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Thai Cabinet approves Space Affairs Act, promoting “New Space Economy” and space exploration in Thailand


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This beautiful country is CLOSED DOWN, the economy is broken, the common Thai folks are suffering from being out of work, shops, business's are closed, gone.

2 or 5% of the population is vaccinated. Covid is raging/rising, as is the death toll, hospitals are over full. Phuket Sandbox is a massive CON JOB, = thousands of baht, NOT BILLIONS. Daily headlines are total BS, designed to distract everyone.


Here's the latest; Thai SPACE FORCE is invented! They couldn't organize a backyard launch of a fireworks rocket. 


Try focusing on getting the "promised" millions of vaccine doses into arms!!! And if you must delude yourselves about spaceships, go watch Star Wars video's, that you can afford!

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All of the obvious laughs aside, I think its also obvious that this is merely an attempt to portray Thailand as an up and coming "modern" country, there is certainly 0 likelihood of any money being committed to what is likely no more than a PR spin seeking fairy tale. 

Edited by Jonathan Swift
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I cringe when I see "Made in Thailand" on basic home appliances because in my experience they fail sooner rather than later. Seeing "Made in Thailand" on the side of a spaceship is not something that would fill me with confidence!

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17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

The Thai Cabinet Committee yesterday, July 13th, has approved the draft Space Affairs Act, granting Thailand the opportunity to enter a new future of space technology and exploration.

You are talking about the space behind the fridge surely??!!

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Perhaps the space drive will actually result in a ground up revamp of the education system here.

You need really smart people and due to the totally inadequate education system here nowhere near enough smart problem solving out of the box thinkers are being produced.

The biggest problem is not the kids but the teachers and administrators. Who teaches them so they can teach the future generations.?

The government can pass all the laws they like but if the population does not have the skills and education levels required nothing is going to happen.

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17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

the Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation Minister Anek Laothamatas told the Associated Press that the law would bring benefits to the country in a wide range both economically and socially

I guess it should have read:  that the law would bring benefits to the country selected few already unusually rich politicians.

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What I want to know is, when are they going to appoint a Ministry of Toilet Paper, charged with making something that actually does what its intended to do, and not just bloody well disintegrate   in your fingers..  yuk.   

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Just now, the green light said:

may be they think that they can setup a lucrative a small restaurant  business in space selling somtam, kom mon Khai, and noodle soup., making billion , billion, billion Baht from the Chinese space tourists .


55555 to the program.. I am for it. Let us not forget to add an ATM machine. or a food card


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3 hours ago, Gudge said:

Justin Trudeau and Prayut and some of the cabinet ministers must be related as we have the same thing in Canada. No drinkable tap water many places and sewage dumped into the St Lawrence river.

I don't know what you've been smoking dude but here in BC, Canada we do have drinkable tap water and, unlike in Thailand, most of us already got both vaccines.

Our leaders, thank God, have nothing in common with the morons running Thailand, and fortunately nothing in common with the dimwits in the conservative party.

  • Haha 1
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dont worry the general will become a hero in future years for trying to save his people, it so happens that already large cracks are starting to show in this rush for vaccines, I might be dumb but I have to say I told you so, they are now pushing to mix vaccines and dump the first ones because they say not good enough any more, and still no mention of what this is going to do to the future new born I hate to think what their life will be like the way things are going 

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I couldn't help but laugh at the comments and rightfully so. However I'll give them a benefit of a doubt. They know they will never make it to space........but they sure as hell can make some parts for others to make it there.


Cheap labor.......and plenty of it. 


At last they might have something other than rice to export. 

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Meeting Agenda 

1 Submarine purchase progress

2 New luxury toilets for our army airplanes. All done yet? Anymore need doing?

3 Purchase of new luxury planes to fly generals. Did we order enough?

4 Plan for our mission to fly to the sun. Please remember we must land  at night time otherwise it will be too hot. 
5 Plan for fixing the next election result.  
6 Dividend share out of Sinovac profits


There will not be any time available to discuss the vaccine programme. As this is not urgent we will discuss this at our December meeting. 

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Thai Cabinet approves Space Affairs Act, promoting “New Space Economy” and space exploration in Thailand. 

What in the name of Satan are they thinking. Get your sh!t together and Use the Precious money to Fight this Virus.

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