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A shot in the arm: foreign residents and their eligibility for a jab

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26 minutes ago, Derek B said:

Where there is a will there is a way.

Donate a few million to the current administration in Washington, get an ambassadorship then you can get the private Marine Corp doctor at your embassy of choice to give you your jab...otherwise....Embassies are not likely to supplant the local health care authorities....1) it makes them look bad, 2) they really don't care as mich about you as they care about the relationship with their host country and maintaining their prime residence and gala party life.

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1 hour ago, Harm Hendrik Reitsma said:

Sheer dumb to think the Embassy would burn their vingers on this!

They are not a medical institution and have no medics OR nurses, the only thing is that they can speak out to the Government. But that is all, don't put IT in their hands as they can't apply!

Have a good Day.

So IF there would be possibility that you can vaccinated in your Embassy than you will say no?? Because there are a lot bears on the road but instead of seeing al kinds of hurdles , there are more solutions.

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3 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

Indeed.. but these are not normal times, surely not for foreigners in Thailand


If you really believe your government cares about you, you are misguided.


I came from Australia, if I wish to return, I have to quarantine and pay for the 14 nights accommodation, so it's up to me.


When I left Australia, the legislation made it clear, i.e. once you are past 186 days out of the country and make Thailand your new abode, you will be classed as a non resident.


1)All income you make in Australia, if any will be taxed at 1/3rd, you will also pay tax from any overseas country if it is income based.


2) If you own a property you will pay 1/3rd tax on the rent and not be able to offset any repairs or costs or losses of any kind.


3) When you sell that property you will pay Capital Gains Tax of 42% from the day you purchased it. This legislation came into effect on 1 July 2019) after I had left.


4) You will not be able to vote.


5) You will have no rights to any Medicare benefits.


6) If you wish to receive the Old Age Pension, you must be in Australia at the starting pension age of 67, depending on your birthdate, as increases in 6 monthly increments to the age of 70, and if you are living outside of Australia and return to Australia after your 67th birthday to claim your Old Age Pension, you must wait for 2 years before you can receive your pension payments overseas.


7) The Australian government just donated $2.8 million (68 million baht) to Thailand's vaccination program, no conditions of subject to all Australian Citizens in Thailand being vaccinated, that in itself should tell you enough about my Government, not to mention the above.


When I was growing up in Australia, I always heard that Australia was the lucky country, make of that what you will.


To me the Australian government is nothing like any corporation you might have worked for, as soon as you leave, they are quick to cancel all things about you, passwords, access etc. It's as if to say we appreciated your service with us, all the best in your future endeavours.

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6 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Might find they are barred from going back home to get a vaccination until they actually get a vaccination !

If you are american no problem, know of an american and his Thai girlfriend who went back to Florida last week and both already have shots. They walked in gave information and free jab. The girl friend was suprised she got the shot she figured she would be refused because she wasn't American

Edited by moe666
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More drivel from Thai pbs....


Taxpayers, Residents, Pensioners, but dammit, stop saying Foreigners. 


That article was racist driven.


No ones boarding a plane only to communicate the disease on an aircraft, and then become ill.


Then to hopefully be vaccinated and endure the non sense of returning to Thailand? 







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3 hours ago, Billpro785 said:

Flew back to the states and got mine. an month ago. All I  Needed was a negative Covid test. Now in Bangkok doing the 7 day quarantine . 

Could you please share with us the finer details please. Did you have to do quarantine on arrival? Can you buy the test anywhere and more or less fly back right away?. How hard is it to do?

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3 hours ago, henry213 said:

I'm not living in Thailand anymore because of this poop! left end of 2019 just before it all started, There are Thai's all over the world getting treated as they should as anyone else in a country, But good old Thailand NOT they don't like us at all, WE ARE POOP TO THEM........

Naaaa, c'mon - you couldn't say that! A walking ATM machine means so much more than "poop" to the locals and their masters! Different story, of course, when that machine has finally been emptied...

Edited by Freigeist365
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3 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

Let gthe Embassies in Thailand vaccinate the people of    their country.. how difficult can that be?

The embassy staff have been vaccinated already. So if the embassy staff can receive the vaccine, why not the people they are here to serve?

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4 hours ago, Brierley said:

Yet was government not saying very recently that they wanted to attract more western retirees because of the economic benefits they bring to the country, how the heck are they going to do that if they treat existing retirees as an under class!

All the thai authorities want is our money , I would love it if the GBP goes to 80 baht to the GBP

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1 minute ago, thespecialist6 said:

All the thai authorities want is our money , I would love it if the GBP goes to 80 baht to the GBP

Not even if you live to be a 100 years old will it do that, maybe you'll see 45, if you're really really lucky.

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Trotters Independent Traders could do a much better job of organising the vaccine jabs then this bunch of clueless clowns running Thailand. Do they know which end of the bath the taps are situated?

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7 hours ago, daveAustin said:

aka, if you don't like it go home lol

Perhaps when all those expats told me when I went to Laos that it was too expensive, that I would die of boredom etc might want to rethink their lifestyle in the Land of Smiles. In Laos, as a foreigner I am on the same standing as a local when it comes to the vaccine. I have already received the first jab (AstraZenica) and will receive my next one in a few weeks.

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3 hours ago, Billpro785 said:

Flew back to the states and got mine. an month ago. All I  Needed was a negative Covid test. Now in Bangkok doing the 7 day quarantine . 

That was a hefty price you paid for a shot in the arm.

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4 hours ago, Brierley said:

Yet was government not saying very recently that they wanted to attract more western retirees because of the economic benefits they bring to the country, how the heck are they going to do that if they treat existing retirees as an under class!

Don’t forget that left hand and right hand are not connected to eachother.

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3 hours ago, Brierley said:

They are trade missions primarily. Plus they will give you a list of lawyers when you get into trouble, notarize your documents for a hefty fee and give you a replacement travel document when you lose your passport....that's it.

Best description of our embassies i have seen yet 

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3 hours ago, piewarmer said:

Come on Thailand, make your country the HUB of vaccinations

Too late, I think within ASEAN Singapore leads with most 'jabs' per 100 people (30 vs Thailand at 0.8?).

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7 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Might find they are barred from going back home to get a vaccination until they actually get a vaccination !

There are some countries that limit the eligibility for vaccinations to residents ONLY, irrespective of nationality. I know that Germany is one of such countries and there are others, which means that some foreign residents of Thailand, may be barred from getting the vaccinations back in their home countries.


One other point which should be cleared in a binding fashion, is what the situation of the foreign residents who were successful in registering and getting a confirmed appointment for June, is.  Are such appointments now cancelled, or even worse, when turning up for the appointment, being sent away?

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4 hours ago, Brierley said:

It's not their job to look after the health of their citizens overseas, they're not missionaries.

Perhaps you could explain what Australians are supposed to do, when they are unable to travel back there due to quarantine quotas, and in fact face jail terms if they try to do it from India.


I've seen the taxpayer-funded holiday accommodation of the Australian ambassador outside Jakarta, not a mansion, a bloody palace. The  functions of diplomatic staff seems to be holding parties for other consulates and embassies. And begrudgingly dole out visas.


I'm registering for vaccination at a local private hospital. Not expecting assistance from the consulate, IME they're as useful as tits on a bull.

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2 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Perhaps you could explain what Australians are supposed to do, when they are unable to travel back there due to quarantine quotas, and in fact face jail terms if they try to do it from India.


I've seen the taxpayer-funded holiday accommodation of the Australian ambassador outside Jakarta, not a mansion, a bloody palace. The  functions of diplomatic staff seems to be holding parties for other consulates and embassies. And begrudgingly dole out visas.


I'm registering for vaccination at a local private hospital. Not expecting assistance from the consulate, IME they're as useful as tits on a bull.

As I said subsequently, this is not my call, I'm merely describing the role of the Embassies as they are performed currently and have been so for at least two decades or more. The problem is, so few people understand the role and expect so much more.

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1 hour ago, Tonypandy said:

I'm not on unemployment or disability, maybe you are. I don't like cucumber sandwiches either 

Why not?, would be a way to welcome your expats instead of consular outreaches that have been put on hold.  Why not a consular outreach vaccination program.  They could take reservations for the citizens they have in certain areas.  They are aware we are here.

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3 hours ago, MrMo said:

Like a number of other words in the English language I could mention, I have seen little evidence that there could be a word or phrase in the Thai language that would translate to co-ordination.

I worked in a large foreign company in Thailand for many years.  Thai workers can cooperate and work together very well.  The problem is caused by poor leadership leadership and an incentive system that rewards unproductive behavior.

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3 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

You sure about that...???????? 128,000 deaths...???????? 303? (https://g.co/kgs/R1X57y)


If Thailand wasn't for you that's fine...but don't say it has anything to do with Covid, which wasn't even a thing when you left. It has been objectively worse for people in the UK than Thailand.


And if the UK was such a great choice (assuming you have a very fulfilling life there), why do you still follow and post on a Thailand focused internet forum?

Well said!

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