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Who will never vaccinate except if forced to for visa reasons ? and do you think that they will force us ?

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2 hours ago, placeholder said:

Nowhere in the constitution does it say that the federal government can regulate automobile safety. In fact automobiles aren't even mentioned in the Constitution. Nor for that matter are vaccines. But we do know that George Washington mandated vaccinations for his soldiers, and, in so doing, grievously violated those soldiers' human rights.

The Constitution was not promulgated until well after the Revolutionary War. The Constitution defines general powers. It is not like certain other constitutions with 300 articles. The commerce clause in particular gives the Federal government power to override state law in regulating business, whether auto safety or whatever. Nonetheless, in most instances Congress has to make laws to allow the Executive branch to make the rules and modify them from time to time. There are such laws in place for public health, not to mention Supreme Court decisions as mentioned in previous posts.

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2 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

I'd hazard a guess if brought up in criminal court, someone who knew they were infected, didn't take precautions and infected others, could be charged.  That's what's happening with HIV patients. 

The problem would be that it would be difficult to prove with infections that show no symptoms. Who done it? European countries are doing the next best thing: fining people who don't wear masks and requiring vaccine passports to enter cafes.

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11 hours ago, placnx said:

The Constitution was not promulgated until well after the Revolutionary War. The Constitution defines general powers. It is not like certain other constitutions with 300 articles. The commerce clause in particular gives the Federal government power to override state law in regulating business, whether auto safety or whatever. Nonetheless, in most instances Congress has to make laws to allow the Executive branch to make the rules and modify them from time to time. There are such laws in place for public health, not to mention Supreme Court decisions as mentioned in previous posts.

I thought it was pretty clear that I was throwing back at that person how nonsensical his post was. And I included Washington to show the mindset of one of the the founders of the Republic in regards to vaccination.

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18 hours ago, earthscar said:

just so you have some context for your ignorance.


In 1912, measles became a nationally notifiable disease in the United States, requiring U.S. healthcare providers and laboratories to report all diagnosed cases. In the first decade of reporting, an average of 6,000 measles-related deaths were reported each year.

In the decade before 1963 when a vaccine became available, nearly all children got measles by the time they were 15 years of age. It is estimated 3 to 4 million people in the United States were infected each year. Also each year, among reported cases, an estimated 400 to 500 people died, 48,000 were hospitalized, and 1,000 suffered encephalitis (swelling of the brain) from measles.

This isn't a US forum and I don't live in the US.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

This isn't a US forum and I don't live in the US.

okay even though as in as a previous poster pointed out its still relevant, lets both educate ourselves a bit.


Looking at UK they lost 500 to 1k ppl a year to measles a year till around the time the vaccine came out and then you see it start falling off till today when the death count is single digits. considering the population difference that 500 to 1k is as bad if not worse then the US at the same time. Looks like they do not make vaccines mandatory and where still losing double digits into the late 80s. They are still losing people to it and they actually list the cause and unvaccinated is tagged on almost every one of them.


I checked w/ Germany out of curiosity and it looks like they, as of 2019, made measles vaccine mandatory. They have seen surges of measles in European countries in the last decade.


Found a nice website that shows a map of places that mandate/school mandate/ no mandate



What country where you from? sounds like you might have been in a location that had a natural immunity from measles. Maybe in a village far up in the mountains where you didn't see your fellow man for years at a time? I read a article once about a tribe of humans that hadn't interacted w/ modern society in any meaningful way to date.

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3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

100 years ago the world was starving, water wasn't clean.

A healthy, well fed, population with a sanitary water supply are resistant to most diseases (vaccinated or not).

Anti vaxxers were kicking strong back then.  Had nothing to do with clean water or hunger.  Nothing.  It was misinformation.

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14 hours ago, earthscar said:

What country where you from? sounds like you might have been in a location that had a natural immunity from measles. Maybe in a village far up in the mountains where you didn't see your fellow man for years at a time? I read a article once about a tribe of humans that hadn't interacted w/ modern society in any meaningful way to date.

What are you wittering about?

I already said I had measles, which I got by being put with a friend that had it.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

What are you wittering about?

I already said I had measles, which I got by being put with a friend that had it.

Ah that selected quote, assuming you actually read and understood the post it actually told you what i was "wittering" on about. I dub you sir troll. That's actually giving you some credit because the flipside is if your not trolling then your...


either way your stance was easily panned by the responses to your post. I mean you can keep posting if your feel like it but your not speaking to a audicance that gives any real crediance. Its clear your either a troll or willfully ignorant.


now if you want to actually respond w/ something beyond basic jabs feel free to, maybe some numbers or links to some facebook posts that support your well thought deep takes.

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On 7/27/2021 at 1:21 AM, thailanddogerator said:

it would be sad to inject what I do not need because I have no social life with anyone and anyway plan to wear a mask forever.

no cleaners, sales assitants, doctors or any othe human interaction, bars, restaurants?


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6 hours ago, earthscar said:

Its worth noting as a aside, Covid ripped into healthy fit ppl in the US. Omicron looks to be even more effective at getting them sick. Not everyone can be Joe Rogen and toss a insane amount of money and doctors at it. 

I thought it was killing the obese and those already near death.

Generally the fit and healthy don't die easily from disease (excepting a few outliers).

Edited by BritManToo
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4 minutes ago, earthscar said:

You do know there is a flue vaccine every year right..

Never had one, only had flu a couple of times in my life.

(Although I was never tested for flu, so I might be mistaken and never had it at all)

A bit sweaty for a few days then gone.

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1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

Never had one, only had flu a couple of times in my life.

A bit sweaty for a few days then gone.

That is not how policy changes are done. they base them off numbers, saying I never had one and only got sick a few times in your life is antadotal. With studies and research they have shown that the benefits of vaccines out weight the negatives. Even if you don't engage w/ a system doesn't mean the system isn't there to solve a problem. Sadly its also true that even if you don't understand a system that doesn't mean it isn't' working.


As previously stated its clear at this point your willfully ignorant and unwilling and unable to see out side of your little box. Grab a drink at the newly opened bar and you can grumble into it while the world is run by more capable ppl.


** i say this coming from the usa w/ a horridly expensive health system where you can go from being rich to poor in one medical visit..woot capitalisms..but that's a different topic

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5 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

What I think is up to me, right or wrong.

And what I put in my body is also up to me.

My body, my choice.

actually that's not true. While I don't know where your located that's becoming a less true statement every year.


Vaccine mandates are already in place in the usa for illnesses other then covid and now that covid is so prevalent we seeing those being mandated aswell.


There are plenty of cases where the government has mandated things about your body. You can't take drugs, you can't commit suicide, you can use this chemical but not that one. If you where willing to state your country it would be interesting to see what ways they restrict your personal liberty because i promise you they do in some format.

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5 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

There's a huge difference between the Government stopping people from putting harmful drugs into their bodies and the Government forcing people to put drugs into their bodies 

This post string has a insane amount of posts so I wont say that's been answered,it has, but just to reiterate. Vaccine mandate are already a thing. Now your location may not currently have them but this isn't new.


the USA has mandated vaccines and so do other countries. It might be worth looking to see if yours does as well. depending on your age and location it may mean that when you where young they where not in place but they very well be by now. US has had them mandated for almost 60plus years now.

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3 minutes ago, BE88 said:

After 75 pages of comments where most insult the other party out of ignorance, I think reality must be looked at, I have come to the conclusion that we are all victims of manipulation, both on one side and on the other.


So let's get back to our inner tranquility and watch this collective madness pass by hoping to see the end soon.

Thanks for the empty generalization and the falsehood that "most insult the other party out of ignorance". Of course, you have access to some special knowledge that could set most of us straight. Care to share that with us?


Edited by placeholder
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