chile, have relatively high vaccination rates, but new cases are still rising or stagnant. Death rates have fallen somewhat, however, suggesting the Chinese vaccines have some mitigating effect, even if they are not blocking transmission as well as the Western vaccines."


China deserves lots of black eyes for lots of reasons.. But Coronavac does provide powerful protection against death and severe symptoms. So discouraging its use is going to result in lots of needless deaths and suffering.

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