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As countries weigh risks of mRNA vaccines, Thailand pushes ahead with Pfizer purchase


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3 hours ago, Thailand said:

The French were able to get it and even vaccinate most of their citizens inThailand. 

I keep looking from that email invitation from the British government but maybe lost in spam! 

How many French in Thailand?

How many UK nationals in Thailand?

Once you answer this you will have  better understanding of why the French made an announcement .


Easy to criticize UK, but -

Did you know that only French national presenting with France  id can obtain? No spouse. Sorry, but it is unethical to do that.

Did you know that only Janssen vaccine will be used and France will not allow anyone who already have a dose of any other vaccine to have?

Did you know that  this vaccine is not the preferred vaccine in France? France has surplus of vaccine because  public wants mRNA vaccine.

France give its nationals in Thailand the vaccine people refuse in France. No Pfizer option. No Astra Zeneca option. No Moderna option.


How many French national you believe will take vaccine?  

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4 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

Why an very expensive vaccine for kids and for the weak and vulnerable a cheap one??? 

Because it's just the usual empty talk. 'Here, look, we will vaccinate our children like in all developed countries'.  


Which, as always, only serves to keep the people who still believe such things happy and to stun the silent rest.
In reality, even the "cheap" vaccines for the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions are available in homeopathic doses.


"senior health official Sopon Mekton told a briefing, referring to the elderly and those with underlying conditions.

The two groups combined have a population of 17 million, but only 0.7% or 83,000 of over 60s and 3.1% of people with health conditions have received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine."


REUTERS 2. July 21 - Thailand to vaccinate vulnerable groups faster as critical cases rise

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27 minutes ago, BestB said:

All depends what sources you read. Other more reliable sources state they reserved enough but Bio not equipped to handle it or produce agreed amounts . AZ is silent on the matter due to BIo ownership 

In the agreement between AZ, Siam Bioscience and the Ministry of public health, most of the vaccines would be heading abroad. The production target for this year was 200 million doses and Thailand secured 26 million doses. There are production delays and neither AZ nor Siam Bioscience are saying anything as regards to achieving production targets. In a statement by AZ, they are bullish in fulfilling supplying to relevant governments. Hope they have a grip on the delays. 

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Who writes these headlines: "As countries weigh risks of mRNA vaccines, Thailand pushes ahead with Pfizer purchase"


Which countries are "weighing the risks" exactly. Certainly not the developed world. Maybe the developing and third world with their advanced technology and collective brain power know something the drug authorities in Europe and North America don't know.

There is no reason to qualify the headline with nonsense and editorializing. It should have read simply: Thailand pushes ahead with Pfizer purchase

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7 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Nothing in the governments response to covid vaccine purchase 'goes well'.  I have little faith that they will get this order any more than them producing the AZ quantities to their own promise dates


You mean the AZ quantities that got cut from 10m a month to 5 or 6m until the end of the year?

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Can't they just lob ALL the different vaccines in to a pot, mix them up and one shot everyone, get the best and the worst of each one then!


Forgot, nothing to lob in to the pot here.

Maybe not even a pot to lob in!

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5 hours ago, sezze said:

Lets just be happy that they bought Pfizer , 20 million of them

Have they, actually, bought, as in paid, even a fraction as a deposit? Or is it just more "are set to", "plan to", "are expressing an intention to"?


Lets not forget that the whole vaccination programme is designed and intended to channel vast amounts of money through two parallel channels, and then out into whatever lies beyond? Does anyone see any real sign that has changed, or will be modified in any way?


Humongous amounts of cash are being borrowed and directed towards the various Covid 19 "measures". We only see (or think we see) the entry to these and no doubt a lot of other channels. 


The country is being quite simply plundered, the pandemic is a heaven sent excuse!

Edited by herfiehandbag
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11 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

Have they, actually, bought, as in paid, even a fraction as a deposit? Or is it just more "are set to", "plan to", "are expressing an intention to"?


Lets not forget that the whole vaccination programme is designed and intended to channel vast amounts of money through two parallel channels, and then out into whatever lies beyond? Does anyone see any real sign that has changed, or will be modified in any way?


Humongous amounts of cash are being borrowed and directed towards the various Covid 19 "measures". We only see (or think we see) the entry to these and no doubt a lot of other channels. 


The country is being quite simply plundered, the pandemic is a heaven sent excuse!

NO, They have had many discussions with themselves about Pfizer, Just like Moderna and they end up with no contract for either of them

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6 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

Why an very expensive vaccine for kids and for the weak and vulnerable a cheap one??? 

It's not that expensive, cheaper than Moderna.

1.    Maybe because  children are our future.


2.  Maybe because Pfizer  is the only  vaccine approved  for use  in patients  in age  group starting at 12  ---18.   They  have even applied  for approval  from 3 and up.    All other vacccines so far have appoval of 18 and up.


3.  Pfizer Curbs Severe Covid; Philippine Vaccinations: Virus Update



4.   UK records 27,334 Covid cases with infections jumping by 20% in a week


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1 hour ago, Aforek said:

Between 30000 and 40000 French in Thailand 

where did you heard that we are forbidden to have an other vaccine ? 

not the best, but effective against Delta variant at least 8 months 

I am not against to have Pzizer or Moderna vaccin in ( or a second jab of Johnson  later )  8 months

6 days  that I received the vaccine and no second effect : no pain, fever etc 

in the situation here, better Johnson than nothing 


I do not  speak against taking vaccine. I encourage and support. All I say is that it is much easier to do what France do because French age 55+  is not a big number. Have this option for UK,  Sweden, or USA and most of the people will qualify.


To answer question on who qualify,  anyone who have had first vaccine dose using different vaccine forbidden from receiving Janssen vaccine as per email sent. Read the email fact sheet you get from embassy or go to  embassy home page and read.

 Je suis déjà vacciné au Sinovac ou à l’AstraZeneca, puis-je être vacciné au Jansen ?

Non, la vaccination s’adresse aux personnes qui n’ont pas encore été vaccinées.

J’ai reçu ma 1ère dose de Sinovac ou d’AstraZeneca, puis-je être vacciné au Jansen ?

Non, la vaccination s’adresse aux personnes qui n’ont pas encore été vaccinées.


Translation  I already have vaccination of either 1 dose or full vaccination  of Sinovac or Astra Zeneca, can I be vaccinated  with Jansen?

NO. Only for people not vaccinated with  Sinovac or  Astra Zeneca.


In 2019 prior to covid, I was at business function and the public statement was 13,000 registered French nationals. Yes, I see on internet search it say estimated 30,000. This would be for all ages The vaccine is for 55years+ ONLY. France have younger people than many countries because so many work in hospitality trade - 250+ companies. With the collapse of tourism, jobs were eliminated and French nationals leave the country in big numbers.  No need for chefs, F&B manager and others. No need for WagonLits rep and no need for Airbus consultants with so many grounded aircraft. 


Tens of thousands of western foreigners left Thailand over past year. No work = no money.

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Thailand pushes ahead with Pfizer purchase


Yea lol right "pushes ahead" that's satire right or just a pro government PR?
In the meantime the Philippines already received their first batch on Moderna vaccine.



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43 minutes ago, Patong2021 said:




Translation  I already have vaccination of either 1 dose or full vaccination  of Sinovac or Astra Zeneca, can I be vaccinated  with Jansen?

NO. Only for people not vaccinated with  Sinovac or  Astra Zeneca.



It doesn't mean that in the future, people who had the Johnson can't have an other vaccine ; in this case, it will we Thai who decide, because they will have the Pzizer or Moderna ; in this case, why will they refuse ? private hospitals don't refuse money

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1 hour ago, Thailand said:

Can't they just lob ALL the different vaccines in to a pot, mix them up and one shot everyone, get the best and the worst of each one then!


Forgot, nothing to lob in to the pot here.

Maybe not even a pot to lob in!

One of them doesn't mix well with others..... it has Jello in it. Guess which.

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On 7/5/2021 at 11:34 PM, tingtong said:

Since fatality rate of 12-18 yo group is really the lowest of all pretty much....shouldn't focus the effort rather medical staff and core workers age group of 30-50 if anything?


I know, most will argue old first. Probably old Westerners mostly.

But Thailand being Thailand, most old ppl have no pension, and literally eat if their working adult kids send them money.


Either case, once again a 6 months timeline....by end of year...

Meanwhile at current rate 5000 a day gets infected, that is 150.000 a month, 900.000 by end of year.

And the rate is accelerated only the past weeks, with high chance to continue up.



Young mobile group should have preference for vaccination. They support their families. Retired (Thai & foreigners) can limit movement and stay home.

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