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100 years - any futurists out there?

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Many coups and wars in Africa between many countries.  Major cities in many countries will go bankrupt.  Homeless and squatters and illegal immigration will be impossible to control.  Movie scenes like the original movie Blade Runner showing streets and vendors speaking Spanglish and other mxied up  and combined languages will be common. 

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computer chips implanted w/infusions of feel good chemicals? better food? better entertainment? Or are we doomed and no way do we exist? 


yes computers will be better, but the only “advantage” we get from that is being able to watch more ads during browsing. Faster computer are just better advertising machines. 

Food will get worse. That’s obvious. Chemical engineering, more processed foods.


It’s actually much more likely we get worse in many areas. Look at covid as the perfect example, 

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9 hours ago, Nojohndoe said:

The capacity to produce food for the population well exceeds actual requirement.

It is the gross waste and distorted distribution in favour of wealthy countries that has long time created the myth of food shortages.

A disgusting percentage of food products extracted  from poor nations on the false basis of economic benefit to improve living standards is subject to obligatory regulations that deem and doom it to waste product on the basis of  food safety while the population that has produced it and surrended it  starves ! 

Several decades ago it was calculated that 20% of the world garnered 60% of the worlds  food supply and subsequently wasted 25% of it !

I doubt that such has improved .

Agree there's no shortage of food.

But farmers don't work for nothing, and most people without any money will be hungry.

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11 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

The quote was that the weapons that would be used in WW3 were unknown, but WW4 would be sticks and stones.  At the moment, computer viruses are looking as dangerous as nuclear weapons in terms of destroying our frangible society


Einstein said" i know not what weapons world war three will be faught ,but world war four will be faught with sticks and stones" i just changed it a little and didnt say Einstein quoted it . Sorry about that ????

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I for one will welcome our ant overlords.


It's only an opinion but the sooner we create an escape valve for the Earth/human species the better. 

It's obvious the major ideologies are never going to get along. We just can't seem to help ourselves

Unfortunately the level of space tech required is more than likely further than a century away. 

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13 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

What have you done about it?

I did the best thing anyone can do when faced with overpopulation- I had no children.

No "plan" to better humanity will succeed, IMO, when population increases so fast.


The planet can easily cope with many billions of people, but increasing over thousands of years, not as fast as it is happening.

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35 minutes ago, fondue zoo said:

I for one will welcome our ant overlords.


It's only an opinion but the sooner we create an escape valve for the Earth/human species the better. 

It's obvious the major ideologies are never going to get along. We just can't seem to help ourselves

Unfortunately the level of space tech required is more than likely further than a century away. 

I hope humans never develop the means to destroy galaxies with space travel.

Anyway, the galactic overlords will likely destroy us all if we even looked like being able to.

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4 hours ago, gk10012001 said:

Many coups and wars in Africa between many countries.  Major cities in many countries will go bankrupt.  Homeless and squatters and illegal immigration will be impossible to control.  Movie scenes like the original movie Blade Runner showing streets and vendors speaking Spanglish and other mxied up  and combined languages will be common. 

IMO the most likely scenarios for war will be over fresh water. Countries along the Nile are apparently already gearing up.

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Agree there's no shortage of food.

But farmers don't work for nothing, and most people without any money will be hungry.

I can see when farmers are unemployed and all agricultural land is owned by giant corporations that use robots to grow and harvest food. I don't see cattle and sheep as being kept around. It'll be synthetic meat ( already being developed ).

The poor can eat processed insects and seaweed.

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3 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

computer chips implanted w/infusions of feel good chemicals? better food? better entertainment? Or are we doomed and no way do we exist? 


yes computers will be better, but the only “advantage” we get from that is being able to watch more ads during browsing. Faster computer are just better advertising machines. 

Food will get worse. That’s obvious. Chemical engineering, more processed foods.


It’s actually much more likely we get worse in many areas. Look at covid as the perfect example, 

Think 1984 with implanted tracking chips and implanted audio feed to Big Brother which will be an AI machine.

Seems to me that half the population are already glued to that little screen they carry around in their hand- won't take much to have a media feed implanted directly into their brains once the technology is invented. IMO they will be clamouring for their brain implant.

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3 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

finiky1; yes, I predicted AI or WW3 will finish us within next 100 years......

the other massive negatives I stated will accelerate our doom....

humans simply too hostile, emotional and clever....something major will give.

IMO it'll be a combination of disease bred in toxic cities and pollution.

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yes tbl; considered Disease but ruled it out as an Extinction Level Event due to Medical Tech advancing so fast....not a fan of Zombie Apocalyse option... except as Entertainment !


However you have prompted me to add Ocean Plastic / Chemical Polution..

as an ELE Driver....if the oceans die....we die.....soylent green movie......

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The Android robots , rats and cockroaches will have taken over,

all because we were too greedy.......that's life. some may have 

moved to Mars,  so we can f#ck that up to.

regards Worgeordie

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Global cooling, go to the moon for the first time, money extinct, music that doesn't have any music, synthetic meat, breath through our bums so we don't get sick, the ones that can afford it can live to 200....

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I expect 100 years from now the world population will be back down to a few million, mostly living in Antarctica and declining in numbers. Technology will largely have been forgotten due to the lack of fuel sources (unless large deposits of coal are found in the newly ice-free continent).  The numbers may be even smaller than that if the wars for water between India, Pakistan, and China turn nuclear. The region between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn will be unhabitable do so severe weather events and killing heat.

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7 minutes ago, Acharn said:

I expect 100 years from now the world population will be back down to a few million, mostly living in Antarctica and declining in numbers. Technology will largely have been forgotten due to the lack of fuel sources (unless large deposits of coal are found in the newly ice-free continent).  The numbers may be even smaller than that if the wars for water between India, Pakistan, and China turn nuclear. The region between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn will be unhabitable do so severe weather events and killing heat.

It took millions of years to kill off the dinosaurs, and crocodiles survived.

The same will happen with us.  The few million that survive in Antarctica will be the ones with the biggest smiles, mostly vampires and car salesmen, if they could be differentiated.

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36 minutes ago, Acharn said:

I expect 100 years from now the world population will be back down to a few million, mostly living in Antarctica and declining in numbers. Technology will largely have been forgotten due to the lack of fuel sources (unless large deposits of coal are found in the newly ice-free continent).  The numbers may be even smaller than that if the wars for water between India, Pakistan, and China turn nuclear. The region between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn will be unhabitable do so severe weather events and killing heat.

Erm. To my knowledge there is no arable land in Antarctica as it is currently under rather a lot of ice. Even if all that ice disappeared in the next 100 years ( unlikely IMO ) there will be only rock and can't grow much on rock.

Perhaps you are going the seaweed and insects option.


There is heaps of coal still un mined in many countries eg NZ.


In the event of extreme catastrophe IMO people will live underground, like the opal miners of Australia.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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One has to be an optimist rather than a futurist to believe that mankind will still be populating earth in 100 years time!


My own belief is that "global warming" will be shown to be just another case of extreme FUD playing to specific agendas. That the climate is changing may not be in doubt, but this is a transient, natural event, which has been happening for millennia.  Look to the effects on other planets in our solar system which also heat up and cool down. Unless you believe they are filled with aliens, then the causes of such heating cannot be anthropomorphic! 


Expect Mars to be terraformed and colonised within the next 100 years (certainly if Musk has his way).


Technological development and innovation will support billions more on our planet should it become necessary. And look to more farming "in the sky", i.e. high-rise buildings and rooftops being used to plant specially adapted grains, etc.


Medical science will increase longevity (for those who can afford the exorbitant cost)!

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. Yes the human race will likely survive but in every crisis the lowest level of society suffers, and I am on the low rung of the social ladder.

Struggle on; we all grew up the hard way.  Things may have been better in the past but we can still rise now...



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13 minutes ago, allanos said:

One has to be an optimist rather than a futurist to believe that mankind will still be populating earth in 100 years time!


My own belief is that "global warming" will be shown to be just another case of extreme FUD playing to specific agendas. That the climate is changing may not be in doubt, but this is a transient, natural event, which has been happening for millennia.  Look to the effects on other planets in our solar system which also heat up and cool down. Unless you believe they are filled with aliens, then the causes of such heating cannot be anthropomorphic! 


Expect Mars to be terraformed and colonised within the next 100 years (certainly if Musk has his way).


Technological development and innovation will support billions more on our planet should it become necessary. And look to more farming "in the sky", i.e. high-rise buildings and rooftops being used to plant specially adapted grains, etc.


Medical science will increase longevity (for those who can afford the exorbitant cost)!

The way I see it:
Global warming might be a hoax and all of that staying at home and buying more fuel-efficient cars was just a waste of time.
Or maybe not, and it might kill us all.
when there is so many scientists signing with one voice, my mind turns to the "kill us all", and I don't really mind cycling to work.  I can do that to keep the scientists happy, and maybe it will make my retirement safer, and maybe it will benefit my children, and their children.  

If that is too much of a price for you to pay, then God Save You.
I doubt my grandchildren will.



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