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Government to pass new information decree this week, critics calls decree ‘problematic’


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41 minutes ago, BE88 said:

Dr Taweesin Visanuyothin, spokesperson for the Thai government's Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration, said at a press conference in Bangkok in February: "It doesn't matter if the vaccine comes sooner or later because it has no impact on the Thai people. As we have seen, we use face masks, cloth or surgical, to protect personal safety and hygiene. "


This has never happened with the new law. 

Oh how wrong was he then.....just now having to wipe the egg of his face and that of the ones in power.


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8 minutes ago, DirtyHarry55 said:

This new Law goes one step further and deems any information which COULD "create fear amongst the public" as illegal.

Almost like a "thoughtcrime"    even the "democratic soldier" himself urged Thais to read George Orwell.

Edited by johng
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8 minutes ago, DirtyHarry55 said:

They already have the "Fake News Law"

This new Law goes one step further and deems any information which COULD "create fear amongst the public" as illegal.
Even if it's true????
Also the government won't pass the new law Prayut will by Emergency Decree!!

I created fear when I looked into the mirror this morning and found out I needed to shave and my blades needed to be replaced, now I will not be such a hansum man.....Fear and loathing is something this country has a lot of.  The government fears they are being loathed so it must be fake news as Prayut has returned Happiness to the people as promised....

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1 hour ago, DirtyHarry55 said:

They already have the "Fake News Law"


No shortage of laws here.


Paraphrasing, "Show me the man and I'll show you the twelve laws".


And it is always amazing when they grant themselves additional power via new laws, when they already have more than enough.


Could be they just lose track of all the laws? Or they are so insecure that they fear anything and everything, so need extra powers.


I mean they already have an emergency decree which pretty much allows them carte blanche in dealing with criticism.


I guess they feel less dictator-y in the eyes of the world if they have a new specific law they can point to, rather than using one of the vague, umbrella-like 11x laws.

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4 hours ago, BE88 said:

Dr Taweesin Visanuyothin, spokesperson for the Thai government's Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration, said at a press conference in Bangkok in February: "It doesn't matter if the vaccine comes sooner or later because it has no impact on the Thai people. As we have seen, we use face masks, cloth or surgical, to protect personal safety and hygiene. "


This has never happened with the new law. 

That's pretty funny, hopefully he is lying to save face. So much worse if he actually believes this.

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7 hours ago, Thailand said:

Further restrictions on the press and the limited freedom of speech does not bode well.   These guys are fighting to stay in power and they really don't appear to care how they do it.  How far will they go is the next question?

They will go as far as the Evil Midget in Burma !

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30 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Dust off your tin hat, not long.

I need to keep my tinfoil hat on.  The UFOs have been beaming me critical information regarding Thailand's future which I simply pass along on the forum in order to save the country. 


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2 hours ago, Kevin Taylor said:

That's pretty funny, hopefully he is lying to save face. So much worse if he actually believes this.

A 'doctor' of what? 

"It doesn't matter if the vaccine comes sooner or later because it has no impact on the Thai people. As we have seen, we use face masks, cloth or surgical, to protect personal safety and hygiene."

So 'doc!'  How's that working out for Thailand now?  Would you like to reel that statement back in?  Or double down?
The latter no doubt.

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5 minutes ago, connda said:

I need to keep my tinfoil hat on.  The UFOs have been beaming me critical information regarding Thailand's future which I simply pass along on the forum in order to save the country. 


The UFO information is soon to be deemed as false, they will be hunted down and prosecuted under the full force of Prayut. [also the law]

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

The government has said that misinformation about its policies have caused undue panic and unwarranted criticism, something it wants to cut down on.

A misspelling noted here!  The correct version should be:

The government has said that information about its policies have caused undue panic and unwarranted criticism, something it wants to cut down on.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

The government has said that misinformation about its policies have caused undue panic and unwarranted criticism, something it wants to cut down on.


to cut down on what? Misinformation, undue panic or unwarranted criticism?


the government can't get its ducks in a row, nor can any one Department agree on what is policy. No one, to coin a <deleted> phrase, sing from the same song sheet.


Undue panic...2 people came back from Bangkok last week, just before the curfew, sorry, restrictions came into force. Gave covid to their kid, who was schooling in the local village school while they were away working. Kid gave it to other pupils, now, around 30 people have it from those 2. Villages around, especially where I stay, panic is a mild word. 

Unwarranted criticism... Vaccine registration, vaccine procurement, dependency on 1 Chinese vaccine, where the <deleted> are the vaccines from the company owned by he who must not be named? Unwarranted my <deleted>. <deleted> up and brewery springs to mind.

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