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PHOTOS: French expats in Thailand receive COVID-19 vaccinations

Jonathan Fairfield

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3 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


What are you on about, your obviously speaking without thinking, so you can speak for yourself.


Don't assume others turned their backs on their mother country because they chose to move abroad because it is more affordable and also providing them with the opportunity to retire 12 years earlier in life, in my case.


I will add to that, using my own funds to survive, and pay taxes from income earned from within my home country while living overseas, albeit it I do get some tax benefits from my investments to survive, otherwise it wouldn't be worth while.


Citizenship is for life, like a son is part of a family for life.


Criticizing ones mother country is ones right when they force you to become a non-resident when your out of the country for 186 days.


1) You lose your right to vote in elections.


2) They tax you on income earned within your mother country at 32.5c for every $ earned with no tax threshold which is different to citizens living there.


3) Tax you at the highest tax rate i.e. 42% on your principal place of residence, starting on the day you purchased it, when you sell it when living overseas.


4) Strip you of your right to Medicare


5) Forces you to return to your mother country to get your pension after 35 years of paying taxes and make you wait 2 years before they will allow you to get it made portable, e.g. to have it transferred to you in Thailand where you live, but if you live there at pension age, you can get it and go, no 2 year waiting period,   W-T-F is that all about, affordability no doubt, I mean how many people will return to spend more than it's worth in those 2 years to get it paid to Thailand, e.g. will take 4 years at least to recoup the money spent in those 2 years spent in Oz. 


6) They donate 2.8 million dollars to Thailand's vaccination program without a thought of or mention of getting their citizens vaccinated.


I could go on, but hey, I see the Australian government for what it is, shallow, it treats immigrants and those who cheat the system better than those who have contributed to it's tax system for 4 decades from where I am sitting. 


Shame on Australia and others who have turned their back on those who contribute/d to their mother country, they are nothing more than mother (word withheld) in my opinion, but hey, I'm good because I can handle my own !




Thanks for replying to you know who, I don't need now to bother to reply to his pathetic baiting attempt as you have covered most of the salient points, I to retired here 10 years earlier than I normally would have done, I also rely on savings & investments for my income and live with the love of my life comfortably & without stress or worry.


But I have never ever turned my back on my country, to do so would require me to turn my back to my queen who 40+ years ago I swore an oath to protect to my dying day, nothing has changed that oath.

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41 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Far from being whingers British  people are known for their uncomplaining stoicism and unwillingness  to make a fuss which is one reason they are in such a predicament  currently.  Your clichéd view is perhaps  a reflection  of your own character. It's says nothing about the British  people  I know or of the culture of the British  people historically. The nation that organised Dunkirk, contributed  to the Berlin airlift and recently organized  a successful  immunization  program in Great Britain  could help expats but there  is no political  capital in it. Expats in the eyes of UK voters  are more undesirable than illegal  immigrants  and get less help even after  paying taxes  for decades.


I would like to agree with you... But this it not Dunkirk, this is not ‘WWII spirit’ and on this forum the majority of posts I read on subjects such as this are from British people complaining that their Embassy has neglected them. 


I’m sure the British government have been lobbying the Thai government in the background to ensure we British Citizens receive our vaccines alongside Thai’s. That is part of the British Governments mission, whereas healthcare is not....  


The issue is that Thailand just does not have sufficient vaccines, Thailand screwed up ‘good’n’propper’ and seemed not to think they’d need to order a load of vaccines and failed to get on board early enough. 

The additional issue is that anyone in the Thai Public eye seems to suffer from outrageous clumsiness and arrogance and their ’Thaicentric’ comments often appear xenophobic. 



China Donated a load of vaccines on the proviso that its citizens were vaccinated alongside Thai’s at any location - news has been very limited on the effectiveness of success of this beyond the initial announcements. 


The French have donated J&J vaccines to ensure its citizens over 55 years old can be vaccinated at key hospitals (8 I think) nationwide.


So.. IF the UK wishes to donate 150,000 vaccines to Thailand there may some fantastical media announcements about British Vaccinating their citizens - but when people are left out, or the planning somehow fails, when the clinic Nakhon nowhere does not receive vaccines for distribution we will see people complain on here.... and complain they will... they will complain that they don’t want the AZ vaccine, or they don’t want a J&J or mRNA (Pfizer) vaccine....  this is definitely a case where no good deed goes unpunished. 


The British ’stoicism’ may have stood out in the past, but on this forum we will read comments from those complaining like spoiled little school girls because anything attempting will not be quite perfect enough.




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2 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

I have never ever turned my back on my country, to do so would require me to turn my back to my queen who 40+ years ago I swore an oath to protect to my dying day, nothing has changed that oath.

12 years I done. Enlisted 1968-79. Army number 24131723. Quit the nostalgic GT you'll have me crying in me cornflakes.

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2 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

Thanks for replying to you know who, I don't need now to bother to reply to his pathetic baiting attempt as you have covered most of the salient points, I to retired here 10 years earlier than I normally would have done, I also rely on savings & investments for my income and live with the love of my life comfortably & without stress or worry.


But I have never ever turned my back on my country, to do so would require me to turn my back to my queen who 40+ years ago I swore an oath to protect to my dying day, nothing has changed that oath.

And yet "The Crown" got past you.

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6 hours ago, edwardandtubs said:

Now the Thai government is going to be thinking why should we vaccinate foreigners when their embassies are doing it for them?


Or the opposite. When the populace see the embassies dishing out only the best vaccines they'll want the same.

It'll be even harder for the government to use up all the Sino vacs. 

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On 6/27/2021 at 10:10 AM, RotBenz8888 said:

Vive la France! 

The great super Power U.S.A. who command all must OBEY. is doing nothing for its people around the world;  WHY? Is it they don;t give A <deleted>

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12 hours ago, ezzra said:

I wish the Aussie government will follow suit, they have no qualms in bringing hundreds of so called "new Aussies" some infected with the Indian variant already, and quarantine them for free while other true Aussies are left behind to fend for themselves...

Whos getting free quarantine? Who are the hundreds of new Aussies? And do you mean travelling to Australia?  Despite sounding racist can you prove any of these statements?  And where and how many arrived in Australia during the pandemic?

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13 hours ago, edwardandtubs said:

The French Embassy is just making matters worse for everyone else with this. Now the Thai government is going to be thinking why should we vaccinate foreigners when their embassies are doing it for them? What the French should have done is put more pressure on the Thai government to vaccinate on the basis of need like the German Embassy did.

The German Embassy has achieved nothing, The French has results.....I struggle to see how this makes things worse for the French, and The French are the only people the French Embassy should be concerned over. 

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15 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Er The English and Canadians had a hand in the Liberation of France  and the defeat of Nazism was largely  down to Russian sacrifices.

And I ask you, what has France ever done for all of us in return?

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22 hours ago, vadid said:

The UK government would do the same if they could work out a way they could make a tidy profit out of it.

That's why they the embassy consistently refer to UK citizens as ''customers'', and not CLIENTS. Where is PC when you need it ?

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10 minutes ago, StayinThailand2much said:

We don't care, as you live abroad..."

I couldn't agree more. I knew the rules when I upped sticks from the UK. So what's the point of bitching? 

Edited by IvorBiggun2
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7 minutes ago, StayinThailand2much said:

Aren't embassies supposed to help their citizens?


I don't see where it says 'give Covid jabs or medical assistance.



We will: > Be professional, non-judgemental, polite and helpful to you whatever your gender, race, age, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, religion or belief. > Protect any personal information you give us in accordance with the Data Protection Act. > Tell you beforehand if there is a charge for a service we provide. > Deal with your enquiry accurately and efficiently, explaining clearly from the start what help we can give and when you should approach others for advice. > Give clear information at our premises and on our website on how to contact us, and make arrangements for you to contact us in an emergency outside office hours. > Use your feedback, comments and complaints to help us improve our services.


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12 minutes ago, StayinThailand2much said:

Aren't embassies supposed to help their citizens?



What We Ask from You > Treat our staff with respect. If you are abusive, we may refuse to help you. > Be prepared to pay for some services e.g. an emergency travel document. We do not make a profit from these charges; they go towards the costs of providing consular services. > Give us feedback so that we can improve our services. To do so, please speak to a member of staff or visit www.gov.uk/government/organisations/foreign-commonwealth-office/about/ research to complete our short customer satisfaction survey or to send us a complaint. …and please follow our tips below for travelling or living overseas: > Buy full travel and medical insurance to help cover any unexpected costs. > Have any necessary vaccinations, pack enough medication to cover any unforeseen extended stays or emergencies and leave your contact details and itinerary with family or friends. > Follow our travel advice www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice and local advice on what is safe and unsafe, respect local laws and take care of your money and passport (not forgetting to include your emergency contacts on the inside back cover). We will: > Be professional, non-judgemental, polite and helpful to you whatever your gender, race, age, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, religion or belief. > Protect any personal information you give us in accordance with the Data Protection Act. > Tell you beforehand if there is a charge for a service we provide. > Deal with your enquiry accurately and efficiently, explaining clearly from the start what help we can give and when you should approach others for advice. > Give clear information at our premises and on our website on how to contact us, and make arrangements for you to contact us in an emergency outside office hours. > Use your feedback, comments and complaints to help us improve our services. We have a duty of care to our employees. We will not


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....err Thailand.......JFI.....

'Votes for life’ for British citizens living abroad

New measures announced in the Queen’s Speech will make it easier for British citizens who have moved abroad to participate in Our Democracy.

Edited by Rinrada
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3 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:

Vive la France! 


Some countries like France and Switzerland care about their citizens.


I contacted my embassy about this, but they basically told me: "Good luck, but you're on your own. We don't care, as you live abroad..."

why do you mention switzerland? have i missed something?

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3 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:


I read that Switzerland and Belgium organised vaccinations for their citizens too.


Not seen any update from Belgium, but the Swiss Embassy announced they had 20 (yes, twenty!!) appointments on offer on 1st come basis for the AZ vaccine from a Bangkok hospital. Likely this was the remainder after all embassy staff had been vaccinated. All now taken up.



See message on 25th June.




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