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Tourism recovery: 13.8 million tourists will come to Thailand next year if 500K Thais are vaxxed daily


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This is only the figure for January 2022. Each month will see an exponential increase until a peak of 60 million tourists per month is reached at high season. Everything will be fine, TAT predicts.

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I fail to see the scientific correlation by numbers between vaccinations administered to the local population and tourist arrivals. Sorry.


It's like these "analysts" are comparing the vaccination/tourist arrival relationship with the laying out of sugar cubes to attract ants. You know...


- 1 sugar cube attracts 100 ants, hence...

- 10 sugar cubes attract 1,000 ants, and so forth.


I'd expect such brilliant mind flashes to come from 6-year-olds but certainly not from supposedly adult, trained "economic analysts". 

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I fail to see the scientific correlation by numbers between vaccinations administered to the local population and tourist arrivals. Sorry.


It's like these "analysts" are comparing the vaccination/tourist arrival relationship with the laying out of sugar cubes to attract ants. You know...


- 1 sugar cube attracts 100 ants, hence...

- 10 sugar cubes attract 1,000 ants, and so forth.


I'd expect such brilliant mind flashes to come from 6-year-olds but certainly not from supposedly adult, trained "economic analysts". 

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3 hours ago, BestB said:

I keep reading many new statements with many IFs in it.


Pattaya was suppose to vaccinate 40 000, which then turned out to be 30 000 which then was reduced to 20 000 because do not have trained professionals to make a simple injection.


So how exactly are they planning to vaccinate 500 000 per day when they can not even vaccinate 20 000, and that is in addition to not actually having 500 000 doses per day on top of having many Thai scared to get the vaccine due to a number of deaths already reported because of the vaccine.

Not a plan - it's just using the "what If" function in Excel - two key presses and they can all go out to lunch!

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5 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

And there's when I stopped reading further. 

Now I am seriously convinced that that the stories on here are chosen daily simply to draw comments and that’s what people are reading , the news stories are nonsense but the comments are entertaining . We have a similar online only news App in Ireland. Copy & Paste news … not too complicated stuff … and then comment wars on a daily basis. Good fun for all … not a bit of harm in it… carry on… Just be sure not to take the content as “ News” … 

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can someone show me the exact equation that states x vaccinated thais=y tourists coming ?

by the looks of it, they contracted the same mathematician that came up with the theory that x co2 = y temp increase

Edited by scammed
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4 hours ago, tlandtday said:

A number of things may happen.  The world may wake up and realize that this "pandemic" is really more of a "panicdemic" and loosen up entry requirements or Thailand fails to meet its vaccine totals and remains shuttered.

Yawn yawn , Elvis lives on the moon and we have aliens amongst us ... boring mate but you crack on.

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Who is the target audience for this stuff?

It’s relentless and obviously being universally panned by the small audience here … I’m non-resident so can see it doesn’t even reach Australian, US, Canadian, UK or any European media that I follow …


Is there some Thai or other audience that I’m not aware of actually even reading it?

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500,000? per DAY?!!


No chance whatsoever.....Even 500,000 a week would be an amazing feat ....going on their present/past record.


Obviously. the vast majority of us on here, highly doubt this will happen. (of course..I'm hoping it does).


My heart really does bleed, for the average Thai.


I'm not bashing the Thais, they are just given ridiculous statements every day/week /month/ year , by those in charge...who are clearly not up to the task.


I'm British....I'm totally aware the U.K. government, has screwed up big time..(.along with the vast majority of other countries worldwide.)


Just as it seemed, we (the world that is) was getting out of the worst of covid....along comes the Indian "strain/" or whatever...Those countries which were ahead of the game (I mean those giving out vaccines) will obviously be in a better state ...those who waited/gambled/wouldnt buy vaccines/would wait and see etc ...we can all see where we are now.


I appreciate Thailand , isn't apparently as wealthy as other western countries....its still no excuse though, for the pathetically slow rate of vaccines it is giving out now.


I just pray, that they really will start dishing out the vaccines at a much faster rate.........pigs may fly though.


What I just find amazing , is all their "promises/predictions of totally unrealistic numbers and figures they give out on an daily/hourly basis?


Surely to god the majority of Thais don't believe them? I'm pretty damn sure the rest of the world doesn't.

Edited by welshguy
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Rub josh sticks together while reciting "Buddho" 500,000 times and jumping up and down on one leg and you will certainly win 13.8 million THB in the next Lucky Lotto!!!

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