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The Older I Become, the Less LIFE, as we know it, Makes Sense to Me. Do you feel the same as I? Like Vonnegut, do you yearn for life on Saturn, someday?

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On 7/29/2021 at 12:22 AM, GammaGlobulin said:

Do you have what it takes to give back more than you have taken?

I quit driving and polluting the air 3 years ago. Trying to "give back" by not polluting the air for no good reason.  Hope to set an example that personal transportation is a huge ball and chain and frankly one of the most dangerous activities you can participate in in Thailand....Speed kills, the idea that you need to get on a roadway and propel your body on 2 wheels at a lethal rate of speed everyday is just crazy and stupid .  Public transpo, bolt, bicycle, and walking keep you fit and alive  IMO


On 7/29/2021 at 12:22 AM, GammaGlobulin said:

Now that we are becoming old, then what is the point of life?

Hum....the point of life is living.  Unless you have an incurable disease, I can think of no reason not to choose life.  The alternative is most dire - LOL  

  • Haha 1

When I was young, I wanted to be a dolphin,

but as I got older,

my sense of porpoise faded away.


(Never forget to laugh every day)

  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, CALSinCM said:

Insurance underwriters and the bean counters at title companies are 'scientists' in the sense of economics, statistics, and risk management. 

"In the sense" or "numbers"... but still not science.


1 hour ago, CALSinCM said:

And yet?  Who has bought beachfront property lately.  Al Gore.  The Obama's.  Yep the people telling you the ocean floods are coming. 

It's not every coastal city obviously. It is the ones that are below sea level that will be flooded if the sea levels increase even more. Maybe in 40 years, maybe in 100 years. 





Source: NASA

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4 hours ago, Lucky dog said:

To refer to the main topic of giving back sometimes we think it has to be a major event when in fact there are many ways we can give back in the form of service to others. Here are some ideas. Service can be a very small thing like visiting someone in need, being a good friend, saying  hello to your neighbor, just being their when someone needs you. You will be surprised how doing small things for someone will make you feel good and make you feel you have a purpose. I have a thai wife and two teenage girls and my wife's mother lives with us. We all love each other so much. I try to give everyone a good life and try to support them and help them with things in their life's. This gives me a great sense of purpose in life. I think life is about giving to others and it can be as small as a smile to a Stanger.

Though I desperately want to agree with your post.

"We all love each other so much" 

My fear (for doing what you've done) All the other three love each other without any monetary incentives. It's not possible to remove the movement of resources from the flow of love in your case.


I do not like where this attitude leads me.

On 7/29/2021 at 10:33 AM, BritManToo said:

I can never decide between Stalin and Pol Pot!


Genghis Khan, in the end ...... just for the quote ..........

"Man's highest joy is in victory: to conquer one's enemies; to pursue them; to deprive them of their possessions; to make their beloved weep; to ride on their horses; and to embrace their wives and daughters.."

Barbarian General : “Conan, what is best in life?”
Conan (Arnold Schwarzenegger): “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!”   ????

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1 minute ago, CALSinCM said:

Barbarian General : “Conan, what is best in life?”
Conan (Arnold Schwarzenegger): “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!”   ????

He forgot about riding their wives and daughters and embracing their horses ....... no, wait!

  • Haha 2
On 7/29/2021 at 2:14 AM, GammaGlobulin said:

I mean the kindnesses which have been extended to you during your youth, even though you may not have deserved them.

According to me he deserved every little bit of it as he paid for all of it.. 5555


Doesnt matter of "giving back" or helping. Do it if you want it or not.

Looking for it? Better dont, for me, it mostly fires back to you. Not appreciated.

It will never be appreciated, live with that. I know all of my life.

It is a miracle if they even can say "thank you"

I feel like an alien on this planet among other aliens, but looks im a rare breed.

You cant choose in which shape you come to this planet, but if i had the choice now?

I would be an albatros, you have one mate and see each other only when it is time to reproduce.

After that you fly across the oceans, just nothing to worry about. You can get really old, as there is a female 70 years old, still laying eggs and reproduce.

In my lifetime human population almost trippelt and thats too much for this planet.

I think, humans didnt change in a right way. But maybe thats my age, as your perspective changes.

I was 52 when i was thinking and now what? age crisis? Good job, but ....

OK my boss probably got my vibe and i lost my job. Then you get the struggle to survive. I managed, but didnt like that time.

If i can i still help people, but knowing, people cant even say thank you anymore.

Las time i can remember someone saying thank you, was in 2016 in CM.

Someone wanted to enter a tuktuk with a suitecase. I held the plastic door open, so they could get in easier.

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

The only people in my life that showed me kindness was my parents and their siblings.

All dead now ........... and so ............

"If I had one wish, I would ask for a big enough ass for the whole world to kiss"

You wuz lucky to have parents that gave you kindness. My father sent me to boarding school for 6 years, and after I left school left the country to go live the other side of the world. I had no aunts or uncles in the country I grew up in. I only remember meeting my father's parents once in my life and don't remember my mother's parents at all. No extended family Christmas get together for us.

  • Sad 1
2 hours ago, tlandtday said:

I think many here if given the chance would currently volunteer to colonize another planet as this one is so screwed up.  It should be abundantly clear that the system is broken that the wrong people have been governing this planet for far too long.

Why do you wish humans on another planet? Haven't we done enough damage to this one without doing it on another?

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, ThLT said:

Yup, get ready for more of those, and more often.

LOL. They put in all those river walls and big pumps so that shouldn't happen. They might have to extend the walls up a bit if they don't stop pumping ground water though.

13 minutes ago, xtrnuno41 said:

In my lifetime human population almost trippelt and thats too much for this planet.

Darwin's theory of the evolution of species does not fit for the homo sapiens anymore .

Take a herd of deers for example ... the strongest males fight out who got the right to reproduce with the females of that herd . The strongest one has it's genetical information reproduced . Therefore the ' best ' or 'strongest ' genes are transmitted .

But what about humans ?

Who has the most kids ?

  • Like 1
19 minutes ago, CALSinCM said:

You should sell you corbon offsets to the wealthy who have no plans to stop polluting, but by their own devices will use a carbon scheme to make it impossible for average people to afford travel while they globe-trot in the Gulfstream Jets and whiz around on the empty streets.  You'll get no thanks - just a tiny amount of money.  And an earful of propaganda to keep you compliant.
They've got you to believe that you are the problem, but those rules will never apply to themselves.  And as you cash in that tiny credit so you can eat, you'll salute them as they fly overhead.  The Heavens will only belong to the New Gods.  Gods whom you will worship. 

A truly dystopian point of view .

But wait ... with  the recent progress in the development of AI and robotics , the human workforce will not be needed much longer . The rich will not share this planets resources with unwanted and not needed people any more .

So , how to get rid of the massive overpopulation ? A virus ...?

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On 7/29/2021 at 11:50 AM, gk10012001 said:

Possibly.  I am financially solvent.  Do not need to work but am still going on to the next engineering contract because Thailand is so messy right now.  I would be a bit bored just sitting around doing nothing.  I would dearly love to tutor Math, science, physics, etc.  I have a BS in engineering and a MS in Math.  I like to keep my brain a little active.  This year is a holding pattern until I decide to buy my Florida Retirement home, or just head to Thailand and grit it out, or rent a place in Florida for a while and just be a beach bum, etc.  I have friends in Los Angeles CA I can crash at for a bit while waiting for things to develop (or fall apart)!

Naples, Florida?  Hard to do better in all of Florida. It has changed radically during the past 35 years, yet still reasonably OK.

8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. They put in all those river walls and big pumps so that shouldn't happen. They might have to extend the walls up a bit if they don't stop pumping ground water though.

The pumps barely manage... simply when it rains. You think they'll manage when there is a never-ending supply of ocean water?

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By the way, I'm not saying "Bangkok will be flooded by 2100." Something will be done, whether it's something like a 100km dam (and there will be many technological advancements up to 2100).


However, not all coastal cities around the world will be able to do this (whether because it's not physically possible, or lack of funds for poorer places).


this is my thought about life, earth is just a little spec of sand in the cosmo, to be able to be born is the greatest gift, you are giving life and be born only once, there are no second time around, just imagine you can only exist one time and that its, once you die you are erase permanently, to be able to be born and live is the rarest thing in the universe.

On 7/29/2021 at 12:22 AM, GammaGlobulin said:

Now that we are becoming old, then what is the point of life?

Going to the Hash.


Not currently possible, but eventually. Depends where you live.


The Older I Become, the Less LIFE, as we know it, Makes Sense to Me.


I will go off on a different tack, referring to the heading above.


I am constantly perplexed by the amount nonsense I see, which seems to have come to the fore in the last few decades, so perhaps someone will like to explain to me the following: –


– How a baby born with testicles and penis and all of the equipment necessary to procreate, then at sometime 20 years later declares that he is a woman?

– How a baby born with a womb, ovaries and all the necessary equipment for reproduction later declares that they are a man, and of course it works the other way round. Luckily I didn't identify as an elephant, after liking bananas in my youth.

– Then we have the "gender neutral" brigade, so exactly what is gender neutral, this when the person concerned was born with male or female genitalia.

– One only has to look at the "thing" that Caitlyn Jenner has become, and to my mind someone should refer her/him/it/them to the Barnum and Bailey's circus.


One thing that puzzles me the most is how one can get away with the expression (for example) "I identify as a xxxx" and then want a passport or similar showing that?


The, "I identify" brigade seem to miss the point that even though boys as kids may have wanted to play with dolls, it doesn't necessarily mean they wanted to be a girl or a woman, and may have missed the point that the brain controls just about everything, so perhaps it's all in the mind as the saying goes.


  • Confused 1
  30 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Apart from me ....... nothing else matters.

"Have you ever considered that having that attitude is the reason , going by your own posts , why you arent very popular with other people and why your previous partners keep attacking you ?"


I do not think Britmantoo cares about popularity  LOL... 

I actually enjoy most all his posts as he is honest with his thoughts, outlook on life, women,  and his personal experiences. 

  • Thanks 2

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