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SURVEY: Should Thailand mandate vaccination?

SURVEY: Should Thailand mandate vaccination?  

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43 minutes ago, Mr Derek said:

No, because I do not think vaccination is the entire solution to this problem.


There are also two other arguments. Let's see what people think:


1. Biological objection. While the vaccines may well be of some benefit by delaying transmissions until such time as the virus has mutated itself out of existence (as happened with Spanish flu), I cannot think of a better way to jeopardise the whole of humanity than forcing every person to undergo a simultaneous medical intervention that may yet have unforeseen harmful effects. I do not think it wise to interfere with human biology on a sudden, universal scale.


2. Moral objection. By having a vaccine you are agreeing that you can only live by medical intervention. Your life is then subordinate to laboratory technology. You have given up on your own natural defence mechanisms. You have lost your natural integrity, which, like your virginity, can never be recovered. You have become not only a coward but a kind of cyborg.








4 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:



Do you object to taking antibiotics ?... 




Forget antibiotics. What about other vaccinations? I'm afraid that Mr. Derek has already lost his virginity.

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7 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:



Do you object to taking antibiotics ?... 





Yes I do object. I even object to taking paracetamol. I never visit a doctor, and never take any medication at all unless I am forced to by someone else (mainly to keep them quiet). To quote George Trevelyan, I have two doctors: my left leg and my right leg. I keep myself in good shape and find my body is miraculously equipped with the means to cure itself. When it doesn't, I am happy to die when my natural biological time is up at whatever age.  In any case, I do not want to live unnaturally into old age like a piece of preserved fruit.


In fact there's a devastating argument to be made against any form of medical intervention. The dependency is weakening society, possibly catastrophically, as modern medicine is prolonging the lives of people who would ordinarily (naturally) die, and it is thereby enabling them to pass on their vulnerable genes to future generations. Have you not noticed that humans are getting weaker - increasingly susceptible to allergies etc, not to mention mental fragility? This is the result of modern medicine.


Hurtle along that path if you wish - fortunately I won't be around long enough to see the future of frailty that it is ushering in.



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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


Do you object to taking antibiotics ?...



By the way, antibiotics are a good example. Everyone knows that if antibiotics are prescribed too often, they will stop working.

How if everyone was forced by law to take antibiotics? Right. They would become useless and we would have to come up with even more medication to throw at the problem. Rinse and repeat.


It's common sense that would also apply to Covid vaccine, and the early evidence is that it does. How is it that everyone is overlooking this? The answer is that everyone is in the grip of hysteria about Covid. It seems the whole of humanity has taken leave of its senses in dealing with this problem.The medical industry,  the politicians, and the media all need to deliver something to quell the rabble. Sure, vaccines will reduce transmission locally and temporarily, but it's more of a placebo than a panacea.


Most people have fallen for it, but it certainly shouldn't be universally mandatory. Nature is already on the case, and when Covid finally fizzles out, I warrant it will be through natural rather than man-made means.



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Of course, people should required to be vaccinated.  It's required of children entering public school.  People don't have a right to infect other people with disease.


My favorite story of the Black Death is how Milan avoided it.  When the first two families got infected the city fathers had their houses bricked up with the families insided and that was that.  Entirely justified.  


But there shouldn't be any penalty.  Non-compliers should be seized by 8 or 10 policemen, dragged to a clinic on the spot, and forcibly injected.  

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14 hours ago, JulianLuus said:

To force anyone to take a vaccine, even if that force comes in the shape of of limited access to jobs or businesses, is immoral. 


We've had flu vaccines for decades and yet we still get the flu. What makes anyone think that this vaccine is going to work? And what about the next virus? Another vaccine? There's been many reports of people having adverse side effects, even death from these vaccines. I trust big-pharma as much as I trust big-tech and government. The large majority of the population is not at risk of dying from this virus. I avoid medication as far as possible. I eat health and stay fit and I never get sick. I own my body and have to right to choose what chemicals I put in it.


We've been making criminals out of people with addiction problems for decades. Are we as a society really considering jailing innocent people, removing them from their families and their lives by force,?Potentially ruining their lives, for refusing to partake in this crazy experiment? If so, then we are certainly living in a fascist world. Who is going to make it right if I die or am permanently affected by either the vaccine or my time in prison? Who is going to compensate me if I lose my livelihood as a result of jail time? No-one, and certainly not the same people who are trying to force us to take the vaccine.


Viruses have and always will be part of our environment. We can keep out immune system strong and take practical steps to avoid spreading it. But that's it. This is about money and power. Governments get more and more power over the population, and the pharmaceutical industry is creating billions of a life-long customers at the barrel of a gun.

You come across as a me, me, me person and I can agree with you up to a point.


However what you don't have a right to do, is infect other people with a virus who might meet you an a casual basis when we are out and about.


If in Thailand the government passes a law that everyone, Thais and farangs alike have to vaccinated against Covid  buy a certain date. What will you do then?


If you still refuse to be vaccinated you may find that your visa is cancelled or not reviewed.


What will you do then?


I can see in the future that airlines will possibly refuse to take you without a proof of covid vaccination, even though you may have a valid ticket etc.


Airlines don't want to go to grounding an aircraft to dis-infect it.


You are more than welcome to live in your own little bubble, please just keep it away from mine.

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On 5/16/2021 at 3:29 PM, richard_smith237 said:



Just so you understand: I don’t people should be ‘Forced’ to take the vaccine. But I think they are a selfish idiot if they don’t.....    




 Much depends on what Country the vaccine comes from .?

     Is  it WHO ,    approved ?.

        UK,  Doctors , have been giving out  anti-biotics , so easily  .

          Probably , a  pay back gift , from the big medical companies ...


        Antibiotics , reduce our  natural  immune system . 

        Making , our natural immune system weaker ...


 Bttopic ,   I think they are strong , if they refuse ...

9 hours ago, siriweith said:

If will be mandatory I will leave the country for ever or I will pay fine and I will accept to go in monkey house but first at all the must to catch me and will take years to them.






  • Haha 2

Is just for talking because I not accept mandatory

i will go away from the country


if I never make problem in the past

I will not do also in the future



the way of thinking is not a crime

  • Confused 1
15 hours ago, WhatsNext said:


Ema, CDC, WHO, Germany, denmark, Holland banning astrazenica from certain groups, Norway and many others. Use Google instead of ignorance

Wrong answer, you are quoting media but without any evidence. EMA has declared AZ safe and Thailand is even going to produce it (maybe). Holland from the beginning has used it only for people over 60. Banning of it in Norway, Denmark and Germany are possible related to their exessive alcohol consumption. Your statement that those vaccines are causing harm and death is rubbish, the virus is causing harm and death.

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16 hours ago, cmarshall said:

Of course, people should required to be vaccinated.  It's required of children entering public school.  People don't have a right to infect other people with disease.


Not true in the USA where 44 of the 50 States allow personal choice from school immunization requirements


That aside I never really understand folks like you...After all you believe so strongly in your vaccine yet say they don't have the right to infect others???

I am assuming you mean infect others with the virus that you have vaccinated against yes? So who will they infect? The un-vaccinated? But that was their choice so to remain without so not your worry is it? As for yourself you have your vaccine to keep you warm & worry free.



On 5/16/2021 at 11:27 AM, KannikaP said:

And if you smoke fags, rot your liver away with Lao Kao, do not clunk-click, or do not look left then right....Green Cross Code, then treatment is not free either.

You have a point, however, doing damage to yourself is okay, but if you are driving drunk, for example, you are a hazard to others. Some might argue being an incubator for a pandemic virus is a hazard to others. Just like smoking in public.

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4 hours ago, sirineou said:

It is this type of faulty logic that leads the Anti-vaxxer movement.

    First- of all, not all that are not vaccinated ,do so my choice. There is a segment of the population that for various reasons can not be vaccinated.and you guys and gals place them all in danger. 

    Second- all the variants that could be resistant to current vaccines, or even any vaccines, are bread among the unvaccinated. 

So no sir. We don't have "vaccine to keep us warm & worry free." we have the  Anti-vaxxers to worry about. 



First off being pro choice as to what is injected in ones own body does not equate to anti anything


Secondly.... Lemme get this straight you want 7,800,000,000 humans injected to protect how many of these guys and gals

who cannot be vaccinated? Ummm yes that sounds logical....NOT!


Lastly we ALL have a wealth of no idea about this whole Covid mess

You have NO better idea if vaccinated folks can or cannot spread or catch covid either none do period

Difference is the pro choice folks also believe in your choice to choose for YOURSELF but not others thanks

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Religious exemptions?  Come on.  I've got a right to not be infected by others also.  The vaccines are our only way out of this mess.  And those who avoid them don't help.  Believe me, I'd rather not get jabbed.  But I'd rather not end up dead or in the hospital with a tube jammed down my throat.


Very selfish not to think about others.


Just posting the facts Mam  ????


They are  not My facts they are THE Facts thank you


Secondly the post you quoted shows 44 of 50 States allow Religious and Philosophical Exemptions that is how a free country rolls

Double edged sword? Of Course freedom is never 100% free


Lastly please try to hang on a bit tougher & realize that Covid is 99.5% survivable by most folks

Most people with COVID-19 have mild illness and can recover at home without medical care.


  • Thanks 1
5 minutes ago, meechai said:


Just posting the facts Mam  ????


They are  not My facts they are THE Facts thank you


Secondly the post you quoted shows 44 of 50 States allow Religious and Philosophical Exemptions that is how a free country rolls

Double edged sword? Of Course freedom is never 100% free


Lastly please try to hang on a bit tougher & realize that Covid is 99.5% survivable by most folks

Most people with COVID-19 have mild illness and can recover at home without medical care.


Covid is not 99.5% survivable.  That's a number tossed around by deniers.  But it's not correct.  Especially since many countries don't report numbers at all, and most others have admitted to under counting deaths and cases.


And that doesn't take into account those with long covid.  I've got a 19 year old friend who still can't taste anything 9 months after his mild infection.




There have been 7m-13m excess deaths worldwide during the pandemic

The rich world suffered relatively badly, but most of the dying has been elsewhere



15 hours ago, siriweith said:

Is just for talking because I not accept mandatory

i will go away from the country


if I never make problem in the past

I will not do also in the future



the way of thinking is not a crime

How will you leave the country without a vaccination certificate and be able to enter another country without going into quarantine?


It is possible that the airline will not accept you to fly without a certificate or proof of vaccination.


Our choice not to have it is no different to the ones who want it, same with many things in life you do what you like and I do what I like no one should be forced into anything 


A personal attack has been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


For me it's easy , soft mandatory . Meaning , if you not take it  , then your life is not going to be easy and very costly .

Travelling by air , not possible without vaccination

going anywhere else , tests needed , payed by yourself .

Being tested 2 times per week at couple of 1000 baht ( in Europe tests are around 90 euro ) , life is not very easy .

So mandatory , no you do not "have " to , but it makes life a lot easier .

And what are the anti vaxxers so afraid of ? , Things i heard and read ... implant of a chip , which is not possible , but lets assume it is , you prob got a phone , and or a computer , theres cameras anywhere , maybe you got account on facebook or IG .... theres 1000s of ways easier to find you then doing this . Other thing i read , you become infertile , also not true , but again let's assume it is ... that is why we start vaccinating old people 1st , since 70+ y olds are the ones who do have kids every single day , let's stop this kind of behavior ... . Another thing , it has not been tested enough , by now +1.5 BILLION !!! people did get their vaccination , how many testcases you need ???? They want to give you something ... yes sure , governments all around the world are working on killing everybody ...

  • Sad 1

Tourist countries like thailand will probably have to use their country's vaccination rates as a selling point to attract tourists.


If Vietnam has a vaccination rate of 90% and Thailand 40%, tourists will go to Vietnam instead of Thailand.



On 5/16/2021 at 10:35 AM, Jingthing said:

For example if you're going to work for us in this particular job role then you must.

Like ladies in Soapy and Body massage places, Go-Go bars and such.....?

Well the customers too I say. 


I like the idea of mandatory vaccination but it is not practical for 70 million people. Certainly without a legitimate medical exemption foreigners who refuse vaccination should be subject to refusal of visa extensions and denial of entry. I'm tired of armchair Phd immunologists and conspiracy mongers, go back home and live an hermit existence in a North-land wilderness cabin free of science and reason for all I care.


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