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Name two professions that you feel deserve more appreciation

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21 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

1) Can add coyotes to that.


2) in moderation. I can't imagine how horrible an old woman will look with huge plastic boobs.






Regarding 2), I can.


Please DON'T go there.



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There are a few professions which make a nation/country successful:







All the rest are wagons coupled to these locomotives. A number of them are going to disappear in the next 50-60 years,  replaced by robots.

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(civil, electrical, mechanical, materials)


The OP asked for professions not pleb jobs but then lists garbage man. Waste disposal clearly not a profession. Most everyone else also listing jobs.


A professional has a terminal degree behind them generally.

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On 5/26/2021 at 4:57 AM, scubascuba3 said:

Sex workers are totally under rated in Thailand, without them Thailand wouldn't have been any where near as successful


       Correct ....

      Without sex workers .

  Sexpats , Aliens , Farlangs ..

    Would not , have visited Thailand ..


    However , that said , i only visited LOS   for ... .

    Yep , the Watts , Elephant treks , , etc ...

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8 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

And an institute.

I was a member of the Institute of Electrical and Radio Engineers (IERE).



        My resistance is low ..555

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1 hour ago, kynikoi said:


Hopefully, he's delivering you Spelling For Dummies book for Xmas next year.

Santa Clause is a lawyer.

But if you're going to get a case for Christmas, you'll want it from one of the Guinness girls, not one of the ladies on Soi 6.

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On 5/26/2021 at 12:12 PM, chalawaan said:

Instructions unclear, nong arrived at our place dressed in full PPE and started unrolling a body-bag.


Did nong say " Wait till you see what i brought you.   You're gonna die !  "

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On 5/27/2021 at 8:17 AM, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

No kidding. I've seen a lot of good teachers go to waste, affected by a total lack of support, or staff drama serving no purpose other than feeding predatory egos. Teachers who put in extra effort get penalized rather than praised, as they make the others who want to kick back look bad. Most foreign teachers get a horrible rap for being phonies just putting on a show, so they can grab their check and go party. Even if that were the case for the majority, which I don't believe it is, the kids getting some education from them is better than none. Many Thai teachers spend most of their time in the office or attending BS meetings, only occasionally visiting classrooms to drop off worksheet packets.


Agree with the sex worker comments. Man, when I had first escaped my troubled US state years ago, where getting the time of day from a lady is quite a feat, or likely to have you brought up on harassment charges, being able to strike up a convo in a BKK bar and have it quickly move into something more affectionate, was a godsend. We both got the support we needed.


Schools I taught at you busted yuor hump and then I found out it was only 10% of their mark.


As to teachers you forgot the most important thing in a young teachers life.  Man or woman  LOOKING BEAUTIFUL AND THEIR PHONES.


Used to laugh at the young teachers making sure they looked beautiful before they went to class.  

I actually in one of my classes took away a teachers phone as I had outlined a no phone policy in my class room to the students and she was sitting with the students lining.  Students thought it was great when treated her the same as the students and took her phone away Dept. head not so amused.

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On 5/28/2021 at 12:38 AM, kynikoi said:




(civil, electrical, mechanical, materials)


The OP asked for professions not pleb jobs but then lists garbage man. Waste disposal clearly not a profession. Most everyone else also listing jobs.


A professional has a terminal degree behind them generally.

Hmmmmmm. That makes a problem as I dislike many professions such as lawyers,  politicians ( with political science degrees that never had a real job ), political scientists, scientists that use live animals in experiments, bureaucrats, HR waste of space, bankers, economists, etc etc.

Really struggling to think of a degree qualified professional that I can appreciate.


OP would have done better, IMO, had he asked about occupations rather than professions.

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On 5/27/2021 at 9:48 PM, gearbox said:

There are a few professions which make a nation/country successful:







All the rest are wagons coupled to these locomotives. A number of them are going to disappear in the next 50-60 years,  replaced by robots.

Bit too long a timeline IMO. more like in the next two decades IMO.


BTW, a robot could replace my GP and I'd never know the difference.

Teachers IMO are so useless that we'd do better with going to full computer education anyway. The day they allowed calculators was the beginning of the end for them.

IMO scientists will be unemployed soon as AI is perfected.

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On 5/26/2021 at 10:41 AM, Jingthing said:

Yeah I had considered qualifying that by saying good dentists.

As in competent and not over selling.

I have experienced hilariously incompetent and corrupt dentists, mediocre ones, and brilliant ones.

I had enough experience with good ones to know to run from the bad ones.

But my experience with dentistry didn't start out so well.

My dear old Dad took me for some reason to a rustic one man dental office over a musical instrument store. I remember the chair looked like an antique. 

It was obvious to me even back then as a child that the old dentist there wasn't up to the state of the art.

I was having none of it.

I had him literally chasing me around the chair.

I've blocked out whether or not he got into my mouth but I'm pretty sure that was my first and last visit to him.

Not fair.

You blocked out the first thing what ever went into your mouth????

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3 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Paramedics and police, they have to clean up other people's problems daily.

Too many <deleted>ty cops for me thanks.


In a cops eyes everyone is a suspect.


They routinely lie on reports and in court.

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10 minutes ago, kynikoi said:

Too many <deleted>ty cops for me thanks.


In a cops eyes everyone is a suspect.


They routinely lie on reports and in court.

They do. A Detective Constable told me that they had 'doubled up the counts'. Fortunately for me, the Crown Prosecution barrister was aware and unhappy about it. She told the Crown Court Judge what the police had done. The same Detective was in court. He went ballistic, going over to her asking; 'Whose side are you on?'. As a result, I received a sentence below the minimum specified in Sentencing Guidelines. 

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