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AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccines made by Siam Bioscience pass quality testing in Europe and U.S.

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8 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Production is already underway.


The big unknown is how much will be ready how soon

You seem to be well informed, can i ask you what are your sources?

imo if the production was really already underway

they would be able to give already a monthly number of doses

they have 0 interest to keep this number as a secret


My bet is on at least 20 millions doses per month:

The first minister Prayut the 1 st has already anounced 150 millions 

of vaccinations before the end of the year


20 millionsX7 months= 140 millions

the difference should be made up with few sinovac

Edited by kingofthemountain
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1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

Yes i have read these sources too

and found nowhere stated that ''the production is already underway''

so far only few good wishes with various months to start:


''AstraZeneca released a statement today announcing that their plans to produce its COVID-19 vaccine in Thailand have made “significant progress” and that the first batch of the vaccine will be delivered to the Thai Government this June.''


''Siam Bioscience Co is confident that it will be able to deliver the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines to the government in July as planned.''


So june or july?

i mean we are already mid-may

if they don't know yet what month they will be able to deliver

the doses, nor the numbers, there is something very wrong in the process

Edited by kingofthemountain
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1 minute ago, greenmonkey said:

Do you think they will allow any other vaccine in to Thailand now that they stand to profit from their on locally produced vaccine? This was the plan all along... you know who owns the company right?

Profits before health, of course.  You know how lucky Thailand is—SinoVac and locally-produced Astra-Zeneca.  You just can’t buy those in America, you know...

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I will be happy to get Astra Zeneca. Pfizer won the brand war, and everyone thinks it's the best, but that doesn't mean it is. My mother, age 90, got Pfizer in the US. She got an itchy rash all over her back. Pfizer doesn't seem good for the Indian variant either. Renowned infectious disease expert Dr Rajendra Kapila, 81, died of Covid-19 after having two doses of Pfizer. https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/renowned-infectious-diseases-expert-dr-rajendra-kapila-81-dies-of-covid19-101620168008338.html

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10 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

I will be happy to get Astra Zeneca. Pfizer won the brand war, and everyone thinks it's the best, but that doesn't mean it is. My mother, age 90, got Pfizer in the US. She got an itchy rash all over her back. Pfizer doesn't seem good for the Indian variant either. Renowned infectious disease expert Dr Rajendra Kapila, 81, died of Covid-19 after having two doses of Pfizer. https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/renowned-infectious-diseases-expert-dr-rajendra-kapila-81-dies-of-covid19-101620168008338.html

The headline seems to claim the doctor, age 81, died of COVID contracted in India, not from a reaction to the Pfizer shot.

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21 hours ago, DLock said:

Siam Bioscience claims to be able to manufacture 200million per year.


However SB is only the manufacturer for AZ - the vaccines are not "owned" by Thailand, and only 26million is scheduled for Thailand and 174 million scheduled for export.



That's according to Thanatorn.


Today's news says 66.61 million AZ doses, this year. I assume 66 (or 61?)  million are coming from SB but who really knows.



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11 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:



That's according to Thanatorn.


Today's news says 66.61 million AZ doses, this year. I assume 66 (or 61?)  million are coming from SB but who really knows.




Yeah, it's a bit murky on what SB will deliver to Thailand.


I guess it comes down to who ordered and when from AZ and how much SB can deliver to fulfill the orders.

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22 hours ago, ikke1959 said:


I am sorry to tell you that in the Dutch news there is item about the side effects of the Astra Zenica. Unfortunately it is in Dutch and not in English but I giving you the link. Maybe with Google translate you can read it. It says the Astra Zenica has more side effects than other vaccines

And is the Dutch news somehow different than what's in English language news? You think there's a shortage of English language articles about the side effects of the AZ vaccine? What does the article being in Dutch have to do with public policy?

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20 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

AstraZeneca has built an extensive analytical network globally.


In addition, AstraZeneca works closely with local health authorities such as the Thai FDA, and the Department of Medical Sciences (DMS) to ensure local standards are met.

So they built THEIR OWN analytical network to check THEIR OWN product ?? 

And they work closely with Thai FDA and DMS with their locally produced product ?? Seems a slight bit fishy to me . But ok i hope it's all treu and mass vaccination can start sooner rather then later . 


Yes in the same way EVERY pharma company does with EVERY medical product they make.

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20 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

Yes i have read these sources too

and found nowhere stated that ''the production is already underway''

so far only few good wishes with various months to start:

The article at the top of the thread says that:


"samples from test batches of the COVID-19 vaccine made by Siam Bioscience have passed quality testing at AstraZeneca’s designated laboratories in Europe and in the U.S."


It may not be running at full capacity yet (and it wouldn't have made sense to until they knew the samples had passed muster) but production has obviously started - even if only with test batches - since they have produced samples for testing.

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On 5/10/2021 at 4:27 AM, sammieuk1 said:

Say that one more time for the generals and above .. And at no profit during the pandemic.” said Mr. Teague.????

"no profit" , go wash your mouth or the Generals will send you for attitude adjustment. 

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only less than 3mln AZ expected in June, they have production problems.

But that should not be worry, because thailand doesn't have logistics to distribute that much per month.


"However, a senior source within the Ministry of Public Health told Thai Enquirer on Tuesday that there has been a problem scaling up production within Siam Bioscience and initial reports suggest that the company will not be able to produce half the expected number of vaccines by June. ...

“Even if we get 20 million vaccines from them in June, it doesn’t matter because we do not have the capacity to vaccinate at a high number,” the source said.

“That is the reason we are asking private hospitals for help because we don’t have logistical capabilities to administer millions of vaccines per month.”



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46 minutes ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

The article at the top of the thread says that:


"samples from test batches of the COVID-19 vaccine made by Siam Bioscience have passed quality testing at AstraZeneca’s designated laboratories in Europe and in the U.S."


It may not be running at full capacity yet (and it wouldn't have made sense to until they knew the samples had passed muster) but production has obviously started - even if only with test batches - since they have produced samples for testing.

You are playing on the words


of course they have already given few batches of vaccine for the approval, so you are right the factory has produced something


however stating ''the production is underway'' is another thing

that means the mass production is on his way, and as far as i know it's not the case yet, so i am right too, and still waiting a link to prove that i am wrong on it.


if they were doing mass production, don't you think BS will be able to give a date and a  number for the monthly delivery?


Everybody in Thailand is waiting for this date and these numbers

and this governement is never late to gives good news, so be assured

that if they were producing in mass the vaccine at the moment, all the

ministers, including the first of them, will be actually queuing on all the 

medias to anounce the good news

Edited by kingofthemountain
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13 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

James Teague seems to have a low profile on Google.  Wonder if he really exists.   

He exists


it seems he has a financial background 

so far he had no any experience in the medical field:




He is also a member of the Thai Swedish chamber of commerce:




His experience with Bioscience seems to be his first experience in this field, a very risky bet imo, if i had to chose and if i have the money to pay for it, i think i would recruit someone with a solid experience 


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59 minutes ago, internationalism said:

only less than 3mln AZ expected in June, they have production problems.

But that should not be worry, because thailand doesn't have logistics to distribute that much per month.


"However, a senior source within the Ministry of Public Health told Thai Enquirer on Tuesday that there has been a problem scaling up production within Siam Bioscience and initial reports suggest that the company will not be able to produce half the expected number of vaccines by June. ...

“Even if we get 20 million vaccines from them in June, it doesn’t matter because we do not have the capacity to vaccinate at a high number,” the source said.

“That is the reason we are asking private hospitals for help because we don’t have logistical capabilities to administer millions of vaccines per month.”



Fits exactly with the targets set by the government and expected vaccine quantities????




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I wonder how many will register for the 16 million doses supposed to be delivered to Thailand in June and July for the over 60s and 7 high risk conditions.  A few days ago only 1.3 million had registered on Mor Prom.  It will be embarassing, if they have a shortfall in demand after refusing to vaccinate foreigners at the same time. 


I have heard a number of Thais say they don't want the vaccines as they don't trust them or their government.

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3 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

The headline seems to claim the doctor, age 81, died of COVID contracted in India, not from a reaction to the Pfizer shot.

To me, Pfizer isn’t better than Astra Zeneca. I don’t know why people think Pfizer is so great. I was trying to point out he got Pfizer both doses, got covid, and died, which isn’t supposed to happen.

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