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U.S. sticks it to americans and all in Thailand


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35 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

All those checks would have paid handsomely for a trip to Guam or the mainland

My not wanting to fly back to the US for a COVID vax has nothing to do with finances. I don't want to sit by myself in a hotel for 3-4 weeks in the US  most likely without a rental car and then 14 days again quarantine in Thailand.  Let alone sitting in airplanes for 25 hours each way to LAX which I really don't enjoy even pre-COVID.


I am expecting the US as per vaccines to do nothing for someone like me in Thailand and will work on the vaccine regime as best as I can living in the Isaan sticks where the provincial daily case count stays below 10 and is many time recently zero.

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5 hours ago, OJAS said:


Certainly not the UK, we Brits here are in exactly the same boat as you Americans here in having it stuck to by our home country (in the OP title vernacular)!




Looks like we American and British expats here in Thailand will have little choice other than to form orderly queues for our jabs behind (1) everyone residing in our respective home countries (nationals and non-nationals), (2) each and every Thai national here in Thailand, and (3) millions of other non-national jab recipients in low & middle-income countries - which could ironically include Thailand! ????


Well I can't comment on the UK situation.


But at least in the US, you can get off the plane, head to the nearest Safeway and you'll have a shot in your arm within an hour for free.


So for US citizens that's the choice.


You can sit and wait your turn in Thailand. Or you get on a plane and within 24 hours you get a shot

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1 hour ago, jerrymahoney said:

My not wanting to fly back to the US for a COVID vax has nothing to do with finances. I don't want to sit by myself in a hotel for 3-4 weeks in the US  most likely without a rental car and then 14 days again quarantine in Thailand.  Let alone sitting in airplanes for 25 hours each way to LAX which I really don't enjoy even pre-COVID.


I am expecting the US as per vaccines to do nothing for someone like me in Thailand and will work on the vaccine regime as best as I can living in the Isaan sticks where the provincial daily case count stays below 10 and is many time recently zero.

Well that spot on, you don't expect the US Govt to do anything special for you. Many others seem to take a different tack.


When you choose to like overseas, you appreciate your Medicare, which you pay for out of your SS check won't apply. So break your leg, and lets hope you have insurance in the country you live.


But the covid vaccine thing seems to have ignited an entitlement thing I've never seen before.


Chances are, live in Isaan backofbeyond you are safe as houses. I suspect the truly agitated are those in bangkok, Pattaya and he other expat hotspots 

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8 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

When you choose to like overseas, you appreciate your Medicare, which you pay for out of your SS check won't apply. So break your leg, and lets hope you have insurance in the country you live.

I am insured in Thailand via international insurance. I am exempt from Medicare Part B penalty so nothing is taken out of my SS check each month.


I have applied for what ever vaccine COVID options are available to me in Thailand hopefully starting soon or later this year.

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On 6/19/2021 at 6:14 PM, nkg said:


How many nations, with the exception of China, are sending vaccines out to their expats?





May be G7.  

Just ten days ago,  G7 talked about big number of vaccines supplied to the world as well as big international programs as high as  USD 4 Trillions , big money funneled down.   

Yes, very big in everything   ...... 

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3 hours ago, DerbyDan said:

another james bond thread...


your not getting anything living off usa soil.

Same with Australia, Brits and any so-called democratic place around the world.


You are a small minority,

Not really "voters" per se,

Therefore you are of no use whatsoever to politicians,

whose only concern is to get voted back in.


So to them you are the lowest of the low, for daring to have a life and not being part of the "working debt slave" system in your own country.


Look at Australia,

wont even let its citizens back freely,

but putting all sorts of caps and restrictions on those coming home, under the excuse of Covid.


Won't even let their citizens leave the country for that matter..

worried about the next election and of course, currency leaking out of the country that they think should be spent in Australia.


Disgusting really.

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On 6/19/2021 at 10:31 PM, Jingthing said:

The nation of Taiwan has a special problem with vaccines from the nation of China that the nation of Thailand doesn't.


Taiwan accuses China of blocking its access to Covid-19 vaccines (news.com.au)


The Biden administration has made it very clear that they aren't interested in helping Americans abroad with vaccines. The vaccine donations are to foreign countries, not to expats. What percentage of the donations would cover expats that are living in countries where there are access issues or discriminatory policies against non-nationals? I don't know but surely less than one percent. Needless to say I agree with donating vaccines but I disagree with throwing expats under the bus in the middle of a pandemic. 

I am hoping that there is a global movement by US citizens to remove the farcical taxes that we are forced to pay, supposedly to help us in a worldwide emergency.

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14 minutes ago, w94005m said:

I am hoping that there is a global movement by US citizens to remove the farcical taxes that we are forced to pay, supposedly to help us in a worldwide emergency.

I really don't think that's the reason expats are taxed.

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i would be happy to pay for a vaccination!!!!

the problem there is nothing available!!

they say oct. for pay for shots.

will see if that happens!!!

there will be some excuse why it is not available, as usual.

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On 6/20/2021 at 6:46 AM, jerrymahoney said:

So the 'hop on a plane' response. To go to the US for a COVID vax from Thailand is at least a 6 week endeavor between Moderna/Pfizer Covid shots (one-shot J&J not easily available) and quarantine upon return to Thailand. Plus all the PCR tests, COE and insurance requirements, and assumes one has a place to stay in the US for 3-4 weeks maybe with no car.


Besides although only a recommendation not binding reg:


International Travel During COVID-19

updated  June 10, 2021

Do not travel internationally until you are fully vaccinated. If you are not fully vaccinated and must travel, follow CDC’s international travel recommendations for unvaccinated people



I just returned from Guam with a business trip to Dubai afterwards. J&J is available there. You can make a 3 day trip there  and return to quarantine here. A little difficult but solves the problem. Tour groups from Taiwan will be traveling there soon as well.  You can receive the Pfizer or Modera  and stay on Guam and enjoy yourself or work, + 3hours time zone from Bangkok. Otherwise, unfortunately, one must wait for the Thai government and its medical establishment to provide the vaccine. 

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On 6/20/2021 at 4:31 AM, Jingthing said:

The nation of Taiwan has a special problem with vaccines from the nation of China that the nation of Thailand doesn't.


Taiwan accuses China of blocking its access to Covid-19 vaccines (news.com.au)


The Biden administration has made it very clear that they aren't interested in helping Americans abroad with vaccines. The vaccine donations are to foreign countries, not to expats. What percentage of the donations would cover expats that are living in countries where there are access issues or discriminatory policies against non-nationals? I don't know but surely less than one percent. Needless to say I agree with donating vaccines but I disagree with throwing expats under the bus in the middle of a pandemic. 

If that's the case maybe i will stop paying taxes. They are vaccinating many non citizens there and illegal aliens that dont pay any taxes

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

As an American, I can say that I consider the US to be an arrogant nation. On alot of levels. And that arrogance carries over to the State Dept. and the embassies. I think it is not a stretch to consider the possibility that the US considers us to be a form of a traitor, for abandoning the mother ship. I do not think they like us to move overseas, and spend our hard earned cash overseas. 


So, this attitude is not surprising to me, with regard to the Vax. We are world citizens in limbo. Stuck between living in a nation with a toxic government that does not really want us here, and having left a nation that does not want us living overseas. 


Fortunately for me, I have never really had the need to feel like I belong, or am accepted. Which helps me to be very content here. 

Yeah but the irony is that expats of Medicare age are saving the US government money. Most of us paid into Medicare over our working lives and many expats pay for Part B and never use it.

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On 6/20/2021 at 11:56 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO any expat that thinks they deserve special attention while living elsewhere is living in Lala Land.


My wish is that they would really just forget about us !   Filling out the form for my financial assets every year  is a pain.   Heck,  they know every move we make anyway.  It takes less than a second for an (appropriate ad)  to pop up whenever i click on some article.


enclosed is a photo of some representatives asking why i was late filing my taxes. 

I told them i have alzheimers.

they said " ignorance of the law is no excuse"

I asked them to empty my bedpan


How to Properly Position Bed Bound Patients

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah but the irony is that expats of Medicare age are saving the US government money. Most of us paid into Medicare over our working lives and many expats pay for Part B and never use it.

I have been living in Thailand for 10 years but I pay taxes on pension and Social security every year. A large portion of US citizens do not pay taxes in the USA. Maybe I should stop paying if they think we are all traitors . 

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THEY  don't care about US here,   and THEY don't care about us there.   Governments don't care.  People don't care.  People in Governments don't care.  My neighbors do not care.

Here nor There.   Do any of you really believe anyone cares ?   

MAYBE  your children care ?   Maybe.    Maybe your teerak cares .   Questionable .


I do envy these humans I see walking around with a stick looking at the ground .  I thought they were picking up garbage,  but the area was so green and nice looking.  Then I saw that they were hitting some little ball.   Then walking after it and hitting it again.  Sometimes they would laugh or curse.   Very interesting.   Seems like they could do that for hours.  Many times a week.       


Seems like a great way to forget that nobody cares.    I tried to get closer to ask about it but they yelled at me . Sounded like number four.   Kept yelling and waving me to go away.

Nobody cares !



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social security when it was first designed was to SUPPORT people in old age.

it has now become a joke.

no one can live in the U.S.A. on social security alone.

WE PAY into social security and disability all our working lives.

if you get disabled you can not live on what you receive!!!

a big reason to move to another country where you can survive.

when you receive social security it is called an entitlement, it is our money not the government!

again, you can not EXSIST on social security.

another big reason to move to another country where you can survive.

i have a comfortable life in Thailand on disability/social security.

disability pays more then social security, yet the cost of living does not change with either disibility or social security.

why i moved to Thailand; to improve my QUALITY of life, and i have even living on social security.

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If you opt to domicile from your own country. You should be prepared to ensure your own security. If receiving the vaccine is so important to you, why are you waiting for a freebie, then subsequently whining  that you  can't have what you think you're entitled to?


Dare say, that after recent news, some Brits will be doing the same.

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15 minutes ago, friendofthai said:

Looks like these guys blame China every time they found a piece of $**t in their trousers. No need to explain anything - just blame China. It works!


Finding/blaming an external enemy as a path forward is as old as politics itself.  Much easier than solving internal problems through cooperation.  

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I am a USA citizen.  I don't expect the USA or for that matter any country to jump through hoops to send vaccines to its citizens residing outside of their own borders.  You know full well if the USA send money to countries including Thailand to fund the purchase of vaccines it would never make its intended purpose.  Likewise, if the USA sent vaccines for its citizens, and the Germans for theirs and the U.K. for theirs what a nightmare.  

Further, I saw that France was sending 1 million doses of vaccine to Thailand with only 400,000 being earmarked for French Expatiates.  Now I wonder exactly what will become of those extra 600,000 doses.   Reports are that it is the one dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.  Now has anyone heard of a sign up for Thai citizens to get Johnson & Johnson anywhere? 

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If our Government (USA) starts to treat the whiners from Thailand with special access to Vaccines, the floodgates will open and that is not going to be good for our State Department.


Americans need to "Man UP" and sit back, wait your turn or get on the plane and fly home and get your jab.


Move on.

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On 6/21/2021 at 3:42 AM, jerrymahoney said:

I am insured in Thailand via international insurance. I am exempt from Medicare Part B penalty so nothing is taken out of my SS check each month.


I have applied for what ever vaccine COVID options are available to me in Thailand hopefully starting soon or later this year.

You're exempt from Medicare Part B...how does that work? Or, did you mean to say you turned down Medicare Part B?

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10 minutes ago, mosan said:

You're exempt from Medicare Part B...how does that work? Or, did you mean to say you turned down Medicare Part B?

Deficit Reduction Act of 2005
All CMS Provisions
As of February 28, 2006
5115 Waiver of part B late enrollment penalty for certain international volunteers


Provides for the waiver of the Part B late enrollment
penalty and establishment of a special enrollment period for
beneficiaries who are volunteering outside of the U.S. through a 12-
month or longer program sponsored by a tax-exempt organization
defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and who have other health insurance coverage.

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21 hours ago, rodknock said:

social security when it was first designed was to SUPPORT people in old age.

it has now become a joke.

no one can live in the U.S.A. on social security alone.

WE PAY into social security and disability all our working lives.

if you get disabled you can not live on what you receive!!!

a big reason to move to another country where you can survive.

when you receive social security it is called an entitlement, it is our money not the government!

again, you can not EXSIST on social security.

another big reason to move to another country where you can survive.

i have a comfortable life in Thailand on disability/social security.

disability pays more then social security, yet the cost of living does not change with either disibility or social security.

why i moved to Thailand; to improve my QUALITY of life, and i have even living on social security.

yet the cost of living does not change with either disability or social security. It sure does.2022 we are on track for a 5,3% increase in social security. That includes SS disability

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