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Traffic fines: Here's what you must pay - including 500 baht for "undertaking"


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19 hours ago, Neeranam said:

And can be very dangerous. I know a foreigner who stopped at a zebra crossing to wave someone across, to be hit by an undertaking motorcycle. Leave your alien driving at home.

ha ha well said...  I often used to stop the truck to let elderly locals cross with lights on hazards... no matter somchai comes flying down the inside and wipes granny out... NO BRain no pain......

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4 hours ago, kwak250 said:

Using an unroadworthy vehicle 400 baht


Now this one is going to keep the local police busy .

Not really,...   they think 20 minmar in a pickup with rusty undercarriage is normal...  then when it collapses say its brake failure... preventative maintainence and policing its beyond them...  its like a rice farmer with a gun WAKE UP!!!

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23 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Driving like a farang...1000 baht, it really confuses the locals when you do the right thing.

Yes it Will confuse them , Because there driving they class that as Legal/Normal. 

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Well if that is imposed the Police Force with be in profit within a week just need to add vehicle confiscation until the fine is paid in full with a receipt..

Then they can afford some stop signs and reinstall the traffic lights on Khao Talo. and bypass rail crossing in fact just book all those that don't stop it would cover Thailand's national debt in a week..

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When I started driving the Chevy truck in Suphanburi 5 years or so back, my wife could not understand my banging of the steering wheel and shouting <deleted>. Now I do not understand why I bothered being surprised or amazed.


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5 hours ago, thailand49 said:

Aside from Bangkok, where else and when has any of these violations been enforced?  Checkpoints don't work nor does any of the current method being used when they decided to get out of the A/C booth or office and actually address the problem. Then you basically got enforcer who don't practice what they preach and fine others then there are the majority who don't truly understand what they are suppose to enforce?


When it comes to " under or over taking " here is the law or let say the rule of thumb which from my experience no one here including police understand. It is per say legal but it isn't addressed in rule book but only in the training film.  Under or overtaking isn't allowed 200-300 meter from an intersection.


You see it everyday I consider it one of the major problems as to death and accidents because it isn't taught and it is very simple to fix. In Pattaya living here I seen 6 deaths and a number of accidents people and vehicle because they never have been taught.


I drive my motorbike 50-70 KM, a day I undertake and overtake but I do it with one thing in mind " with caution "  meaning when traffic slows or comes to a complete stop it is for a REASON you don't continue to under or overtake flying! 


Example:  you go down a road a bus slows and stops to allow a vehicle out from a driveway to make a right turn you don't overtake the bus going 80 KM.  Vehicle shows down at intersection to allow vehicle to make right turn one doesn't undertake going 80 KM.  At a intersection vehicles are all stopped for traffic but biker overtakes all stop vehicles never giving it a thought into on coming traffic.


All these examples are true stories which all ended up in death, broken necks I see these types of incident hundred of times a day in my travel. I once stopped as a witness and gave my side of the incident as to what I saw to the police explain to them my decision based on the Thai law and my experience in the transportation industry. I got nothing but disbelief and blank stirs victims who survived even jumped up and went into a rage because I said blame them.



A good storry.. I drive my truck and they bounce off it..... its safer... plus I can fit 10 girls on /in it... all good

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31 minutes ago, johnbarpic said:

Well if that is imposed the Police Force with be in profit within a week just need to add vehicle confiscation until the fine is paid in full with a receipt..

Then they can afford some stop signs and reinstall the traffic lights on Khao Talo. and bypass rail crossing in fact just book all those that don't stop it would cover Thailand's national debt in a week..

ahhh the newby faland mind.. ahhhhhhh so funny....  get this!!!!  why would a cop want all that <deleted>????  he wants cash man CASH get it?  now does the penny drop????

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5 hours ago, ChrisKC said:

It is a shame that most on this forum believe, because it is true and has been true for many years, that the people, including some farang, are not listening; they do not care one jot about the law and are seemingly content with this status quo and in real terms so are the police.


if I am in charge, there will be a change and future announcements will include:


The traffic laws are going to be rigorously enforced. If you break these laws, you will be fined and that will be enforced too.


And what's more, we are coming for you to collect the fines you already owe us.


Expect some home visits if you ignore the laws.



just go back into the shell you came from thanks

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5 hours ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

What's the point of having laws when they cam make them one minute only not to enforce them the next? I am referring to the fact that a few years back they passed a law about banning travel in the back of pickup. Only for them to backtrack and allow it.




yeah agree... my fav pic, sorry cant find it now.. is NO WATER FROM PICKUPS   blah blah blah.. my fave pic is laghting cop with plastic bag on gun getting squirted from all directions.. yeah sums it up right?

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5 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

The whole system is a joke...cheap fines do not modify bad behavior...


a point system that you lose your license and vehicle...so many drivers drive w/o license so that accomplished very little...


jail terms need to be introduced 

no plates, licence even no lights....  12 years old with 3 peole.....  all is a joke...... funny....

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No mention of producing/having insurance! Which I would suggest is quite an important factor?

As for the punishments, if someone has an unroadworthy vehicle then they probably don't have the funds to pay the fine.

A far better way of dealing with most highway infractions is to simply impound the vehicle, upon collection they have to show correct documentation (licence and insurance) and pay fine plus storage! 

Within a month traffic would be reduced by 70% .

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On 6/3/2021 at 1:14 PM, shady86 said:

No fines for idiots blocking the right lane driving as if the road belongs to them?

So when that vehicle pulls up behind you and starts flashing his lights.. Get out of the way, even if you are driving the speed limit (or think you are). 

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23 hours ago, tracker1 said:

This Government Gazette must have a multitude of laws they think up but never enforce !

It is intentional.  That way you can never escape a fine at a checkpoint---if you are a farang!

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On 6/3/2021 at 2:11 PM, Moonlover said:

At least they do stop, unlike here. And don't forget the Chinese are used to stopping on the right to look at their phones.

I thought that Chinese motorcar drivers were banned in border provinces - maybe that was in Laos though.

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1 hour ago, Dont confuse me said:

No mention of producing/having insurance! Which I would suggest is quite an important factor?

It would be if it was compulsory. Only Por Ror Bor is compulsory. They're not the same thing.

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So I estimate that should those fines be imposed , the average cost of a trip by the majority of drivers would add up to about Thb 3,500 from The last toll booth heading into Pattaya  on Highway 7 to say Central festival on Beach road Pattaya. Just a guess based on the list of rules and fines assigned to each..... 

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2 hours ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

So when that vehicle pulls up behind you and starts flashing his lights.. Get out of the way, even if you are driving the speed limit (or think you are). 


You are supposed to return to the left hand lane  if you are not overtaking  or positioning to turn right or U-turn

the left lane is the "normal driving lane"

if your already in the left lane then maybe its an undercover cop wanting you to stop but who knows...could be an axe wielding murderer  best not to stop unless at a police station ????

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19 hours ago, jackdd said:

I had a look at the Thai version, it says you may not overtake in the left lane if somebody else is driving in this lane close behind, even in Thai the wording is a bit odd. Basically it just means that you have to make sure that the left lane is free and you aren't cutting somebody off when you are going to undertake somebody in front of you, common sense for most of us I think.


I think that's just because the big trucks drive mainly in the left lane, so this gets used much more than the right lane(s).


Thanks for that as I sometimes wonder if something has got lost in translation. Yes that would make sense whichever lane you were in so it is a bit confusing.


As for heavy vehicles mostly using the left hand lane that was my first thought but I wasn't sure that was the case from what I could see. What I did notice was that in a lot of cases when there were 3 lanes the left hand one was different from the other 2. Initially I thought that maybe it was constructed specifically to take the extra weight of the big trucks and buses but just from casual observation of the spread of these vehicles that would probably result in the other lanes being in a worse condition as they aren't so strong. Just for a Thai perspective my wife who works in civil government always answers my questions about poor roads with one word. Corruption. There seems to be agreement on this from people she knows. 


Who knows but when my sister and her husband came over about 8 years ago they asked why I was driving in the right hand lane so I pulled over to the left. Ahh I see said my brother in law.

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If you want slow drivers not to use the the fast lane, you have to use the horn at least 20 to 30 times on a 40 km High Way distance. I refuse to do that and will rather pay the fine. In my experience,  only approx. one third of the cars move into the left lane when you are behind them and want to pass. The horn should be used with caution, not like in Greece. 


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23 hours ago, connda said:

Actually this explains a lot.  My guess is that less than 5% of the population has every had formal driver training and most have never learned the rules of the road.
What happens instead is the blind leading the blind.  One totally ignorant Thai teaches another ignorant Thai how to drive without any skill at all.  And then that becomes the anecdotal "law" that others follow.

Passing on the left is ok.
Passing on blind corners and hills is ok.
If you pull into oncoming traffic that oncoming traffic must yield.  Everybody know this!  Ok.

It's very evident that Thais have limit driving skill and most of what they know is wrong. 

The problem here is that even those with a licence weren't tested on the road but in a car park. My wife said this was because it is too dangerous to test people on the road despite me pointing out that immediately after the test they are deemed safe to drive on the road. 


This is a double problem as drivers are tested in a car park without any other traffic and are then let loose on one of the most dangerous road systems in the world where they drive as if there are no other vehicles on the road amongst even more drivers who were trained the same way.


I've never taken a test in Thailand but I have watched some years ago but I assume it hasn't changed much.


My wife was horrified when I showed her a YouTube video of a guy taking his test in the UK. I was glad I'd already passed mine as well to be honest and I've been driving for 50 years.

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