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Who will never vaccinate except if forced to for visa reasons ? and do you think that they will force us ?

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1 hour ago, VinnieK said:

I will never take the MRNA 'v'

btw...I had Covid already...no big deal.

If they 'force' us one way or another I might consider Sinopharm (non-MRNA)

..but most probably I will go and live in a free-er country.


If you've had Covid, a vaccine will enhance that.  Sinopharm is probably not the best choice but most likely more than adequate for someone who has already had Covid.  

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12 hours ago, blackprince said:

1. The overloading of national health services with covid cases that are not fatal. Over the last year we have already seen the largest national health service in the world - the UK's NHS - on the verge of overload 2 times and a 3rd is imminent.  In the last 2 months alone "UK hospitals have cancelled at least 13,000 operations over the last two months as they struggle to cope with record demand for NHS care and people sick with Covid-19."

Having worked in the NHS for many years and experienced the waste and managerial incompetence first hand, that does not surprise me in the least.

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Oh, the old underfunded NHS because of the nasty government argument, which incidentally has nothing to do with the original post.

Anyway, here goes:


During the period of austerity that followed the 2008 economic crash, the Department of Health and Social Care budget continued to grow but at a slower pace than in previous years. Budgets rose by 1.4 per cent each year on average (adjusting for inflation) in the 10 years between 2009/10 to 2018/19, compared to the 3.7 per cent average rises since the NHS was established.’


Ref. https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/projects/nhs-in-a-nutshell/nhs-budget

Then if you wish you can also read from the same source the amount of extra funding that has been added due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


Of course lets not ignore this either:


In 2016–2017, the budget was £122.5 billion. In 1955/56 health spending was 11.2% of the public services budget. In 2015/16 it was 29.7%. This equates to an average rise in spending over the full 60-year period of about 4% a year once inflation has been taken into account.

So, how much is enough, because all I ever here is, ‘not enough’, ‘cuts’, and ‘valuable services’ the latter of which is totally incorrect because of the UK NHS being a free at point of service it has little value to a lot of people.


I could explain more having married into a family of Doctors and Health service providers as well as working amongst Social Service providers myself for a number of years.

But political views are not what this op is about.

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15 hours ago, placeholder said:

Actually 5.1 million dead is only the official count. Epidemiologist have been keeping track of excess mortality and their calculations show that the real death toll more than twice as high.



If you follow the link and plug Thailand into their calculator their calculations come up with the actual death toll being about 59,000 vs. the roughly 21,000 that Thailand claims to be the case.


Worldwide the situation is worse than Thailand, and estimates are 3 times or more.

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19 hours ago, earthscar said:

for the USA its almost entirely a political thing. Is it the same in the UK? i haven't paid much attention to the reasoning/politics out of the EU recently or UK


Of Americans surveyed from Sept. 13-22, 72% of adults 18 and older had been vaccinated, including 71% of white Americans, 70% of Black Americans, and 73% of Hispanics. Contrast these converging figures with disparities based on politics: 90% of Democrats had been vaccinated, compared with 68% of Independents and just 58% of Republicans.


A Gallup survey released on Sept. 29 confirmed the KFF findings. As of mid-September, 75% of adult Americans have been vaccinated, including 73% of non-Hispanic white adults and 78% of non-whites. Along party lines, however, the breakdown was 92% of Democrats, 68% of Independents, and 56% of Republicans.


There is no reason to believe that these gaps in vaccination rates will disappear anytime soon. According to Gallup, 40% of Republicans “don’t plan” to get vaccinated, versus 26% of Independents and just 3% of Democrats. In response to a more sharply worded KFF question, 23% of Republicans report that they will “definitely not” get vaccinated, compared to 11% of Independents and just 4% of Democrats


Thanks to Trump and him making it define where you stood on politics the numbers coming out of the US show republicans looking to lose upcoming key elections.Enough of the constituents are dieing to sway ballot counts. republicans getting ready to post on /lepordsatemyface ?

Still beating the old Trump bad, Trump bad, Trump bad drum I see.


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5 minutes ago, earthscar said:

Your only not aware of it if you don't look at his tweets, even if you wanted to claim that mass media is biased against him he is at least honest enough to put his crimes in bold tweets. Read up on what he did w/ the 3 casinos he ran into the ground, the University he created that fleeced ppl, the recent revelations that during that first debate w/ Biden he not only had covid but new it and then made fun of biden for putting up a plastic barrier. the list goes on and on. all public info you can verifiy.


That he new before january that covid was a major problem(he is on tape) and then going right out and telling the general public it was less concerening then a common cold. 


I mean i get how you can twist vaccine benefits, its non scientific and req you to not trust a expert or understand the science of it..but to claim that there is nothing pointing to trump being a total garbage person.. that's beyond willful ignorance. You can't even claim its because you don't live in the USA, Trumps actions have ramifications that effect even your life out here in Thailand. USAs trade wars directly effect your day to day life. That's like claiming what happens in China isn't important to you. 


a majority of the military brace has come out against trump, we had one of our top generals go behind his back to make sure that countries didn't think we where starting a war w/ them...


i mean..holy..s dude..

Dude is so outdated, can't take you seriously.

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Misleading also bickering posts about the US and Trump and Biden and other assorted off topic have been removed, topic is about Thailand, the title of the topic is:


Who will never vaccinate except if forced to for visa reasons ? and do you think that they will force us ?



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1 minute ago, Rimmer said:

Misleading also bickering posts about Trump and Biden and other assorted off topic have been removed, topic is about Thailand, the title of the topic is:


Who will never vaccinate except if forced to for visa reasons ? and do you think that they will force us ?



? this whole thread is bickering depending on how you look at it, the discussion has gone across the whole breath of what covid means to thailand. From forcing vaccinations(the posts just deleteded directly discussed if the mandates where in place in the us and the likelyhood they would stay in place) to what that might mean in the larger scope.


The actions taken by the bigger players will most likely effect what Thailand consider as options. 


While I'm not against locking the thread as at this point i think most areas of discussion that are only about thailand have been discussed and reiterated many times its a shame to lose tributary discussion that is tangentially connected to what will possibly happen in thailand. 


Just tossing that out there incase the thread is not locked and continues to offer lively debate about covid19, thailand and possible outcomes. I think a lot of information most of us didn't know has come to light via these spirited debates.

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There are many covid topic where these matters can be discussed at length, as  this one has gone so far away from the original important question on a lot of ex pat minds in Thailand the topic can now be:


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