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Thai media reports foreigners ready to make Thailand "their second home"


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9 hours ago, webfact said:

Thai Rath had a feature that suggested foreigners - especially potential Chinese and Russian condo buyers - were desperate to come to Thailand to snap up property.


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One of the first times I visited my wife's village, we went to a small family gathering. At that gathering, I pointed out to one my wife's family members that the front disc on her motorbike was scored and that her brake pads were completely gone. They laughed it off and probably thought that I was a know-it-all foreigner, yet only a few weeks later she was involved in a crash, which I attended. And guess who they asked to pay the hospital bill?


They think that they are always right and won't listen to other people. I'm sure that there's a word in English for this, but I don't know what it is. But they sure as hell will take money from people that they don't agree with.

Edited by BenDeCosta
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I love Thailand but I ve also seen the 20 yrs old changes. Iam one of many tbh. But just a word for those coming it's not the Thailand of old. If you read a lot of forums and people are saying go to Vietnam it's for a reason. I love Thailand, love the people but yes change is a change in any country. Accept or go somewhere else. Simple really. ????????????????

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9 hours ago, Surelynot said:

I would imagine this is quite true.....for anyone with the cash they must be eying opportunities here......advertised prices might stay steady but negotiated prices must be way down.

Nothing new in your statement.

Been that way for a long time .

Long time before covid 19 rose its head.

Been putting bids in myself , not any success . 

Time needed

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This article reminders me of, an old 90s song by The Shamen.

Eezer Goode,  Eezer Goode / He's Ebeneezer Good.

Naughty, naughty, very naughty
Ha ha ha ha ha




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32 minutes ago, Orinoco said:

This article reminders me of, an old 90s song by The Shamen.

Eezer Goode,  Eezer Goode / He's Ebeneezer Good.

Naughty, naughty, very naughty
Ha ha ha ha ha





That was a song that used deceptive lyrics to promote illegal drug use. How is it relevant?


"Ezergood" = "e's are good".

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9 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

Id say its becoming more and more my home after each visit and comparing it to the states, where I only return to work to get the piggy bank refilled easier..

Keep breathing the pollution and eating fake "organic" or vegetables and fruits with HIGH contents of chemicals. Thought I would live here forever. Left 8 years ago and excellent decision!

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27 minutes ago, Dazauz said:

I love Thailand but I ve also seen the 20 yrs old changes. Iam one of many tbh. But just a word for those coming it's not the Thailand of old. If you read a lot of forums and people are saying go to Vietnam it's for a reason. I love Thailand, love the people but yes change is a change in any country. Accept or go somewhere else. Simple really. ????????????????

Where do you go to find the old way? The world is changing , Thailand is no exception. 

Tired of expats saying accept or go, 

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32 minutes ago, BenDeCosta said:

One of the first times I visited my wife's village, we went to a small family gathering. At that gathering, I pointed out to one my wife's family members that the front disc on her motorbike was scored and that her brake pads were completely gone. They laughed it off and probably thought that I was a know-it-all foreigner, yet only a few weeks later she was involved in a crash, which I attended. And guess who they asked to pay the hospital bill?


They think that they are always right and won't listen to other people. I'm sure that there's a word in English for this, but I don't know what it is. But they sure as hell will take money from people that they don't agree with.

Yes, but there is many possible way to explain comportments.

I've choosed to trust (but it can changes) that there is a two face on each medal of any cultural statement. In Thailand, you should not show anything else than smile and good speaking. People there try to show a kind of artificial intelligence and a fake power (from nice car parked inside a chicken house which life hope should be 1 year without cracks, and 10 years without fall down).

I think there is a lot of frustrations to not be able to express any thing else than laugh and weather, to only have movies that never speak about anything else than rich people who never do nothing in there life but have everything, or spirit movies, to never be able to criticize any politic decision or what ever can be censored easily. In the same time, it should be difficult to hold this statement (who comes from high level society practice to not disturb other with our own problems and to show kind of hapiness face) with very low rate works comparatively with any other countries, to have low level study knowledge at school, and to be able to be implicated in society only by agree with actual statements. Very difficult for human to evolute in this kind of atmosphere.

So then, because of poverty and modern dream to show any fake power, they also have to arrange with thet true by obligations. Social obligations (judgment of other is also stronger than other places, they don't speak outside, but they judge a lot... as lot of humans everywhere around the world... you see it or not, they do it, but quickly, turn the page).

So when someone lie to survive a situation he engage for an image or o modern dream (frustrations => more stupid dreams to compensate), then by comodity and by cultural education (and you can choose as i do to also see the best part of the story there), they turn the head and never target the fault to not go ahead on fight and disorder, but also because everybody need to fall down the pressure at a moment... "He know that iu know and that i said nothing, soi then i can do it to, it would stay secret between us implicitly". It is not the corruption for money, but a kind of corruption for honorability vs frustrations.

So they are thinking they should never show when they are wrong, because they also can turn the head for other that can be wrong.

But as i can see, when they know they are rong, they will come back (them or someone from there family) tomorrow with food you like for show they are sorry. You should accept and know the force and the problem of each, then compose with that.

It is an other one way to practice the life in this particular situation of life.

I maybe forget some other things someone here will (think you for that) explain to me.

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16 minutes ago, ricardofel said:

Keep breathing the pollution and eating fake "organic" or vegetables and fruits with HIGH contents of chemicals. Thought I would live here forever. Left 8 years ago and excellent decision!

Looks like you are living in a big city and you don't have a garden, or you don't know to make your own vegetable... Sure, it is difficult to have a life by make natural food for everybody in a liberal world of 8 Billion of people. Thailand is not an exception, for sure.

Thai citizen are not to blame for the world way to practice economy without any morality... it should be easy, but it is not the fault of the little people.

Also, there is some who like to eat <deleted> and run to the 7/11 for buy at expensive price this <deleted>.


But, yes, you should take care of high chemical also in Thailand. And not only for food, but for anything (PCB in plastics, and ... as cheap is everything out from China without any regulation and standard, it is at 50% very bad and high risk products). This make only some people very rich, the other try to survive.

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11 minutes ago, jerolamo said:

Yes, but there is many possible way to explain comportments.

I've choosed to trust (but it can changes) that there is a two face on each medal of any cultural statement. In Thailand, you should not show anything else than smile and good speaking. People there try to show a kind of artificial intelligence and a fake power (from nice car parked inside a chicken house which life hope should be 1 year without cracks, and 10 years without fall down).

I think there is a lot of frustrations to not be able to express any thing else than laugh and weather, to only have movies that never speak about anything else than rich people who never do nothing in there life but have everything, or spirit movies, to never be able to criticize any politic decision or what ever can be censored easily. In the same time, it should be difficult to hold this statement (who comes from high level society practice to not disturb other with our own problems and to show kind of hapiness face) with very low rate works comparatively with any other countries, to have low level study knowledge at school, and to be able to be implicated in society only by agree with actual statements. Very difficult for human to evolute in this kind of atmosphere.

So then, because of poverty and modern dream to show any fake power, they also have to arrange with thet true by obligations. Social obligations (judgment of other is also stronger than other places, they don't speak outside, but they judge a lot... as lot of humans everywhere around the world... you see it or not, they do it, but quickly, turn the page).

So when someone lie to survive a situation he engage for an image or o modern dream (frustrations => more stupid dreams to compensate), then by comodity and by cultural education (and you can choose as i do to also see the best part of the story there), they turn the head and never target the fault to not go ahead on fight and disorder, but also because everybody need to fall down the pressure at a moment... "He know that iu know and that i said nothing, soi then i can do it to, it would stay secret between us implicitly". It is not the corruption for money, but a kind of corruption for honorability vs frustrations.

So they are thinking they should never show when they are wrong, because they also can turn the head for other that can be wrong.

But as i can see, when they know they are rong, they will come back (them or someone from there family) tomorrow with food you like for show they are sorry. You should accept and know the force and the problem of each, then compose with that.

It is an other one way to practice the life in this particular situation of life.

I maybe forget some other things someone here will (think you for that) explain to me.

It's just a wall of text. Please try and edit it.

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5 hours ago, Paul Henry said:

Anybody with sense would want to move out of a communist country that is why Chinese and Russians have said they would chose Thailand as a second home. In reality they would probably chose it as their primary home.

Your info is too old. Neither China or Russia are communist countries.

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As long as they are willing to jump through numerous hoops and willing to put up with irregular and rude immigration rules as well as regular reporting! Also changing rules and regulations whenever the government feels it needs an imput of cash!! If you can live with all that rubbish, good luck to you. But it would be advisable to check out other countries first for ease of living. 

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12 minutes ago, Ralf001 said:

Would love to buy a house (and the land it sits on) outright in my name without any strings attached.


Until that is possible I will continue renting.

And when you have paid 25 years rent. give yourself a big old pat on the back.

Your wife , girlfriend, boy friend, children,

will love you the most for that. good job. LOL.


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10 hours ago, Surelynot said:

Financially it might be a good investment, but there are so many unknown factors that come into play it certainly isn't a "sound" investment..........politically unstable, financially unstable, changing laws, anti-foreign (or anti-farang) sentiments..........and tied to a property you might not be able to sell.............renting is a no brainer.

I am concerned about China in this region.  China is a very real, extremely powerful and aggressive influence.  And war is potentially afoot.  

Looking at what happened in WWII with Japan entering Thailand (as a historical reference), that would not fair well for non-Chinese and non-Thai citizens if war erupts and Chinese PLA forces are allowed in. 

Thailand could easily become an annexure of China.  Property ownership would be voided for non Thai/Chinese.  Is a worst case scenario of course but horrific consequences.

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56 minutes ago, BenDeCosta said:


I have tried many times to read it, I just get a headache. Can you edit it please?

I can not because i do not understand where and why you got a headeache. You never explained. Do you think i have to devine it or that i'm at your service ?

Are you a Thai citizen ?

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1 hour ago, aussienam said:

I am concerned about China in this region.  China is a very real, extremely powerful and aggressive influence.  And war is potentially afoot.  

Looking at what happened in WWII with Japan entering Thailand (as a historical reference), that would not fair well for non-Chinese and non-Thai citizens if war erupts and Chinese PLA forces are allowed in. 

Thailand could easily become an annexure of China.  Property ownership would be voided for non Thai/Chinese.  Is a worst case scenario of course but horrific consequences.

100%......they are so powerful now.....it really is frightening....and Prayut will roll out the red carpet.........it is the old 'domino effect' that gave rise to the Vietnam war.....

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