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Please Do Not be like this Guy


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I can't say I agree with his actions, however I presume she will be able to actually present it somewhere and spend the note. I have a US $10 bill that was a little tatty when I received it in he states many years ago. Despite being to many countries where the currency is accepted it has become increasingly difficult to actually spend it. 


It's not torn in half , just well used and I'm not planning on buying a return flight to the US just to present it to a bank.

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While I'm a rather generous tipper myself, it's because I want to and can afford it, not because I feel there's an obligation to tip. This isn't the US. Each to their own, I'd say.


So, to come to a forum to complain about other people's tipping habits seems a bit odd to me, I don't think we need a tip police. I realize it's boring out there right now, but still, get a hobby or something.

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21 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Tipping is not mandatory in the US, either, but a small appreciation is expected and usually given here.

In San Francisco it is.  About 15 years ago they passed a law there that restaurants have to add a 25% tip to the bill.

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19 hours ago, Emeraldisle said:

I was friendly with a waiter in a restaurant that I frequented in Jomtien. He explained to me that if I put the tip in the folder thing that they bring the bill in that it was divided between all the staff. If I handed it to him he could keep it all. Usually passed it to him under the table

Yes, called a "hand tip" I am told.

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1 hour ago, The Fugitive said:

We usually go to the same BBQ just around the corner from our house. Thai wife always pockets all the change then gives the waiter/waitress a 100 baht note. Reason; 'They're a couple from Laos and have a baby'. Makes me smile!

Good on your Wife.

For those who don't know - this is called Compassion

Something not seen as often as it should be

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1 hour ago, rwill said:

In San Francisco it is.  About 15 years ago they passed a law there that restaurants have to add a 25% tip to the bill.

I don't believe that what you say about its being law is accurate but, regardless of that, we're talking about tips that the customer leaves voluntarily, those tips are not mandatory.

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22 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Have you been in the USA? Most service establishments pay minimum wage or less. Tipping 10 -20% is expected practice. It's a significant part of income. Even hotel room cleaners expect something.

True, it's not mandatory. But as a waiter there once said to me, if you don't leave a tip, don't come back. Because it's very likely if they remember, nasty things will happen.

Yep, there is even a little table printed on the bottom of the bill with percentage rates worked out for you ie. 10,20,25,.30 etc. of your bill, so nice of them, seems crazy to me, but apparently tips are a part of their wages you are paying for, or so i've been told!

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Its a common belief in Thailand that bank notes that are torn are useless. You have lost your money. The waitress was probably under that assumption. She thinks she has been given nothing. The fact that you can go to a bank and get it swapped for a new one is not widely known in my experience. 

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On 4/27/2021 at 2:43 PM, Lacessit said:

Have you been in the USA? Most service establishments pay minimum wage or less. Tipping 10 -20% is expected practice. It's a significant part of income. Even hotel room cleaners expect something.

True, it's not mandatory. But as a waiter there once said to me, if you don't leave a tip, don't come back. Because it's very likely if they remember, nasty things will happen.

a lot of the foreign fools in this country are alcoholics, and one thing you can count an alcoholic on being is selfish, I mean why tip when it can affect my intake amount? Traditions from the ol' country..

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5 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

a lot of the foreign fools in this country are alcoholics, and one thing you can count an alcoholic on being is selfish, I mean why tip when it can affect my intake amount? Traditions from the ol' country..


I agree... a lot of foreign fools in this country... a lot on this forum too... 


How anyone can draw a comparison between tipping and alcoholism is somewhat astonishing !!!!  ????

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23 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


How about you and the rest of ‘your’ kind when you go to places like Japan?



Here, the guy left a 20 baht tip. It's unfortunate the not was torn. Maybe thats all he had left. Is that a really big issue? or should he have paid with a torn note and left a pristine note as a tip?


It clearly is an issue for the Op who’s embellished a rather pathetic story. Do you think the workers would prefer not to have a tip if a note is torn?


The reactions of some people.... ’should have remained home with the rest of your kind’ are hilarious.... 





the only thing pathetic was the person who left an insult instead of a tip, if it was me serving and he came in again, it would be him receiving the gratuity mixed in with his food...

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2 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:
22 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


I agree... a lot of foreign fools in this country... a lot on this forum too... 


How anyone can draw a comparison between tipping and alcoholism is somewhat astonishing !!!!  ????

the relationship between selfishness and drug addiction is well documented..


A ridiculous stretch....  I suppose the Japanese are selfish because there is no ‘tipping culture’ ???


The inference that someone who doesn’t tip is an alcoholic is one of the dumbest hyperbolaes I’ve ever read on this forum - then to attempt to back that up by suggesting that the link is well documented is pure idiocy... If you think those who do not tip are alcoholics (or more likely to be alcoholics) your logic operates so far beyond reason there really is no point in holding any further discussion. 


If you believe the subject of the Op is probably an alcoholic because he tipped a torn bank note then again, your logic operates so far beyond reason there really is no point in holding any further discussion. 



I sometimes think people become so enveloped in a discussion their common sense escapes them. 




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33 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

the only thing pathetic was the person who left an insult instead of a tip, if it was me serving and he came in again, it would be him receiving the gratuity mixed in with his food...


If you think someone leaving torn bank note is an insult you really have over sensitivity issues...  the subject of the Op left a 20 baht tip... (possibly about 10-15% of his meal). 


The fact that this would trigger you into keyboard-warrior mode and claim you’d spike his food highlights quite an imbalance in your mentality - perhaps due to alcoholism ????


See what I did there?....  make an irrational hyperbolic exaggeration to link behaviour to addiction / alcoholism.... Now, who else has done that recently in this thread ????? ????




Edited by richard_smith237
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7 hours ago, Ralf001 said:

is it no longer worth 20b ?

If I understood the op correctly, he observed that the old man left only one-half of a 20 baht note tucked under the cup of coffee (I assume to make it appear as if it was a folded 20 baht note), and only left one half of the note.


If I misunderstood, and in fact the old man left BOTH pieces, than that's a different story.


Only one half of a ripped-in half currency note is worthless in any country on the face of the earth.  


It should be noted that ripping a note in half is a crime here in Thailand because the likeness of the King is defaced.  That crime is actually taken pretty seriously here in the Kingdom so it would have been pretty ironic if the tables were turned on the old man and he would up in jail for his prank.



Edited by WaveHunter
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20 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

If I understood the op correctly, he observed that the old man left only one-half of a 20 baht note tucked under the cup of coffee (I assume to make it appear as if it was a folded 20 baht note.)


Only one half of a ripped-in half currency note is worthless in any country on the face of the earth.  


If I misunderstood, and in fact the old man simply ripped the note in half just to be a jerk and left BOTH pieces, than that's a different story but I assumed the former.


The Op wrote that the note had been torn into two pieces. He didn’t mention that only one piece of that torn in two note was left as a tip. 


The Op did not indicate or imply that the ‘guy’ deliberately tore the note in half. 


On 4/27/2021 at 12:58 PM, sqwakvfr said:

After he had walked out the waitress noticed the 20 Baht note had actually been torn in two pieces.


The Ops ‘outrage’ is that a ‘torn note’ was left (which is still worth 20 baht) the Op (and others) seem to be of the opinion that the ‘guy’ should have left no tip at all, while others have suggested that the ‘guy’ is an alcoholic because he is selfish !!!  ????

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8 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:



The Op wrote that the note had been torn into two pieces. He didn’t mention that only one piece of that torn in two note was left as a tip. 


The Op did not indicate or imply that the ‘guy’ deliberately tore the note in half. 



The Ops ‘outrage’ is that a ‘torn note’ was left (which is still worth 20 baht) the Op (and others) seem to be of the opinion that the ‘guy’ should have left no tip at all, while others have suggested that the ‘guy’ is an alcoholic because he is selfish !!!  ????

It sounds a little demented (and illegal) to tear a bill in half.  What kind of point could he have possibly been trying to make?  


Perhaps you're right, but then it's not an entertaining anecdote.  It's just weird.  I like my version better LOL ???? 

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6 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

It sounds a little demented (and illegal) to tear a bill in half.  What kind of point could he have possibly been trying to make?  


Perhaps you're right, but then it's not an entertaining anecdote.  It's just weird.  I like my version better LOL ???? 


Agreed.... Its easier to side with the sanctimonious judgement of a stranger if we allow a little embellishment and stretching of the facts to generate those elevated levels of outrage.....  ????







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42 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

If I understood the op correctly, he observed that the old man left only one-half of a 20 baht note tucked under the cup of coffee (I assume to make it appear as if it was a folded 20 baht note), and only left one half of the note.


If I misunderstood, and in fact the old man left BOTH pieces, than that's a different story.


Only one half of a ripped-in half currency note is worthless in any country on the face of the earth.  


It should be noted that ripping a note in half is a crime here in Thailand because the likeness of the King is defaced.  That crime is actually taken pretty seriously here in the Kingdom so it would have been pretty ironic if the tables were turned on the old man and he would up in jail for his prank.



I was in the Black and White bar in Walking Street with my wife many years ago. 3 guys came in after a game of golf, bought a couple of rounds and then tore a 500 Baht note in half to give to the girls. They went ape<deleted>.

The wife managed to calm the girls down saying to them that the guys had only been here a couple of days and didn't know any better. While I explained to the guys about the king's picture on the note.

They apologized and carried on with their evening. The following night they were back in the same bar so everything worked out.

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20 Baht are 20 Baht. All she has do is go to a bank and they’ll exchange it for a new one. It’s not like she’ll never pass a bank branch either because they’re literally everywhere! Any Big C, Tesco and shopping mall has at least one bank in it! 

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On 4/26/2021 at 11:26 PM, toofarnorth said:

Please to say that 2 nights ago we went to a place called Pizza Corner , no one else there when we arrived , no one else there when we left after a slow meal.   I always leave a tip but this time Pim added 20 B of her own as she felt sad at no one else coming to eat there.

As for change , my wife fills my purse with any change she has, only goes out with notes.

You have a purse??????

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As “road warrior” of 25+ years, I was fortunate enough to eat in any restaurant I wanted. I gave thanks for that by being a very generous tipper to those who proved themselves worthy. Sometimes I would give 50% or more, if the service was great and the server was friendly, considerate and sociable. I understand most people don’t have this luxury, but people who can’t afford to tip at all should eat at McDonald’s or KFC. That said, there’s only one thing worse than someone who gives no tip or tips poorly and that’s someone who expects a tip or is flat out rude - the “0-1 centers”, if you will. 

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12 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

It sounds a little demented (and illegal) to tear a bill in half.  What kind of point could he have possibly been trying to make?  


Perhaps you're right, but then it's not an entertaining anecdote.  It's just weird.  I like my version better LOL ???? 


I have been given a note torn in half in received change (did not notice at the time) so lets not assume this decent and generous man tore it in half himself.


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23 hours ago, brommers said:

So in NZ you probably pay your servers a decent wage. Try looking at what a server gets paid here and try living off that. I bet you wouldn't last one week.

Which was why I gave a tip if it wasn't somewhere the prices were high and service charge included.


The minimum wage in NZ just went up, if I'm not mistaken.

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