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Face masks mandatory in Bangkok - even in your own car, BMA confirms

Jonathan Fairfield

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I'll just let the wife ride in the bed of the pickup and the dog can sit up front with me.  No problem.


(One vacation visit, we had 7 people and a half load of luggage in a 2-door pickup.  Four of us had to ride in the open back - 550 Km from BKK to Loei.  Got rained on the last hour.)

Edited by Damrongsak
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16 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


Of course.... But its pretty easy to spot a taxi... Grab drivers will ask customers to wear a mask and given the current media fed hysteria and fear who is going to get into a Grab car without a mask anyway ?


Under the current rules my Wife and can I have have dinner with friends round their house, but we have to wear our mask in our own car when driving ourselves there. 


I’m not against covid protection measures, but I’m against stupidity. 






Tell me how a policeman can know that it is your wife in the car? Maybe that s why they made the rules like that. Also I have very hard time understanding the complains on TVF about masks wearing, just grow up.

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1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:


Really??? did you think at all ???? just a little bit. 


Anyone in my car private is already in my ‘bubble’... Girlfriend, mistress, friend etc...   they’ve been in my house etc...  



but, thaichina, I do believe it is a good idea if you ask your hitch-hikers to wear their mask. 





Awww....  should have worked a little harder at school !!!....     The ridicule is not targeting mask wearing in public. The ridicule is targeting a stupid policy of wearing a mask in our own car, it's as stupid has being told to wear a mask in our own homes.


This policy of mask wearing in our private vehicles is no longer on the fringes of common sense, its well along there on the spectrum of total dumb-fluckery !!!




Make it simple:


Open the door of your house, go out, wear your mask, then when you come back home, take off your  mask. Is that simple enough rule?

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4 hours ago, Kinnock said:

But equally ridiculous if the passenger is your wife/husband - unless you both wear masks in bed?


Perhaps they can run a Questionare and interview occupants of every car. That would work ????

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4 hours ago, gunderhill said:

Stupidity knows  no bounds with Thai law makers, so tonight in my  house with my mask off I can <deleted> my Wife senseless with no mask but if we are in the car together not shagging I must wear a mask with her, Christ they are so thick!

... and, how is she going to give you roadhead without taking off her mask?

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45 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


Really??? did you think at all ???? just a little bit. 


Anyone in my private car is already in my ‘bubble’... Wife, Girlfriend, mistress, gik, friend etc...   they’ve been in my house etc...  


But, thaichina, I do believe it is a good idea if you ask the random hitch-hikers or hookers you’ve picked up to wear their mask !!!.....


Awww....  should have worked a little harder at school !!!....     The ridicule is not targeting mask wearing in public. The ridicule is targeting a stupid policy of wearing a mask in our own car, it's as stupid has being told to wear a mask in our own homes.


This policy of mask wearing in our private vehicles is no longer on the fringes of common sense, its well along there on the spectrum of total dumb-fluckery !!!


A high percentage of cars on Thai roads aren't private vehicles as much as vehicles for hire.  If masks are helpful, I'd like to think that hired drivers and their passengers are all wearing one and not swapping pathogens.  Requiring everyone to wear one makes sense because then the popo don't have to pull you over to figure out whether you're in the same bubble, or just hired the driver to take you to the market.



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41 minutes ago, impulse said:

A high percentage of cars on Thai roads aren't private vehicles as much as vehicles for hire.  If masks are helpful, I'd like to think that hired drivers and their passengers are all wearing one and not swapping pathogens.  Requiring everyone to wear one makes sense because then the popo don't have to pull you over to figure out whether you're in the same bubble, or just hired the driver to take you to the market.


The law already existed for people to wear a mask in hired  and shared vehicles, taxis, Grab car etc... 


That some people think this is a good law just so the police don’t need to worry about whether those in cars are in the same ‘bubble’ goes some way towards highlighting that the logic and though processes between different people varies astronomically and why laws such as this can be made up in the first place. 



For some reason mask wearing has become the focus....  the idea that a driver can be pulled over because driver and passenger are not wearing a face mask is utterly preposterous - especially when so many existing traffic laws are flouted with total and utter disregard. 



The ‘mask clamp down’ is one of those ‘easy’ or ’soft’ targets on which people can become judgemental, sanctimonious and quite frankly moronic. We have another thread running where a guy complains that he got assaulted by a Thai guy in his condo elevator after telling him to wear a mask. 



I get that the idea is to make it easier for police so that they don’t have to identify those outside of one bubble from another, but the idea is still absolutely outrageous. 

I hate wearing a mask, I feel suffocated, but I will happily wear a mask in public, in a taxi and outdoors whenever in proximity to anyone else. 

I don’t even believe mask use is that effective in comparison to other measures such as frequent hand washing etc... Yet, I’ll happy wear a mask in public because that is what is expected, it puts others at ease and I can see that it in aggregate it can do some good as there are people who fail in basic standards of not covering in their face when they cough and sneeze. 


But... in my own private vehicle with my Wife along side me?....  this additional measure will surely not make any inroads whatsoever into preventing transmission



And then of course there is the published age limit: 

Mask have to be worn by children older than 2 years !!!


So...  a parent driving a 3 year old who is in a rear facing child seat in the back can get charged up to 20,000 baht if that 3 year old pulls off their face mask. Yet another parent with a child stood up on the lap of another adult in the front seat faces no charges as long as all have masks on.


I know this is highly unlikely that the parent of any child will charged if a young child takes off their mask in the car - but there is a fundamental logic disconnect. 


I’m sure many feel the same, we see the world around us and it seems as its going mad, or is it ourselves who are going mad ?! ??? !!! 















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It will be interesting to see how this plays out. 


I wonder if the idea will be ridiculed so much on social media that there will be a little back peddling and they will remove ‘private vehicles’ from such regulation. 


It will also be interesting to see if anyone gets charged for this: What would happen?

Husband and Wife in the car, pulled over by the BiB for not wearing a face mask. 

Of course, there will be a refusal to pay for an on the spot fine (bribe), the BiB can no longer confiscate someones driving licence, so what will happen? Will they just issue a ticket that will never get paid anyway?


My Wife has has enough tickets for speeding and crossing a fixed white line anyway, so this one would be just filed with the rest !!! 






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6 hours ago, keith101 said:

The post said that the rule regarding face masks also applies to people who are in their own cars with at least one other person, regardless if that other person is a family member. 


almost a month too late, but still NO LOCKDOWN, instead we get STUPID LAWS !

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You can rant all you want, but you chose to live in an eastern society. 


And this issue just highlights the difference between the west, where individual rights take precedent, and the east where the community's wellbeing trumps individual rights.


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17 minutes ago, impulse said:

You can rant all you want, but you chose to live in an eastern society. 


And this issue just highlights the difference between the west, where individual rights take precedent, and the east where the community's wellbeing trumps individual rights.


And what of the Thai folk I’ve discussed with with who think also think it is an idiotic policy. 


You like it, others think it quite dumb.... and the rant as you call it, comments and discussion as I call it are taking place on a forum designed for that very purpose. 



I do agree that the communities wellbeing should trump individual rights....  people call that the ’nanny state’ in the West and many who’ve come to Thailand criticise our home countries for being a 'nanny-state’ with various laws.


If the the Wellbeing of the community in Thailand were so important what of DUI etc and a multitude of other factors which highlight a total lack of consideration for the communities wellbeing? (rhetorical question to make a point)


It seems any response under the flag of Covid-19 knee-caps common sense - The change in the law to enforce mask wearing in private vehicles is a perfect and laughable example.



In reality, bigger picture, greater scheme of things, wearing a mask in the car is no hardship whatsoever. But the fact that such an idiotic law can be implemented is of greater concern and highlights the potential for further idiotic regulations... i.e. no private vehicles on the roads at all ? (far fetched I know, but never say never, another Curfew is only a few days away).
















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23 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

You like it, others think it quite dumb.... and the rant as you call it, comments and discussion as I call it are taking place on a forum designed for that very purpose. 


I never said I like it.  I accept it, and think it makes sense in the context of an eastern culture.  Which Thailand is.


I also think there are reasonable discussions, and there are rants.  Any discussion that includes the expression "is a perfect and laughable example" qualifies as a rant.  And that's before even applying the word count criteria that separates a "discussion" from a "venting".


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52 minutes ago, impulse said:


I never said I like it.  I accept it, and think it makes sense in the context of an eastern culture.  Which Thailand is.


I also think there are reasonable discussions, and there are rants.  Any discussion that includes the expression "is a perfect and laughable example" qualifies as a rant.  And that's before even applying the word count criteria that separates a "discussion" from a "venting".



Apologies for ranting....  I’ll ensure I limit my word count with future discussions rants...   is there a cut off ?


I do agree with your comment that ‘it’ *(the new law to wear face masks in any shared vehicle) makes sense in the context of an eastern culture but only because eastern cultures are more attuned to a level of submission under authoritarianism thus the authorities themselves are more accustomed quick rule changes.


This has worked in places like China and Thailand with its Covid-19 Curfews whereas in the west the same attempts at enacting an emergency response and Curfew was met with protects and claims of civil rights violations agains the authorities enacting the emergency response who were doing so to protect those very same citizens protesting !!! irony !


But this latest law seems as though a bunch of people have brain stormed under panic and thought up rules that no one is sensible enough to stand back and look at with critical logic... and go.... ‘hang on a sec....... really’ ?



(tried to keep it shorter so it didn’t look like a rant !)









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9 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


Of course.... But its pretty easy to spot a taxi... Grab drivers will ask customers to wear a mask and given the current media fed hysteria and fear who is going to get into a Grab car without a mask anyway ?


Under the current rules my Wife and can I have have dinner with friends round their house, but we have to wear our mask in our own car when driving ourselves there. 


I’m not against covid protection measures, but I’m against stupidity. 






Unfortunately the latter rules ????

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9 hours ago, thaichina said:

Make it simple:


Open the door of your house, go out, wear your mask, then when you come back home, take off your  mask. Is that simple enough rule?

I dont  have a  door  on my  house......... I  wear the  mask when using the forum though as it  makes as much sense????

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I think it's perfectly daft, for most of the reasons mentioned on here.


What I do remember when 'all this Covid malarky' started, was the huge -  & very often vehement discussions on wearing the correct mask. 


The zealots on here, you know the ones who'll be defending this latest rule, argued like fury about how only N95 masks were any use, & shoving in sly digs.


Now, it seems just about any old mask'll do.


In my opinion, this is yet another control being introduced.


But let's just see who 'shoots me down'


If I was able to elaborate on that, I would.....????





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7 hours ago, impulse said:

You can rant all you want, but you chose to live in an eastern society. 


And this issue just highlights the difference between the west, where individual rights take precedent, and the east where the community's wellbeing trumps individual rights.


That's all very well saying that to in an attempt perhaps to justify this regulation.  However do you actually speak to any Thai's about it or are you assuming it is only foreigners in Thailand saying it is an idiotic rule ?  Well has I have lived here for decades and obviously know many Thais and  I can assure you that they consider the idea as absurd as we do and they have never lived in the West were you claim individual rights take precedent, which of course is a fallacy anyway.

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