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A Disturbing Covid Fact Revealed


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Younger people tend to be dying from their own immune response so they can be readily treated with steroids with a very high survival rate. It only becomes an issue if you can't access treatment (e.g. if hospitals are overloaded).

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15 minutes ago, cclub75 said:


Where ?


In Thailand ?


Still the same : old people with underlying health problems (diabetes, hypertension etc.)


This profile is the SAME all over the world.


As for the "variants" that could change this profile, do you have hard data ?




It's always 1 guy on a media that says "in my hospital, we see more young people".


How young ? What are their symptoms ? Mild or very bad ? Do they have health issues ? Are they obese ?


It's just used to spread fears...


Because this is precisely the weak point of this so-called "pandemics" (21 dead today in Thailand, median age 73, for a population of 69 milions, it's laughable) : the profil of the "deads by covid" (most of the times it's in reality dead with covid) is constant... old and sick people...


So how to convince them to take the vaccine ? "Young are at risk now ! I know I heard it in Brazil !"


And what about the children ? They are in grave danger too... They must take the vaccine too.


Mad world.

I got my information from a physician that tends to the public on a daily basis. I consider his information to be a primary source that validates the argument. Where are your references?

Did some emotional TV anchor say that the variant argument's supporters were meanies? LOL!

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Not to be Chicken Little, but, since it was mentioned before:

From Wikipedia "The Spanish flu, also known as the 1918 influenza pandemic, was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic caused by the H1N1 influenza A virus. Lasting from February 1918 to April 1920, it infected 500 million people – about a third of the world's population at the time – in four successive waves. The death toll is typically estimated to have been somewhere between 20 million and 50 million."

We are one mutation away from a repeat... imagine 1/3rd of the worlds population infected and 1/10 of the infected becoming a fatality.

Todays population of 7.8 Billion MAR20 33%  2.6 Billion infected 10%  260 Million Fatalities


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And so the overall obvious evidence is that this pandemic is a reality in one sense or form.

To the deniers it is a hoax but a real one.

To the remainder it is real in varied degrees but in variations of severity, social engineering , political manipulation in subscription to the latter as pure and simple subscription of, a contrived economic attempt to reset or take advantage, etc etc, blah blah  blah !

IMO it is all of the above and probably much more due to the inherent arrogance of the human species.

If humanity was wiped out by a virus that was either natural or contrived what remained would recover and flourish !




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8 hours ago, BenDeCosta said:


I don't think anyone with any brainpower is suggesting that Covid is a hoax, it obviously is not because the virus clearly exists. I think what most people are now thinking about is how this virus was manufactured, how it was released (whether an accident or not), and then the outrageous and obviously co-ordinated knee-jerk reactions by governments around the world to remove people's civil freedoms for a virus that 99.5% of people recover from.


It's not the virus that's the problem, it's what governments are doing on the back of it. And the issue that I see is that once you surrender your freedoms to your government, it's almost impossible to get them back. Hard-working people who had small businesses have effectively been wiped out, whilst the ultra-rich elite like Bezos and pals have massively coined it during the pandemic.


Covid obviously exists and people have died because of it. But there's something else going on here, I am 100% certain. There are many other, much more deadly illnesses than Covid in existence, but this lockdown rubbish wasn't used for them. Covid is only really dangerous if you are very overweight, very sick, or very old. The rest of the population should have been allowed to go about their business.

Like in India and Brazil.

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14 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yes that is the trend with the newer variants especially the Brazilian one which is now predictably spreading to other countries in South America. 


People might be reminded that the devastating 1918 flu pandemic was especially damaging to younger people. 


The reason that the 1918 Flu killed mostly young people is now known and has no application to Covid.  We develop a life-long resistance to the first flu virus that infects us as children.  In 1918 a large number of the old folks had been infected by a closely related version of the 1918 flu virus, but the young people had been exposed to a different version.


Since coronavirus is a "novel" virus no one has had an previous exposure nor is it know whether such exposure would have produced life-long immunity as the flu virus does.


It's well explained here by the scientist who figured it out.



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10 hours ago, cclub75 said:

Still the same : old people with underlying health problems (diabetes, hypertension etc.)


This profile is the SAME all over the world.


As for the "variants" that could change this profile, do you have hard data ?




It's always 1 guy on a media that says "in my hospital, we see more young people".


How young ? What are their symptoms ? Mild or very bad ? Do they have health issues ? Are they obese ?


It's just used to spread fears...


USA: Nationally, adults under 50 now account for the most hospitalized COVID-19 patients in the country — about 35% of all hospital admissions. Those age 50 to 64 account for the second-highest number of hospitalizations, or about 31%. Meanwhile, hospitalizations among adults over 65 have fallen significantly.


You are the opposite of correct.

Edited by Danderman123
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12 hours ago, covidiot said:

Vitamin D strenthens the immune system.


Human beings are only susceptible to viruses due to weak immune systems. 


The doctor you quoted in your first post is fear-mongering and being dishonest or misinformed.


Keep your immune system up and avoid the media nonsense.





What about auto-immune diseases, are people with healthy immune systems immune to those?


What if a virus causes the immune system to over react, what happens then?

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13 hours ago, Antonymous said:

Don't feed the troll!


OP, a doctor told me that the people most at risk from dying and having serious complications from Covid are over 70 years old, fat, with other comorbidities like hypertension and diabetes. He said that younger people who are healthy are at far, far less risk, although there have been relatively few outlying cases. He said that things will get better and not to worry, as fear will likely give me hypertension and lead to me to binge eat for comfort.


There, now we're even.

Are you calling me a Troll, if so, read the following:

When did the doctor give you said information? Are you aware that the variants are new arrivals?  Do you understand that I referred to the new variants? I suggest that you put your emotions aside, then re-read my original post. Incidentally, I challenged the so called "fear mongers" when they suggested that Covid could seriously harm the young and healthy. I asked the physician in order to obtain a primary reference source that would bolster my argument. When confronted with contradictory evidence, I decided that I needed to eat some humble pie, switch my position, and report my findings.

Edited by rcuthbert
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One final point I would like to make.

People are debating science, people are still getting drawn in to the fear, the numbers ... 

Don't forget to focus on all the positive stuff that is emerging from this situation.

For example: Why Covid-19 Caused a Bike Boom




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3 hours ago, covidiot said:


One final point I would like to make.

People are debating science, people are still getting drawn in to the fear, the numbers ... 

Don't forget to focus on all the positive stuff that is emerging from this situation.

For example: Why Covid-19 Caused a Bike Boom




Covidiot, I'm sure that message would be met with open arms in Brazil  and India. 

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4 hours ago, cmarshall said:


The reason that the 1918 Flu killed mostly young people is now known and has no application to Covid.  We develop a life-long resistance to the first flu virus that infects us as children.  In 1918 a large number of the old folks had been infected by a closely related version of the 1918 flu virus, but the young people had been exposed to a different version.


Since coronavirus is a "novel" virus no one has had an previous exposure nor is it know whether such exposure would have produced life-long immunity as the flu virus does.


It's well explained here by the scientist who figured it out.



I never said it was related it Covid 19 and I've posted similar info on theories about why that flu hit younger people so hard on another topic.


Covid-19 is of course its own thing. However it has now mutated in a way that is changing its pattern of demographic damage. Most dramatically in Brazil. 


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16 hours ago, rumak said:

 ( and even though i feel like walking up to every sick looking person i see and calling them a fool ..... i  figure its up to them .) 


And they are the sick ones?

Edited by cdemundo
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