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Traffic fines: Here's what you must pay - including 500 baht for "undertaking"


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The list is really pointless as the RTP is just as guilty as motorists in disobeying road laws

Near me a police motorcycle pulls up on the footpath outside a bank with his

hazard lights flashing and procedes to ATM 

As for "scary driving" this law would be------- in Thailand

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Just now, Neeranam said:

And can be very dangerous. I know a foreigner who stopped at a zebra crossing to wave someone across, to be hit by an undertaking motorcycle. Leave your alien driving at home.

I have done that too, some poor old guy carrying something heavy....... thank heavens he didn't get hurt.

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4 hours ago, Justgrazing said:


Is that when a ghost is behind the wheel .. 

And they've missed out barrel rolling the motor and flattening power poles with it .. 

On Thai roads, statistically every 12th driver will soon be a ghost !

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4 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Undertaking is one of the quickest ways to a date with the undertaker...


I have read in the road traffic laws that it is allowed if you undertake on a separate properly marked lane, so that point needs clarifying.

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1 hour ago, Dellboy218 said:

I have read in the road traffic laws that it is allowed if you undertake on a separate properly marked lane, so that point needs clarifying.

Therein lies the problem, undertaking in a separate lane is lawful, undertaking in the same lane IS NOT, a normal practice for 99% of motor cycle riders and they wonder why they get cleaned-up on a regular basis. 

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2 hours ago, jackdd said:

Thanks for that but I don't understand the bit about 'only when there is no other conveyance following behind'. Does that mean that in most cases it wouldn't be legal?


I tend to drive in the right hand lane and overtake on the left because that's what everyone does. I do sometimes pull over to the left, especially if there's little other traffic.


It might help if the left hand lane was better constructed. I've always assumed the poor state of the left hand lane was because that's where they make savings to pay the 'commission'

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7 hours ago, connda said:

Actually this explains a lot.  My guess is that less than 5% of the population has every had formal driver training and most have never learned the rules of the road.


I think they're all well aware of the rules but the enforcement just doesn't exist in any meaningful way. Case in point: In any sane mind, a red light is a mandatory stop. In Thailand, it's just seen as a suggestion.

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I used to view the extra costs of being a farang car driver as acceptable considering the pitance paid in road tax. Several times, on motorcycles, I got a minor fine; and a receipt that enabled me to not receve any further fines for the same offence that day. When I got a new car, with a red plate, I wasn't allowed to drive it at night for 3 months. Ŝāy mị̀ t̄hūk; 

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Going by the list, 

Looks like DUI ( drunk driver) is not a penalty cause...?


Not much I see about fines for  speeding listed either, but potentially a no license plate can be a saving in a longer journey since there is an increasing number of speed cameras ( likely 50% not working though)...


Fine for hitting a policeman and dragging and killing him?


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