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Vaccine hesitancy grows ahead of Thailand's mass inoculation rollout


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5 minutes ago, placeholder said:

"In The Road to Ruin, Rickards propagates the idea which was first articulated by the Indian economist Arvind Kumar in the Indian newspaper Daily News and Analysis and which rang the alarm bells that the combination of negative interest rates and cashless currency was a design to destroy the savings of people.[12] The book also promulgates the conspiracy theory that "global elites" are using the "hobby horse" of climate change to advance a "new world order" that includes a global currency."


Why am I not surprised?

So you are not a fan of Klaus Schwab.

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3 hours ago, Phaser said:

I do not know one Thai or foreigner that wants Sinovac- not one. 

Yeah..right. Should I believe you, or believe my eyes? This is one of the four vaccination places in Samui 8:30 this morning:





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The real sad issue is that the Thai population have lost confidence in the Government and feel there is a hidden agenda in many things that they do, including the vaccine programme.  They unfortunately only have themselves (the Government) to blame because of their inefficiency in getting the vaccine, the very poor app on which to apply, people being turned away because of an inability to register and on and on the detrimental issues go.  Very sad with a very confused population!

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15 hours ago, Antonymous said:

Covid vax hesitancy is mainly the result of lack of openness on the part of the Govt and the pharma companies in explaining clearly, backed by statistical sources that are credible, what side effects and fatalities have been recorded for each of the vaxes that are available (or may be made available in Thailand in the near future). Alongside that an explanation is needed of the risks involved for people with certain medical conditions, by age and gender.


Instead the risks are being systematically downplayed and worse, anybody who asks for the data or points out the known risks is labeled an ‘anti-vaxxer’, an ‘idiot’, or a lot worse. Huge sums of money are being poured into propaganda messages that aim to marginalize what has clearly become the MAJORITY opinion, also known as ‘vaccine hesitancy’.


In the USA the White House announced earlier this month that 100 million people were fully vaccinated. The highest estimate I have read so far is that 37% of the US population has been vaccinated. As vaxes are readily available in the US, that means that as many as 63% are hesitant there too.


Despite attempts to try to turn these numbers into a political issue, it is clear that Covid vax hesitancy is driven by other factors altogether. For example in the US 40% of the population identifies as Republican and according to a recent poll reported in The Hill, only 30% of Republicans said they would not get the vax. So at a stretch that equates to only 12% of American vax hesitants that might be accused of political motives in that decision.


In any case, vax hesitancy is found in other countries with no interest in US politics and that includes Thailand and Thai people.


All over the world it is those who are independent thinkers and who value freedom of thought and information, who are most likely to ask questions and to hold back if they are not getting the answers that reassure them. It is the conformist thinkers, those who favour authoritarianism, who are most likely to accept the Govt wishes unquestioningly. I see this often in the views expressed by certain posters on TV.

I have a lot of family and many friends in the US .

Not one of these +- 15 people  are willing to take vaccines for the China virus.

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14 hours ago, JamieM said:

Yep they forgot quite fast all the westerners that donated lots of money and came to help save their lives and clean up after the tsunami didn't they? 


Oh and the specialist cave divers from all over the world that came to save the kids from the cave. 


No. It's just "farrang no good. Farrang smell etc etc" even from the highest levels of government.



ya, but they do have a point...try putting on their flipflops for 5 minutes.

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Have fun with this one.

On 9 May 2021 a woman in Italy got a 6X overdose of the Pfizer vaccine. She was released from a hospital on Monday 10 May without having suffered any apparent adverse reactions.



On 20 April 2021 prison over 70 inmates in Iowa were given a 6x overdose of the Pfizer vaccine and "...none became ill enough to need hospitalization..."





In late 2020, however, Covid vaccine 'overdose' five times a normal jab put home care workers in hospital. But no indications that the consequences were serious.

BioNtech (Pfizer) has previously said that larger doses were tested in the Phase 1 study without serious consequences.


Edited by caughtintheact
Initially posted before completion
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The hesitancy isn't totally surprising, since the government has been loudly talking about the chance of side effects rather than educating people about how uncommon (and usually minor) those effects are.


A few months back, they said they would only give shots in hospitals with resuscitation facilities in case people collapsed after being vaccinated (that has since gone by the wayside). Then, they said that pricing on vaccines for private hospitals was still in flux because the hospitals had to meet with insurance companies to get policies covering treatment for side effects included in the price for the inoculation. A few days ago, they announced how much people would be paid if they lost a limb as a result of the shot, and how much their families would get if they died.


I'm sure someone thought this was all somehow reassuring, but they were wrong.

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1 hour ago, bougnat said:

Confidence will return when vaccines are effective and without major side effects. At best not before 2022.

Today there are more recurrences in vaccine patients than ipeople  recovered from Covid. Conclusion, the best protection is illness.


Unless it kills you or leaves you permanently impaired. Bizarre to take as your baseline those who have recovered.

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1 hour ago, GreasyFingers said:

Like most posters here on TVF.

 agreed, i have studied and understand the science.  i am hopeful that the lessons learned in producing the new mRNA vaccines will usher in a new era of applied science and cures for other diseases.  this could will be the last global pandemic. if there is such a thing as a silver lining this would be it.  not to justify 3 million deaths.

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Prayuth is not only showing an extreme absence of leadership at this point, he is spoiling everything he touches. Same applies to the "so called health minister" Anutin. It would have been far better to keep him away from anything related to vaccines, covid, etc. The level of distrust in this administration and in them, grows by the day. So, get someone competent and trustworthy in charge, and the people just might believe. 


They are despised like never before. Thailand has no hope of ever moving forward, while the dinosaurs are still in charge. Get out. Get out now. Let the youth of the nation have their turn. Resign now!

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2 hours ago, sandyf said:

What about the millions around the world that have been extremely grateful to the Chinese. This figure is for Sinovac, the Chinese are also providing Sinopharm to many countries.


Sinovac has already shipped some 380 million doses, more than AstraZeneca Plc and second only to Pfizer Inc. worldwide.  https://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/world-accepts-china-s-covid-19-vaccine-as-study-shows-its-effectiveness-121051300213_1.html


The Chinese are looking to results rather than unsubstantiated opinion. It is entirely up to them how much data from the clinical trials they wish to release. Time will tell, it usually does.


A study of some 128,000 Jakarta health workers released Wednesday found Sinovac’s vaccine -- known as CoronaVac -- was far more protective than clinical trials had indicated. 



The Chinese vaccines among others, are based on established methods whereas the Pfizer and Moderna method has no long term history whatsoever.

People should be careful what they wish for.

The thing about traditional vaccines - it's hit or miss. Something like 90% of such vaccine candidates fail in trials. Sinovac & Sinopharm have not been approved in the West. Trial data has not been disclosed, so only Sinovac & Sinopharm people have any idea what might happen if that data were available - approval or outright rejection by the West.

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8 minutes ago, Rulie said:

To my way of thinking, I am happy he is slowing down the vaccinations, whether on purpose or by accident, as it allows everyone more time to access the effectiveness and side effects of these trial vaccines

Good point!

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