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Does COVID-19 origin really matter?

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11 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Considering that Wuhan was the first place in the world that people started dying from the COVID virus

It is a wrong consideration. It could be the second or the third place that people started dying from the COVID virus. It was impossible to make COVID tests that time. People were dying from "complications of common cold".

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33 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Considering that Wuhan was the first place in the world that people started dying from the COVID virus,

and the doctors that talked about this virus were pressured to be quiet by the Chinese government,  I

think the the origins of this Wuhan virus are quite easy to see.    When China was trying to throw the blame on

anyone but them selves, made the case of origin that much stronger.  Whether it came from the wet market, or nearby

does not seem to be that important.  More important to know is, if this virus was from an animal.  It is important for all of us even for the Chinese to

know if the virus is indeed an animal to human transferred virus or a lab leak, that also could have infected some animal

in the nearby area, and the virus made it to the nearby wet market.  So long answer is  Yes it is pretty important to know

the origin of this Corona virus that has killed a lot of people all over the world.     Do you know where the origin of the Ebola

is from?   Hmmm.  Is that information important to you, as in making your decision to go to the place where it started, and

maybe be unlucky enough to catch it.     Answer that question,  then you may be closer to wondering why most people want

to know where the COVID virus came from and how.


By infected some animal do you mean a human. It's now being said that 2 staff in the lab got sick in November with flu like/covid-19 like symptoms.

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6 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

By infected some animal do you mean a human. It's now being said that 2 staff in the lab got sick in November with flu like/covid-19 like symptoms.

And in how many places in the world people got sick in November with flu like/covid-19 like symptoms? And how many countries were willing to make COVID tests in their morgues in order to say "Hey guys! This is not China! We are the true origin of COVID in the world!" ?

Edited by friendofthai
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20 minutes ago, Ventenio said:

Really?  Let's say China as 1 million in these re-educated camps because they are muslim.


America is dealing with racism on the streets; looting, fires, some killed.


America is allowing like 300,000 immigrants.........China?    Where are the best schools, best hospitals, richest communities, places where TONS Of immigrants go?  America.  for centuries...


Someone explain to me how America is like China?

I humbly apologise if I have offended you, but honestly I thought you could read my post

Edited by Excel
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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

China, backed by a World Health Organisation investigation, insists that it is and that there is no use reopening it. The United States, backed by some Western allies, demands a new probe

Considering an American company was financing the Wuhan institute it's a can of worms both would like to keep buried.


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14 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Do I want virologists mucking about with "gain-of-function" experiments? I'm leaning towards "no".

Exactly, scientists mucking around with things they don't understand will kill us faster than nukes..

this has been a lesson for us all, in best to leave things alone or we will self-destruct one day.

This was a warning.

There is a good "60 minute documentary" on this very subject a bit of an eye-opener for those who don't know what's going on behind some laboratory doors.

Implications between USA & China.

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8 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Exactly, scientists mucking around with things they don't understand will kill us faster than nukes..

this has been a lesson for us all, in best to leave things alone or we will self-destruct one day.

This was a warning.

There is a good "60 minute documentary" on this very subject a bit of an eye-opener for those who don't know what's going on behind some laboratory doors.

Implications between USA & China.

Can you post a link to that documentary please, it seems interesting .

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I seriously wonder who and which global institution will handle the investigation that their verdict be accepted by all including those who hijacked the issue for political expediency and the crazies. The investigation is pointless in this atmosphere of steep division as no one will accept the conclusion. 

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One should connect the dots of all circumstances and ask why so many bio laboratories around the world (many in the poor countries funded by rich countries)? 


And ask why such huge effort to pursue one explanation and suppress another ones? And all that not by scientists but by politicians...


Compare with similar problems of anthrax incidence years ago (in preparing of Iraq war), what was the conspiracy theory and what was the reality as finally known today... 

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14 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

“knowledge” is factual,as distinct from “opinion”, so not in itself political

(but can be spun for political purpose)

no moral equivalence between a free democratic USA & a brutal communistic tyrannical China

covid source of course matters ........ strange article ........author appears a China apologist

only one superpower and it aint China......

UK Intelligence report today considers the covid bioweapon case as “ feasible”

why would anyone NOT want to know if covid was a bioweapon or natural species jump ?

although quite what is “natural” about superstitious mass consumption of toxic wildlife escapes me......





Watch the "60 minutes" documentary Covid video... it'll open your eyes a bit as to what went on and who was involved.

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36 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Let me know your thoughts... after you know what really went on.

Well that was quite thought provoking. Ultimately though there appeared to be a train of thought by those eminent professionals that the virus was either transmitted naturally or by accident , which will possibly never be determined. Nor I guess will it ever be known if the virus which emerged 8 years prior  was the "touchpaper" for covid 19 irrespective if it naturally mutated or was lab re-engineered. Interestingly the role of the WHO was questioned many times with respect to their independence. In my mind that is a major concern and needs resolving by nations in order to meet the challenge of something as sinister occurring again, which I suspect will happen. Yet the real lesson in my view is not to determine who was blame or who wasn't but accept that such an outbreak requires cooperation of all nations, not a partisan approach which we witnessed this time round, nor as we see here in Thailand an opportunity to make money by a very few privileged people. All in all thanks for that link, good stuff.

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I'm going to go back to my post from the last page and ask a question,


In a literal and scientific sense, it matters determining how this started, be it through the wet market, an accidental / negligent release from a lab, or intentional release (as with many, my money is on option #2).  Obviously it's important to know what happened to prevent things in the future.


But in a practical sense, let's say there's definitive proof the Chinese government is responsible.  Taking geopolitics and the global economy into account, what do people here think can realistically happen to them as a response? 

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Does it matter who killed JFK? Id say in 100 years or so, people will know well enough if it started in Ft. Detrick MD or Wuhan or wherever. So JFK is dead (allegedly) and so are 3,727,657 other folks who caught covid, and I really really don't give a damn where it started, as long as it does not happen again. However, if patient zero is important to real scientists, help them figure that out. 

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