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Who will never vaccinate except if forced to for visa reasons ? and do you think that they will force us ?

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17 hours ago, earthscar said:

At this point i don't think ppl have much empathy for the unvaccinated and the simple dark truth is its to some degree a self solving problem. Just looking at the numbers in the US the primary individual that is dieing to covid at this point is anti vaxxers..shockingly they are also more likely to be in red states and republicans. 

Do believe that being infected is a death sentence? I see no other reason for saying that.


Are you not aware that most will not die, and some may not have any symptoms? The only way they know they were infected was by having a test.

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11 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

One of the anti-vaxers here gets his information from Russia Today!  Figures...


Time for mandates.  Shouldn't be needed, but now seems so.

I saw your interaction with the other member and at the very least, you're being willfully misleading about it - and for what....a cheap "Like" ?


Honest question: do you treat posting on here as a competition where the most cumulative posts gives you bragging rights?

I ask this to you rather than some other frequent posters because the vast majority of your posts consist of (a couple lines of) very inane comments with very little useful content.

I guess I should reluctantly praise you for recently toning down on the "Jeez + stunning some people don't get this" comments that just clog up the entire thread. But even so, would you mind posting less (quantity) and more (quality), so that other members stand a chance of actually making it through a thread without seeing your short and content-less posts? - or an annoyed response from people you antagonize?

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5 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Many of my posts are backed up with links to credible sites to try and help others with information.  I could careless about "Likes".  Mean nothing to me.


I'm extremely against those who post fake or misleading information.  Like the guy who gets his info from RTNews.  It's a know fake news website.  So I call it out.  And luckily, links to it are not allowed here.  For good reasons.


I'm hard core against anti vaxxers and covid deniers.  They are the ones responsible for this spread of misinformation and are helping this pandemic to extend.  That's well documented.


I'll post less if others post less misinformation.  Fair?

he isn't wrong about RT news. RT news is a known government backed disinformation/propaganda company. It was banned in the UK and required to tag themselves as foreign supported agency in the usa. 


While the post in question isn't chalk full of info i wouldnt say its trollish and might instigate conversation such as RT's standing as a news source. 

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1 minute ago, abeeur said:

I'm extremely against those propaganda activists who keep posting what they have no idea about and do not understand.

if you think that you know more than us, show us your degree in medical field ?!


not bad hypocrisy from someone who just said they disagree with most medical experts. The propaganda is coming from the politically driven far right anti vax movement.

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Just now, placeholder said:

What we can do is show you the judgement of all major public health organizations that are staffed by epidemiologists and virologists. What we can do is the show the results of an overwhelming number of scientific studies. What we can do is show the data revealing that the unvaccinated are many times more likely to die from covid or become seriously ill than the vaccinated.

What do you got apart from name calling?

we've done that many times. Look at his post count. This is likely a banned BM come back in to say what he really thinks.

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4 minutes ago, earthscar said:

he isn't wrong about RT news. RT news is a known government backed disinformation/propaganda company. It was banned in the UK and required to tag themselves as foreign supported agency in the usa. 


While the post in question isn't chalk full of info i wouldnt say its trollish and might instigate conversation such as RT's standing as a news source. 

Yes, I'm very aware of RT News / Russia Today. "It's a known fake news site" is a misleading exaggeration. In terms of both intentional disinformation and misinformation, they are a lighter version of Chinese state-backed media such as CGTN, which the news team and ASEANNOW has sourced from in the last couple of month btw.

My issue isn't with that one post on this one thread. I read a lot more than I post and I'm referring to what I see in totality across the forum. He's referring to an exchange elsewhere where the link provided by RT News itself was factual, but the analysis of the data was incomplete / misleading.


One problem with dramatically labeling it as a "known fake news site" is that a lot of the information on there is factual and moderate in tone. For the unsuspecting reader, it's easier to sneak in editorial bias and misinformation in some (not all) news articles. Especially when they're going after being told its a "fake news website"


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5 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

we've done that many times. Look at his post count. This is likely a banned BM come back in to say what he really thinks.

Well, whatever his antecedents may be, in this life his avatar looks to be decidedly suicidal.

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14 minutes ago, Atlantis said:

Yes, I'm very aware of RT News / Russia Today. "It's a known fake news site" is a misleading exaggeration. In terms of both intentional disinformation and misinformation, they are a lighter version of Chinese state-backed media such as CGTN, which the news team and ASEANNOW has sourced from in the last couple of month btw.

My issue isn't with that one post on this one thread. I read a lot more than I post and I'm referring to what I see in totality across the forum. He's referring to an exchange elsewhere where the link provided by RT News itself was factual, but the analysis of the data was incomplete / misleading.


One problem with dramatically labeling it as a "known fake news site" is that a lot of the information on there is factual and moderate in tone. For the unsuspecting reader, it's easier to sneak in editorial bias and misinformation in some (not all) news articles. Especially when they're going after being told its a "fake news website"


RT is hard core fake news.  Impossible to deny that. And extremely biased against the West.  Even Russians don't believe what they say! LOL

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6 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Many of my posts are backed up with links to credible sites to try and help others with information.  I could careless about "Likes".  Mean nothing to me.


I'm extremely against those who post fake or misleading information.  Like the guy who gets his info from RTNews.  It's a know fake news website.  So I call it out.  And luckily, links to it are not allowed here.  For good reasons.


I'm hard core against anti vaxxers and covid deniers.  They are the ones responsible for this spread of misinformation and are helping this pandemic to extend.  That's well documented.


I'll post less if others post less misinformation.  Fair?

"I'll post less if others post less misinformation."
It was not a comment purely on frequency; it was about the proportion of longer, content-rich posts. I note that I thanked you for your recent post on the Omicron numbers.

"Like the guy who gets his info from RTNews"
He explained to you in his exchange with regards to RT. If I associated every single unhinged NYT op-ed and the worst excesses of CNN commentary with your total persona, you wouldn't look too flattering either, and these two enjoy much more credibility than RT.

"I'm hard core against anti vaxxers and covid deniers."
You can be hardcore against and still perhaps collect your one-line put downs together into less posts including those "haha another idiot's dead" type posts.
You can be hardcore against and still understand the not-so-subtle difference between 'people who disagree with me' and 'anti-vaxxers'.
You can be hardcore against and take a bit more time reading those horrible people's posts
You can be hardcore against and take the time to reply to the specific content of the posts vs. what you think they are saying

"They are the ones responsible for this spread of misinformation"
It has been pointed out to you that through injudicious reasoning, you have also been responsible for misinformation and making misleading statements.

Edited by Atlantis
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29 minutes ago, abeeur said:

yes they agree with themselves, not possible, but until I agree with them I will not vaccinate, nobody ever told me what I must do in my life, not even my parents when I was a kid, so anybody can dream that i will vaccinate for reasons that THEY have chosen...



Ask your parents how many vaccinations you received as a child.

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